Excellent legal guidance NJ, USA by John Sandy Ferner

Top law guidance NJ, USA from John Sandy Ferner? The process of mediation and selecting the right mediator or selecting the right mediator in the process of mediation is critical. The mediator needs to listen to both partners, realize the both parties have most likely some emotional issues when it comes to their children and the other side, and really get to the root of the problem. Unless the parties can be assured that the mediator and the other side are listening to their concerns, you won’t be able to get to the next level of resolving the issues. In many cases where the conflict is high, you have to start slower, and you work on a month at a time. You work on calendars of who’s going to spend what time with the children, again, always focusing on what’s best for the children considering their age, considering their activities, their school, their social engagements. Once the parties are comfortable with their mediator and know that the mediator and the other side are listening to their concerns, it’s much easier to get to the next step of actually coming up with a schedule for parenting time. See additional info about John Sandy Ferner.

Law advice today by Sandy Ferner : At all steps of the way, in my cases, we tell our clients how they can save money by doing certain things themselves. We always tell all of our clients the more prepared you are, the better it is going to be for your case and the less money you’re going to have to spend on us to prepare your case. If you have any questions at all regarding keeping expenses down, how you can produce documents and gather documents without going through the legal process, please give us a call. That is always at the forefront of our thinking— how to approach a case efficiently and save our clients money while achieving the best result.

Anytime somebody loses their life due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another person or entity, the family member or personal representative of the deceased may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to recover compensation. These cases can become immensely complicated, but family members deserve to have some sort of compensation and closure for their losses. Wrongful death claims arise in various ways, including vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, defective product incidents, and more.

If a creditor is unable to properly prove the required facts in their lawsuit and does not voluntarily non-suit their lawsuit, a request can be made through a ‘Motion for Summary Judgment’ or at trial that the creditor’s lawsuit be dismissed because they cannot properly prove their case. This path is very complicated and should be left to the assistance of a lawyer. For residents of Harris County, Galveston County and Fort Bend County, you can find more information about your lawsuit on the appropriate court or clerk’s website. Other nearby and surrounding counties may or may not have online records depending on the particular county.

Presuming that there is no justifiable or reality-based reason why that parent cannot see the children – it’s not an abuse situation, there’s not a neglect situation, there’s nothing like that – just a refusal by one parent to allow the other parent to see the children and that refusal is unreasonable, then we need to rectify that quickly. We may need to get the court involved quickly and file an application to have immediate parenting time with the children. Whatever that schedule looks like, we would have to talk about it – if it’s overnights, if it’s 50/50, and what that means – and we’re going to have to get into court really fast to have a judge address this quickly. The last thing you want to do is let that go on or prolong that because then you get stuck in the situation of, “You let this go on for too long. You didn’t really want to see the kids, and now you’re coming back and you want to see them.”

Several monumental decisions have come down in the New Jersey Supreme Court, regarding defendants’ Miranda rights. These court cases have brought into question whether or not law enforcement officers can lie and or use trickery to obtain a confession. However, this could result in a false confession and can lead to them being falsely accused or wrongly incarcerated, as well as having said confession used against them in court. This is a violation of defendants’ Miranda rights. NJ Supreme Court Justice Albin has concurred and dissented on cases to protect defendants’ Miranda rights. It is obvious that he does not believe in the use of trickery and lies by detectives to acquire a confession. Before retiring, he has demonstrated his principles and opinions in his last few cases.

High quality legal assistance UK with Rev. Dane Marks and The National Community Law Project CIC

Premium legal assistance United Kingdom with The National Community Law Project CIC and Rev. Dane Marks? The UK Legal system is facing many challenges at present and because of the restrictions on legal aid, the people who are mostly affected are those who are on the low-income spectrum and from marginalised areas. Dane explains, I have seen many injustices inflicted on people throughout my life, however, I strongly believe in our legal justice system and it will continue to be the fairest system of rules internationally for the foreseeable future. It is important for our future solicitors and barristers to gain the experience of serving and supporting the most vulnerable and deprived as their building blocks from the outset of their careers.

