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The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference

The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success.

On April 9, 2019, the “Hong Kong Medical Public Chain (MCHK) Global Conference” hosted by Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group was successfully held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Hong Kong. The conference invited government officials, international capital representatives, media representatives, representatives of private entrepreneurs, representatives of cooperative enterprises and other important guests to attend, as well as more than 5,000 people from all over the world who have witnessed the medical chain audio-visual feast of the conference.


The theme of the conference is “MCHK uses blockchain technology to subvert the medical system”, which means that Hong Kong Medicare Medical Group will create a new era of medical and blockchain integration after achieving traditional medical achievements! Realize the maximum convenience and value of medical technology and artificial intelligence!


At the conference, Mr. Danny Wong, Executive Chairman of Medisun Medical Group, gave a welcome speech and talked about the origin, value and significance of the Hong Kong medical public chain.


Ms. Sun Yaqi, Executive Vice President of Medisun Medical Group, then introduced the background of the group, technology research and development, expert team, and key regenerative Medisun products (vaccine, stem cell treatment, immune cell treatment).


Mr.Tan Genlai,technical director of blockchain and EOS core technology developer,explained MCHK medical public chain from national policy,group mission,industry enthusiasm,strategic layout and business modelto interpret.And also combined with group strength strategic deployment and the special services and products to show the software and hardware advantages of the Medisun Group,and expressed the great goals and the expectation of a bright future. P4090136

Medical expert Dr Albert shows that Medisun Medical Group develops stem cell regenerative technologies and products worldwide,focusing on heart disease and other diseases such as cancer,liver disease,lung disease,kidney disease,diabetes, autoimmune diseases,and nerves.Systemic diseases,strokes,and spinal injuries.He also said that the Group will vigorously explore the potential of regenerative technology for the treatment of human diseases and strive to promote it as the leader of future Medisun. P4090157

At the conference, the MCHK launching ceremony and the international capital signing ceremony were held. The world’s four famous capitals ( Lutpuce Capital, Cisco Capital, Beth Capital, and Yunhai International Capital) signed an on-site contract with MCHK.



After the signing ceremony of the international capital, Ms. Zhang Ke, a well-known blockchain expert, gave a detailed description of the MCHK node plan. The participants were enthusiastic and participated in the node plan.



The global launch of the Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) will be successfully completed. Based on the collection of 500 advanced medical institutions in Hong Kong, 5,000 medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area will be integrated within three years. The framework of blockchain technology will be used as a framework to unite with Medisun Medical Group’s rich clinical research and development technology and experience of regenerative technology, enhance the trust and consensus of children’s vaccine and cancer vaccine industry, promote the integration and upgrading of medical industry in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and realize the first 9+2 city medical service system in Dawan District to reach the international standard level.

Introduction to Medisun Medical Group

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Medisun Medical Group is a professional medical investment group dedicated to the research and development and commercialization of global regenerative Medisun product technology, as well as quality hospitals and treatment centers. The Medisun Regenerative Centre is located in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. It has an international GMP standard medical laboratory, cancer treatment center and anti-aging center. It provides immune cell therapy, a variety of stem cell health treatments, a number of child and adult vaccinations and a full range of biomedical products. Testing to provide customers with the most predictable health protection.

Medisun has long-term cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Life Science Center and the Harvard University Stem Cell Institute, working on the investment and research and development of new technologies in the field of regenerative worldwide, and conducting clinical trials in many well-known hospitals in mainland China and Hong Kong; In cooperation with Tsinghua University, Medisun established the “Medical Institute of Cell Technology of Tsinghua University” and “Medical University Tsinghua University Regenerative Medisun Industry Fund”.

Source: http://www.medisun.hk/

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Innovation in Low Temperature Geothermal Power

The post-Fukushima shutdown of Japan’s nuclear reactors and subsequent demand for energy self-sufficiency due to costly fuel imports, coupled with the Japanese government’s ambitious emissions reduction targets for 2020, have stimulated growth in new renewable energy sources in the country.

Currently, renewable power accounts for approximately 15% of total electricity generation in Japan, while hydro and solar power occupy a combined 12% share, aided by attractive government subsidies for these technologies.

Although the government has been proactive in recent initiatives to identify and promote potential areas for exploration and development of geothermal power, there has not been any significant development of the technology in the country in the last decade.

In fact, a new whitepaper by Frost & Sullivan underlines that geothermal power contributes a meagre 0.3% to total electricity generation, despite the country possessing the third largest geothermal resource in the world, representing a power generation potential of 23 GW.

