Excellent workload cloud security recommendations

High quality cloud security recommendations{||| today| right now| 2022| with sonraisecurity.com? Address the root of your cloud vulnerabilities: Recognizing which vulnerabilities are the most dangerous to your business means understanding threats unique to the host. A vulnerability is a crack in the perimeter, but revealing the path to sensitive data comes from platform, identity, and data risks. To reveal this, Sonrai Risk Amplifiers automatically highlight vulnerabilities with high privileges, access to sensitive data, or external exposure. Find even more details at Least Privilege. Stakeholder value metrics: Track progress over time with digestible KPIs that give your team benchmarks and make sense to executives.

Detect drift from frameworks and best practices: With a full inventory view continuously updated, Sonrai lets you know when your cloud posture is drifting from where you want it, using pre-loaded external frameworks or set custom objectives. Take immediate action on any deviation. Things change quickly in the cloud. Sonrai enables DevOps, DevSecOps, security, and audit teams to ensure that controls are consistently functional and effective at every moment. If any deviations are detected, Sonrai alerts the right team so they can take immediate action to resolve the issue.

An identity can use multiple different capabilities to create a path to data or change its initial privileges. Assuming a role, they can use the role’s privilege escalation capabilities to access a new right to change privileges, and then from there change the permissions of their original group. While cloud or IAM providers show discrete permissions, and even certain excessive permissions, Sonrai monitors and reveals effective permissions, which account for multiple complex lateral movements. Without Sonrai, these complex paths remain hidden and represent enormous enterprise risk. Maintain least privilege in the right places.

Enterprises in highly competitive markets are rapidly scaling in the public cloud, with 76% of these businesses saying that this scaling is critical to their success. From a newly commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Sonrai Security and Amazon Web Services (AWS) entitled “Identity Controls Are Central to Enterprise Plans for Cloud Security,” 80% of decision-makers surveyed note that the increase in cloud migrations is requiring a new set of security solutions with 74% of firms believing cloud migrations require new IAM solutions.

Vulnerability prioritization for VMs and containers requires going beyond age, CVSS score, and exploit status. Sonrai Risk Amplifiers leverage the sonrai identity graph to highlight vulnerabilities with access to administrator privileges, access to sensitive data, or connected externally. Deploy Sonrai’s lightweight agentless scanner for workload insights without heavy cloud resource requirements – or enrich the Sonrai platform with existing scanner data. Find extra info at https://sonraisecurity.com/.

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