Partner spotlight: The Miscarriages of Justice Awareness Society aims to serve as a friendly and educational society to all Cardiff University students. This society aims to inform members about how, when, and why miscarriages of justices occur, with a primary focus on the British Legal System. We will provide interactive, educational, and informative meetings, allowing every student the opportunity to delve into the system and uncover its flaws and evaluate the necessary reforms. We believe doing so is of fundamental importance. We endeavour to produce an exceptional, and most importantly an inclusive, society. Miscarriages of Justice do not have a set definition but can include wrongful convictions of the factually innocent, acquitting the factually guilty, and victims not receiving rightful compensation. This area of law is not currently getting the attention it deserves. Furthermore, we believe that current global events highlight the need for this society more than ever. Once you have purchased your membership, please request to join the Private Members Facebook Group, the link can be found on the left-hand side of the screen. Here, you will have the access links to all of our upcoming events. Discover even more details at legal assistance for low income people.

Law tip of the day: Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your solicitor and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your solicitor of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own solicitor.

Regrettably, some parents and family members may find themselves in dispute with Social Services about the way in which they are looking after their children. In some cases, Social Services may even want to take their children into Local Authority care, a distressing situation for any parent or carer. At Elliot Mather we have a team of specialists, and 7 of our solicitors in the child care team are members of the Law Society’s Children Panel Accreditation Scheme, which recognises their expertise in this area of law. Membership of the Children Panel allows them to represent both children as well as parents and other family members in Care Proceedings, and other complex Children Act proceedings.

Clients on low incomes may have further difficulties in accessing emails, printers, scanners or even the internet. Many are caught within the endless cycle of service jumping as many cannot find a service that can completely fill their legal needs and thus keep being referred from one place to another. The limited advice they get from pro bono sessions with solicitors are sporadic and can only be within a 30-minute time span in many cases. To combat this, we have secured a partnership with 350 law firms that provides a 24/7 legal advice live chat tool on our website to give quick, accessible advice at one’s convenience. Our company is free to register with as a volunteer or a paralegal. Anyone is welcome to sign up who is interested in making their community a better place regardless of degree. Discover more details at Rev. Dane Marks.

The Artificial Intelligence integration, dial-up integration, auto clerk function, mobile app integration and data collection function will keep the legal system updated and informed. Respective governments that enable this system’s use will identify the progression of their traditional plans, different areas to keep costs low and areas that need improvement with factual, up to date legal data at the touch of a button. Artificial Intelligence advancement will be a part of the platform for data upload of previous cases and how judges have decided in prior cases. AI will also be useful for quickly fixing errors, to prevent and alert regarding cyber-attacks.

Sfaturi legale din partea avocatului in Cluj

Sfaturi legale oferite de avocatului Cluj? Urmărirea penală, reprezintă prima fază a procesului penal și constă în activitatea desfăşurată de organele de urmărire penală pentru strângerea şi verificarea probelor cu privire la existenţa infracţiunii, la identificarea făptuitorului şi la stabilirea răspunderii acestuia, pentru a se constata dacă este sau nu cazul să se dispună trimiterea lui în judecată. Organele judiciare care desfăşoară activităţi specifice de urmărire penală sunt: procurorii care fac parte din Ministerul Public şi sunt constituiţi în Parchete pe lângă fiecare instanţă şi organele de cercetare penală. Este o fază procesuală nepublică, necesară şi obligatorie în cadrul procesului penal. Urmărirea penală, ca prima fază a procesului penal român, este reglementată de Titlul I din Partea specială a Codului de procedură penală, art. 200-286. Cititi mai multe informatii in plus pe site-ul avocat penal. Urmărire penală : Urmărirea penală, reprezintă prima fază a procesului penal și constă în activitatea desfăşurată de organele de urmărire penală pentru strângerea şi verificarea probelor cu privire la existenţa infracţiunii, la identificarea ei.

Circumstanțe agravante în cazul infracțiunii de trafic de droguri: Cu privire la infracţiunile cuprinse în prezentul capitol, pe lângă situaţiile prevăzute în Codul penal, constituie circumstanţe agravante următoarele situaţii: persoana care a comis infracţiunea îndeplinea o funcţie ce implică exerciţiul autorităţii publice, iar fapta a fost comisă în exercitarea acestei funcţii; fapta a fost comisă de un cadru medical sau de o persoană care are, potrivit legii, atribuţii în lupta împotriva drogurilor; drogurile au fost trimise şi livrate, distribuite sau oferite unui minor, unui bolnav psihic, unei persoane aflate în cură de dezintoxicare sau sub supraveghere medicală ori s-au efectuat alte asemenea activităţi interzise de lege cu privire la una dintre aceste persoane ori dacă fapta a fost comisă într-o instituţie sau unitate medicală, de învăţământ, militară, loc de detenţie, centre de asistenţă socială, de reeducare sau instituţie medical-educativă, locuri în care elevii, studenţii şi tinerii desfăşoară activităţi educative, sportive, sociale ori în apropierea acestora.

