Togel Singapura – Sydney online lottery

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The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference

The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success.

On April 9, 2019, the “Hong Kong Medical Public Chain (MCHK) Global Conference” hosted by Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group was successfully held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Hong Kong. The conference invited government officials, international capital representatives, media representatives, representatives of private entrepreneurs, representatives of cooperative enterprises and other important guests to attend, as well as more than 5,000 people from all over the world who have witnessed the medical chain audio-visual feast of the conference.


The theme of the conference is “MCHK uses blockchain technology to subvert the medical system”, which means that Hong Kong Medicare Medical Group will create a new era of medical and blockchain integration after achieving traditional medical achievements! Realize the maximum convenience and value of medical technology and artificial intelligence!


At the conference, Mr. Danny Wong, Executive Chairman of Medisun Medical Group, gave a welcome speech and talked about the origin, value and significance of the Hong Kong medical public chain.


Ms. Sun Yaqi, Executive Vice President of Medisun Medical Group, then introduced the background of the group, technology research and development, expert team, and key regenerative Medisun products (vaccine, stem cell treatment, immune cell treatment).


Mr.Tan Genlai,technical director of blockchain and EOS core technology developer,explained MCHK medical public chain from national policy,group mission,industry enthusiasm,strategic layout and business modelto interpret.And also combined with group strength strategic deployment and the special services and products to show the software and hardware advantages of the Medisun Group,and expressed the great goals and the expectation of a bright future. P4090136

Medical expert Dr Albert shows that Medisun Medical Group develops stem cell regenerative technologies and products worldwide,focusing on heart disease and other diseases such as cancer,liver disease,lung disease,kidney disease,diabetes, autoimmune diseases,and nerves.Systemic diseases,strokes,and spinal injuries.He also said that the Group will vigorously explore the potential of regenerative technology for the treatment of human diseases and strive to promote it as the leader of future Medisun. P4090157

At the conference, the MCHK launching ceremony and the international capital signing ceremony were held. The world’s four famous capitals ( Lutpuce Capital, Cisco Capital, Beth Capital, and Yunhai International Capital) signed an on-site contract with MCHK.



After the signing ceremony of the international capital, Ms. Zhang Ke, a well-known blockchain expert, gave a detailed description of the MCHK node plan. The participants were enthusiastic and participated in the node plan.



The global launch of the Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) will be successfully completed. Based on the collection of 500 advanced medical institutions in Hong Kong, 5,000 medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area will be integrated within three years. The framework of blockchain technology will be used as a framework to unite with Medisun Medical Group’s rich clinical research and development technology and experience of regenerative technology, enhance the trust and consensus of children’s vaccine and cancer vaccine industry, promote the integration and upgrading of medical industry in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and realize the first 9+2 city medical service system in Dawan District to reach the international standard level.

Introduction to Medisun Medical Group

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Medisun Medical Group is a professional medical investment group dedicated to the research and development and commercialization of global regenerative Medisun product technology, as well as quality hospitals and treatment centers. The Medisun Regenerative Centre is located in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. It has an international GMP standard medical laboratory, cancer treatment center and anti-aging center. It provides immune cell therapy, a variety of stem cell health treatments, a number of child and adult vaccinations and a full range of biomedical products. Testing to provide customers with the most predictable health protection.

Medisun has long-term cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Life Science Center and the Harvard University Stem Cell Institute, working on the investment and research and development of new technologies in the field of regenerative worldwide, and conducting clinical trials in many well-known hospitals in mainland China and Hong Kong; In cooperation with Tsinghua University, Medisun established the “Medical Institute of Cell Technology of Tsinghua University” and “Medical University Tsinghua University Regenerative Medisun Industry Fund”.


AH Model and Erich von Werner Society

The Erich von Werner Society thinks that the planet and the people on it is approaching a new era. These changes are because of or are accelerated by factors, which in combination and interaction with each other will trigger a new era: Change of the environment (e.g. due to climate change, resource exploitation, environmental degradation).