While development of the technology at medium and high temperatures is characterised by stagnation, increased investment and technological innovation targeting low-temperature geothermal power (<120?C), historically used primarily for heating purposes, are expected to significantly increase the addressable market potential for geothermal power.

Commenting on this new growth market, Ross Bruton, Programme Manager & Principal for Smart Energy Systems at Frost & Sullivan, emphasised that harnessing the potential offered by low-temperature geothermal power will help achieve Japan's power security and emission reduction goals.

The advent of technological innovations is significantly increasing system performance and cost efficiencies at low temperatures, set to boost uptake levels. Mr Bruton commented: "Additional drivers include multi-application benefits for hot spring (onsen) owners, attractive feed-in-tariffs and grant financing offered by government, relaxation of development restrictions in national parks, and a lack of environmental assessment requirements for small scale geothermal power."

"These drivers, combined with improved cooperation at the community level, is expected to set up low-temperature geothermal power as a potential game-changer in the exploitation of the country's geothermal potential, and marks a contributory step towards the establishment of a stable, low-emission power industry in Japan," he added.

Japan's domestic energy crisis is opening up interesting opportunities for foreign companies to contribute to the national geothermal portfolio. However, companies will need to compete against well-established alternative technologies, such as solar photovoltaic, to gain a foothold in the market.

Utham Ganesh, Research Analyst at Frost & Sullivan, points out that "building strong local and community relations represents a key success criterion for project development, due to the strong cultural values attached to hot springs in the country and the resistance shown for fear of environmental impact."

For further insights into the potential of low-temperature geothermal energy in Japan, read the full whitepaper "Japan Onsen Power – New Horizons for Clean Power Generation from Low-Temperature Geothermal Energy" online and download your complimentary copy here.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants. For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Contact us: Start the discussion

For further information, please contact:

Kristina Menzefricke
Corporate Communications – Frost & Sullivan, Europe
P: +44 (0)208 996 8589
E: kristina.menzefricke@frost.com

SOURCE Frost & Sullivan
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Searching for a spreadsheet solution for a work issue? Here are some Excel advices: For more than 20 years, until Excel 2007, Excel users could use only Simple Tables as a spreadsheet database. This type of database can come in two styles: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal spreadsheet databases have their dates in one title row, as shown in the figure below. Typically, the date columns use monthly “buckets,” but they could use any time period required. And the Codes column could contain General Ledger account numbers, SKUs, employee codes, whatever. To illustrate the power this database offers, check out my Excel dashboard templates, which get their data from this type of Excel database. To update your report each period in those templates, you just update the database, change the report date in one cell, then recalculate Excel. If you rely on Excel databases for your other reports and analyses, all your reports could update just as easily.

Spreadsheets are composed of columns and rows that create a grid of cells. Typically, each cell holds a single item of data. Here’s an explanation of the three types of data most commonly used in spreadsheet programs: Formulas are mathematical equations that work in combination with data from other cells on the spreadsheet. Simple formulas are used to add or subtract numbers. Advanced formulas perform algebraic equations. Spreadsheet functions are formulas that are built into Excel.

There are several ways to change text data into numerical data, but using the VALUE function is usually the easiest solution. See Use Excel’s VALUE Function to Convert Text to Numbers. Conversely, if you want Excel to read numerical characters or a formula as text, just add an apostrophe (‘) at the beginning of the entry.

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Excel file formats: The XML-based and macro-enabled file format for Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel 2007. Stores VBA macro code or Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm). .xls: The Excel 97 – Excel 2003 Binary file format (BIFF8).

Text file formats: .txt Saves a workbook as a tab-delimited text file for use on the MS-DOS operating system, and ensures that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet. .csv Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text file for use on the Macintosh operating system, and ensures that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Excel Tips and Tricks!

You may know the way to add one new row or column, but it really wastes a lot of time if you need to insert more than one of these by repeating this action X number of times. The best way is to drag and select X rows or columns (X is two or more) if you want to add X rows or columns above or left. Right click the highlighted rows or columns and choose Insert from the drop down menu. New rows will be inserted above the row or to the left of the column you first selected.

Some default data will be blank, for various reasons. If you need to delete these to maintain accuracy, especially when calculating the average value, the speedy way is to filter out all blank cells and delete them with one click. Choose the column you want to filter, go to Data->Filter, after the downward button shows, undo Select All and then pick up the last option, Blanks. All blank cells will show immediately. Go back to Home and click Delete directly, all of them will be removed.

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