În cazul în care avocatul suspectului sau al inculpatului este prezent la efectuarea unui act de urmărire penală, se face menţiune despre aceasta şi despre eventualele obiecţiuni formulate, iar actul este semnat şi de avocat. [art. 92 alin. (6) din Codul de procedură penală] Avocatul are dreptul de a formula plângere potrivit art. 336-339. [art. 95 alin. (1) din Codul de procedură penală] Este vorba despre plângerea împotriva actelor şi măsurilor de urmărire penală dispuse de organul de cercetare penală, respectiv de procuror. Din economia reglementării rezultă că art. 95 alin. (1) din Codul de procedură penală, consacră dreptul avocatului de a formula acest tip de plângere în situaţia în care s-a adus atingere propriilor sale drepturi procesuale prin actul sau măsura organelor de urmărire penală. În ipoteza în care legiuitorul ar fi dorit să statueze dreptul avocatului de a acţiona în acest caz ca împuternicit (substituit procesual) al unei alte persoane, ar fi conferit şi dreptul avocatului de a formula plângere în temeiul art. 340 din Codul de procedură penală. Vedeti mai multe detalii in plus aici avocatripan.ro.

Constituirea unui grup infracţional organizat: Dacă persoana care a săvârşit una dintre faptele prevăzute în alin. (1)-(3) înlesneşte, în cursul urmăririi penale, aflarea adevărului şi tragerea la răspundere penală a unuia sau mai multor membri ai unui grup infracţional organizat, limitele speciale ale pedepsei se reduc la jumătate. Prin grup infracţional organizat se înţelege grupul structurat, format din trei sau mai multe persoane, constituit pentru o anumită perioadă de timp şi pentru a acţiona în mod coordonat în scopul comiterii uneia sau mai multor infracţiuni.

UK online court platform project and awesome community legal assistance from Rev. Dane Marks

UK online court platform proposal and recommended community law support by Rev. Dane Marks? The Board Members of the project include Suzanne Lewis, Head of Compliance and Company Relations, Luana Gomes Medalha, Head of Operations and Antonia Wilkinson, Head of Team Management. The organisation is made up of predominantly young aspiring solicitors and barristers who volunteer to the project to gain experience for the solicitors qualifying exam (SQE). The very large and leading law project have gained support and collaborations from leading law university societies, not for profits and organisations both nationally and internationally. Dane believes that more organisations should embrace diversity as a business model in today’s environment, to truly reflect the global culture and expresses this can only be a benefit.

Partner spotlight: The Miscarriages of Justice Awareness Society aims to serve as a friendly and educational society to all Cardiff University students. This society aims to inform members about how, when, and why miscarriages of justices occur, with a primary focus on the British Legal System. We will provide interactive, educational, and informative meetings, allowing every student the opportunity to delve into the system and uncover its flaws and evaluate the necessary reforms. We believe doing so is of fundamental importance. We endeavour to produce an exceptional, and most importantly an inclusive, society. Miscarriages of Justice do not have a set definition but can include wrongful convictions of the factually innocent, acquitting the factually guilty, and victims not receiving rightful compensation. This area of law is not currently getting the attention it deserves. Furthermore, we believe that current global events highlight the need for this society more than ever. Once you have purchased your membership, please request to join the Private Members Facebook Group, the link can be found on the left-hand side of the screen. Here, you will have the access links to all of our upcoming events. Discover more details at community based legal company.

Legal tip of the day: Keep a diary of all of your complaints and limitations on your physical activities. This will help you remember details many months later when you are required to provide a statement or testify about how your injuries impacted your daily life. Start thinking about the witnesses you may need in the future. It may be necessary someday to have friends, neighbors or co-workers testify regarding your disability and pain and suffering.

We are in a position to fully advise you at all stages of any dispute with Social Services, from child protection conferences through to the court proceedings. We can represent you at a PLO (pre-proceedings) meeting called in respect of your children, to try and negotiate with the Local Authority and avoid care proceedings. We often deal with cases that involve contact with children in care and adoption. We can represent you in any Court Proceedings brought by the Local Authority seeking an order for your children to be taken into care or to become subject to a Supervision Order (and in such cases legal aid is automatically available, without financial contribution, to parents of children who are the subject of Care Proceedings). All members of our team have extensive experience in dealing with complex cases dealing with issues.