A couple of the world’s most urgent problems :

Conflict and War: There are still many active conflicts in today’s world that have devastating effects for citizens living within war-stricken areas. The total number of casualties from the Syrian Civil War is about 465,000 individuals, and one in four children are the victims of war. In addition, international tension with North Korea has become the leading determinant of the United States’ international agenda and foreign policy. There is a multitude of other conflicts that have detrimental effects on civilian livelihoods and international peace/security.

The number of hungry people in the world has increased over the last few years. One in nine people in the world habitually go hungry, and, as a result, suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Food security is the biggest threat to the overall health of the human population, more so that malaria, tuberculosis or HIV.

Understand and change: It will never be possible to change the world alone. An idea can be so great, but it needs people who believe in it. People who implement them. People who fight for a better world. Join us. Contact us. Let us make the world better together. More info at Understand and Change by Erich von Werner Society

In German : Die Erich-von-Werner-Gesellschaft geht davon aus, dass sie denkt, dass der Planet und die Menschen darauf eine neue Epoche betreten. Diese Anderungen sind auf Faktoren zuruckzufuhren oder werden durch Faktoren beschleunigt, die in Kombination und Interaktion miteinander eine neue Ara auslosen: Uberbevolkerung und Vermissten Lebensperspektiven (z. B. aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent) : AH-Modell.

Es wird niemals moglich sein, die Welt alleine zu verandern. Eine Idee kann noch so grossartig sein, aber sie braucht Menschen, die an sie glauben. Menschen, die sie umsetzen. Menschen, die fur eine bessere Welt kampfen. Arbeiten wir zusammen. Kontaktieren Sie uns. Lassen Sie uns die Welt gemeinsam besser machen.


The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference

The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success.

On April 9, 2019, the “Hong Kong Medical Public Chain (MCHK) Global Conference” hosted by Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group was successfully held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Hong Kong. The conference invited government officials, international capital representatives, media representatives, representatives of private entrepreneurs, representatives of cooperative enterprises and other important guests to attend, as well as more than 5,000 people from all over the world who have witnessed the medical chain audio-visual feast of the conference.


The theme of the conference is “MCHK uses blockchain technology to subvert the medical system”, which means that Hong Kong Medicare Medical Group will create a new era of medical and blockchain integration after achieving traditional medical achievements! Realize the maximum convenience and value of medical technology and artificial intelligence!


At the conference, Mr. Danny Wong, Executive Chairman of Medisun Medical Group, gave a welcome speech and talked about the origin, value and significance of the Hong Kong medical public chain.


Ms. Sun Yaqi, Executive Vice President of Medisun Medical Group, then introduced the background of the group, technology research and development, expert team, and key regenerative Medisun products (vaccine, stem cell treatment, immune cell treatment).


Mr.Tan Genlai,technical director of blockchain and EOS core technology developer,explained MCHK medical public chain from national policy,group mission,industry enthusiasm,strategic layout and business modelto interpret.And also combined with group strength strategic deployment and the special services and products to show the software and hardware advantages of the Medisun Group,and expressed the great goals and the expectation of a bright future. P4090136

Medical expert Dr Albert shows that Medisun Medical Group develops stem cell regenerative technologies and products worldwide,focusing on heart disease and other diseases such as cancer,liver disease,lung disease,kidney disease,diabetes, autoimmune diseases,and nerves.Systemic diseases,strokes,and spinal injuries.He also said that the Group will vigorously explore the potential of regenerative technology for the treatment of human diseases and strive to promote it as the leader of future Medisun. P4090157

At the conference, the MCHK launching ceremony and the international capital signing ceremony were held. The world’s four famous capitals ( Lutpuce Capital, Cisco Capital, Beth Capital, and Yunhai International Capital) signed an on-site contract with MCHK.



After the signing ceremony of the international capital, Ms. Zhang Ke, a well-known blockchain expert, gave a detailed description of the MCHK node plan. The participants were enthusiastic and participated in the node plan.



The global launch of the Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) will be successfully completed. Based on the collection of 500 advanced medical institutions in Hong Kong, 5,000 medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area will be integrated within three years. The framework of blockchain technology will be used as a framework to unite with Medisun Medical Group’s rich clinical research and development technology and experience of regenerative technology, enhance the trust and consensus of children’s vaccine and cancer vaccine industry, promote the integration and upgrading of medical industry in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and realize the first 9+2 city medical service system in Dawan District to reach the international standard level.