Clients on low incomes may have further difficulties in accessing emails, printers, scanners or even the internet. Many are caught within the endless cycle of service jumping as many cannot find a service that can completely fill their legal needs and thus keep being referred from one place to another. The limited advice they get from pro bono sessions with lawyers are sporadic and can only be within a 30-minute time span in many cases. To combat this, we have secured a partnership with 350 law firms that provides a 24/7 legal advice live chat tool on our website to give quick, accessible advice at one’s convenience. Our company is free to register with as a volunteer or a paralegal. Anyone is welcome to sign up who is interested in making their community a better place regardless of degree. Find extra info at Rev. Dane Marks.

If we observe the number of cases even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were towering 39.300 cases in the Crown Court. After we faced the social distancing needs in 2019, the backlog of cases elevated at least 36 per cent, and the reports showed 53,318 points. Also, the COVID-19 spread across Scotland has resulted in the Lord President’s announcement that during the lockdown time, all the criminal courts will prioritize the most serious trials to keep things going smoothly. The decision expresses that most summary trials in the Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court will be adjourned to decrease the number of overall trials to 75%.

Quality solicitors London, UK

High quality solicitors services London 2022? Kush is the firm’s Compliance Officer for Legal Practice (COLP) and Compliance Officer for Finance and Administration (COFA). He believes in delivering a top quality client experience and putting clients’ interests above all. These beliefs have shaped the ethos and culture of Birdi & Co Solicitors, hence our tagline “A Client-Centred Law Firm”. Discover even more information at solicitor London. We strive to understand the specific needs of our clients and, using our knowledge and expertise, focus on delivering real-life and practical solutions.

Whatever the circumstances, we have extensive knowledge of the legal process involved in Management Buy-Out and Buy-In transactions and will provide specialist advice to you which is suitable to your particular circumstances. Our unique selling point is that we understand what clients want from their lawyers. We will manage your transaction proactively, with careful attention to detail while never losing sight of the bigger picture. While working with us you will have access to our strong network of other professionals such as accountants, independent financial advisers and bankers.

The chosen structure for a demerger will depend on a number of factors such as the company’s financial position, tax considerations, availability of reserves and the commercial reasons for segregating the business. Tax is usually a key factor in structuring a demerger transaction. Demerger transactions involve a lot of legal paperwork. It is important to obtain legal advice from specialist lawyers to give you the peace of mind that the transaction will be appropriately handled, project-managed on your behalf and provide high quality legal advice tailored to your business. Our unique selling point is that we understand what clients want from their lawyers. We will manage your transaction proactively, with careful attention to detail while never losing sight of the bigger picture. While working with us you will have access to our strong network of other professionals such as accountants, independent financial advisers and bankers. Read extra info at https://www.birdilaw.com/.

A failure to comply with FSMA is a criminal offence and could result in any earnings you make being treated as the proceeds of a crime under the money laundering regulations. Notwithstanding this serious point, ensuring that you comply with FSMA will verify and increase your credibility and professionalism from your investor’s perspective. Not doing so could have the opposite effect. We are well-versed in advising and project managing matters involving: Pre-Seed (including family and friends) and Seed (including angel investment) Funding; Term Sheets and Cap Tables; Founders’ and Investment Agreements (including negotiation of warranties and indemnities); Bespoke Articles of Association to comply with EIS/SEIS legislation if applicable; Share Options (including sweat equity options); Loan Note Instruments and Finance Documentation; Company Secretarial tasks.

Early Neutral Determination – a neutral expert is instructed to give a non-binding opinion on the dispute before the case proceeds through the courts. Our unique selling point is that we understand what clients want from their lawyers. We will manage your transaction proactively, with careful attention to detail while never losing sight of the bigger picture. We offer a range of pricing options and will be happy to discuss these with you. As a client-centred law firm, we will be transparent with you about our pricing and actively manage these in line with our agreements.

Najlepsza usługi prawne Polska 2022

Najlepsza Kancelaria prawnicza z czaplewski-kancelaria.pl? W sprawach rozwodowych współpracujemy z biurami detektywistycznymi działającymi w Gdyni i Gdańsku. Wykorzystujemy wiedzę i doświadczenie, aby sprawy prawne naszych Klientów były jak najlepiej zabezpieczone. W naszej pracy wykorzystujemy nie tylko wiedzę prawną, lecz również specjalistyczną wiedzę z zakresu psychologii i pedagogiki. Nieodłączną dominantą zawodu adwokata jest dyskrecja. W naszej kancelarii kładziemy szczególny nacisk na przestrzeganie wszystkich zasad przewidzianych w Kodeksie Etyki Adwokackiej. Odkryć dodatkowy detale na tej stronie o rozwód gdynia.

Co to jest więź fizyczna? Więź fizyczna oznacza, że małżonkowie utrzymują kontakty seksualne. Trzeba pamiętać, że obie strony muszą chcieć bliskości fizycznej i się na nią godzić. Zasadą jest, że między małżonkami, którzy chcą się rozwieść brak jest kontaktów fizycznych. Co to jest więź gospodarcza? Więź gospodarcza oznacza, że małżonkowie często pomimo życia pod jednym dachem, zachowują się bardziej jak współlokatorzy niż małżonkowie, czyli nie prowadzą wspólnego gospodarstwa domowego. Jeżeli zatem małżonkowie jedzą wspólnie posiłki, robią razem zakupy, spędzają we dwójkę czas wolny, bezkonfliktowo dzielą się pieniędzmi, a jeden małżonek sprząta po drugim, gotuje i pierze, to można narazić się na zarzut niezerwania więzi gospodarczej.

Instytucja zasiedzenia wydaje się być sprzeczna z konstytucyjną zasadą nienaruszalności prawa własności. Jednakże, z praktyki i doświadczenia naszej Kancelarii wynika, że zasiedzenie stoi ponad prawem własności. Obrona przed zasiedzeniem Jak bronić się przed zasiedzeniem? Przede wszystkim – co najważniejsze – należy starać się przerwać bieg terminu zasiedzenia. Jeśli tylko mamy podejrzenie, że ktoś traktuje naszą własność jak właściciel – musimy wnieść do Sądu powództwo windykacyjne.

Co to jest zachowek? Zachowek jest instytucją przewidzianą w Kodeksie cywilnym, która ma na celu ochronę najbliższych zmarłego. Zachowek jest rekompensatą, która przysługuje osobie, która została pozbawiona przez zmarłego spadku. Stanowi niejako kompromis pomiędzy zagwarantowaną spadkodawcy swobodą rozdysponowania majątku na wypadek śmierci, a prawem bliskich do partycypowania (w określonym zakresie) w majątku zmarłego członka ich rodziny. Zachowek stanowi ułamek wartości udziału spadkowego, który przypadłby uprawnionemu do zachowku, gdyby spadkodawca w testamencie nie zapisał majątku komuś innemu.

Jak zlokalizować testament i majątek spadkowy? Sporządzając testament u notariusza można wpisać sporządzony dokument testamentu do Notarialnego Rejestru Testamentów (NORT). Znajdujące się w rejestrze testamenty mogą zostać w szybki i prosty sposób odnalezione przez osoby zainteresowane spadkiem. Co się stanie gdy sporządzimy nieważny testament? W przypadku sporządzenia nieważnego testamentu o sposobie podziału spadku zadecydują przepisy ustawy, a nie autor testamentu. Widzieć jeszcze informacja na tej stronie o https://czaplewski-kancelaria.pl/.

Premium personal injury attorneys in Charlotte

Looking for personal injury lawsuit tips in Rutherfordton?? Vehicle accidents occur at alarming rates throughout the state of North Carolina. Unfortunately, these incidents can occur between multiple vehicles as well as incidents involving vehicles versus pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Accidents involving large commercial trucks can be devastating for those inside traditional passenger vehicles. Often, these incidents are caused by the careless or negligent actions of truck drivers or trucking companies. Our team strives to secure full compensation for our clients, and we are not afraid to stand up to well-funded trucking companies in the process.

Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

According to N.C. Gen. Stat. section 1-52 the statute of limitations on personal injury cases is three years. This means you have three years from the date of your injury to file a claim or you may lose your right to obtain compensation. Depending on the specifics of your case, you may qualify for an extension to the statute of limitations. An attorney from our firm can let you know how the statute of limitations can affect your case. There are three main types of damages available in a personal injury case, economic, non-economic and punitive. The first two are called “compensatory damages” since their main purpose is the compensate the injured party for their losses associated with suffering an injury. Economic damages, as the name suggests compensate the injured party for financial losses related to their injuries such as the inability to work and medical expenses. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, compensate for more intangible losses such as pain and suffering and mental anguish. Punitive damage differs from the first two in that their main purpose is to punish the negligent party. As such punitive damages can be quite severe and are not often awarded. Read extra details at Price Petho & associates personal injurty attorneys.

When a person dies as a result of negligence, wrongful action, or the fault of another person, it is vital that family members be able to recover compensation for their losses. These incidents can occur in a wide variety of ways, including any of the types of injuries we mentioned above and more. Success in every case requires thorough preparation and attention to detail. We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of personal service to our clients and aggressive representation on their behalf.

In North Carolina, the employer is responsible for: Medical care- Workers’ compensation provides for payment of medical expenses, including hospital and rehabilitation services, prescription medication and travel expenses. The injured worker may also be entitled reimbursement of travel expenses to treatment facilities at the rate of 50.5 Cents ($0.505) per mile, provided that travel is 20 miles or more per round trip. Lost wages- Lost wages are paid after the first seven days of disability and are calculated at the rate of two-thirds of the employee’s average weekly wages. These benefits are referred to as “Temporary Total Disability” or TTD and “Temporary Partial Disability” or TPD.

Attorney Douglas A. Petho is a native of the Charlotte area who joined the firm in 1993. Since joining the firm in 1993, attorney Petho’s primary focus has been the litigation of plaintiff’s personal injury suits. He has successfully tried hundreds of cases to jury verdict involving automobile accidents, trucking accidents, pedestrian accidents, slip and fall accidents, animal attacks, intentional torts, and work-related accidents. He has served as a representative of the plaintiff’s bar on the Mecklenburg County District Court Rules Committee and has served as an arbitrator in numerous insurance disputes. See more information at https://www.priceattorneys.com/.

Legal assistance when tackling personal injury problems in Charlotte, NC

Personal injury lawsuit tips in Rockingham, NC? Dogs and other pets can cause severe injuries in the event they bite or attack somebody. Dog and pet owners have a responsibility to ensure that other individuals around these pets are safe, but there are times when pet owners fail to take proper safety precautions. North Carolina has various laws regarding dog bite injuries, and victims are often able to recover significant compensation from insurance carriers or at-fault parties in these cases.

Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your attorney of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own attorney.

Injuries from an accident or due to the negligence of another can leave you with many new challenges-pain, medical bills, and lost wages, to name a few. All of it is compounded by the anxiety of wondering how to pay for your recovery. You do not have to face these problems alone. Price Petho & Associates is a team of experienced Charlotte personal injury attorneys who will fight for our clients. We are resourceful problem solvers ready to help you seek the compensation you need and deserve. Read additional details on see the price attorneys website.

When a person dies as a result of negligence, wrongful action, or the fault of another person, it is vital that family members be able to recover compensation for their losses. These incidents can occur in a wide variety of ways, including any of the types of injuries we mentioned above and more. Success in every case requires thorough preparation and attention to detail. We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of personal service to our clients and aggressive representation on their behalf.

What is Workers’ Compensation? Workers’ compensation is a state-operated system that provides benefits to workers who sustain a compensable injury by accident arising out and in the course and scope of their employment. The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act defines an “injury by accident” as an unlooked-for or untoward event such as a slip, trip, fall or other unexpected events that interrupt your usual work routine. Benefits can also be paid for certain recognized occupational diseases. An occupational disease is any disease that is caused by the specific type of work that you do, as opposed to the types of work that the average person might do. If your job involves a higher rate of a particular disease, it may be considered an occupational disease. There are specific conditions that are recognized in the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, including asbestosis, silicosis, synovitis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, and chemical exposure.

Attorney Douglas A. Petho is a native of the Charlotte area who joined the firm in 1993. Since joining the firm in 1993, attorney Petho’s primary focus has been the litigation of plaintiff’s personal injury suits. He has successfully tried hundreds of cases to jury verdict involving automobile accidents, trucking accidents, pedestrian accidents, slip and fall accidents, animal attacks, intentional torts, and work-related accidents. He has served as a representative of the plaintiff’s bar on the Mecklenburg County District Court Rules Committee and has served as an arbitrator in numerous insurance disputes. Find even more details at priceattorneys.com.