Introduction to Medisun Medical Group

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Medisun Medical Group is a professional medical investment group dedicated to the research and development and commercialization of global regenerative Medisun product technology, as well as quality hospitals and treatment centers. The Medisun Regenerative Centre is located in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. It has an international GMP standard medical laboratory, cancer treatment center and anti-aging center. It provides immune cell therapy, a variety of stem cell health treatments, a number of child and adult vaccinations and a full range of biomedical products. Testing to provide customers with the most predictable health protection.

Medisun has long-term cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Life Science Center and the Harvard University Stem Cell Institute, working on the investment and research and development of new technologies in the field of regenerative worldwide, and conducting clinical trials in many well-known hospitals in mainland China and Hong Kong; In cooperation with Tsinghua University, Medisun established the “Medical Institute of Cell Technology of Tsinghua University” and “Medical University Tsinghua University Regenerative Medisun Industry Fund”.


Why visit Siem Reap, Cambodia?

Bokor Hill Station near Kampot was built by the French in the 1920s to be used as a retreat from the heat of Phnom Penh. It has since been abandoned twice, first in the 1940s when the Japanese invaded Cambodia and again in the 1970s, when the Khmer Rouge engulfed the country. Today, Bokor Hill Station and its abandoned buildings have an eerie, ghost-town feel. As of October 2008, the road to Bokor is officially closed due to ongoing reconstruction. Independent access seems to be impossible. though there are hiking tours arranged by local travel agents.

National Museum of Cambodia

The National Museum is home to the worlds greatest collection of Khmer artifacts and is well worth a visit ahead of a trip to the temples of Angkor Wat. A stroll through the attraction takes in a range of sculptures, ceramics, and other ancient objects dating back to the prehistoric, pre-Angkorian, and post-Angkorian periods, offering an intriguing insight into the countrys rich history.

Bamboo Train, Battambang

Rumors have been circulating for the last few years about the famed bamboo trains demise. However, it was recently confirmed it will be rebuilt to pave way for a train line. This unique trip sees passengers transported seven kilometers on a bamboo train, or norry, which is a wooden frame connected to an engine. Hitting speeds of 15 kilometers per hour, this is a fun way to watch the scenery whizz by. Looking for Luxury Home Siem Reap?

The temples of Angkor Wat may gain all the glory, but Prasat Preah Vihear wins the prize for the most dramatic location. Sitting atop the Dangrek Mountains, on an escarpment with dizzying views across the Cambodian floodplains, Prasat Preah Vihear is a monumental temple complex of intricately carved pavilions linked by long causeways, built originally to honor the god Shiva.

The temple is snug against the border with Thailand and has historically been a point of contention between the two nations, who both claim it as their own. The International Court of Justice ruled in Cambodia’s favor in 2013, which led to border disputes flaring up between 2008 and 2011. Tensions have dissipated in the last few years, meaning this UNESCO World Heritage Site can now reclaim its rightful role on the tourist trail. Access is from Sra Em, although most visitors come on a day trip from Siem Reap (200 kilometers south).

Tonle Sap is Cambodia’s most important waterway and Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake. As well as being an important source of food and a vital tool for Cambodian irrigation, the lake itself is home to 170 floating villages that depend on fishing for their livelihood, with homes built directly on the water. The houses, shops, churches, schools, and temples of these villages are built on rustic buoy foundations of lashed together barrels and bamboo, and all transport is by boat. They’re a fascinating place to spend a day exploring. One of the most interesting is the sprawling village of Kompong Luong, near the town of Pursat on Tonle Sap’s western shore, although the most popular village to visit is Chong Kneas near Siem Reap.

When you visit Battambang, one of the places that you just cannot afford to miss is the bat caves at the base of Mount Sampeou. This is one of the top most tourist attractions here, which is why you can spot many foreigners around these caves. They are also known as Killing Caves.

Highlights Bats, as we know, are nocturnal birds. Every evening, especially after sunset, you can witness thousands of bats fly out these caves into the woods nearby. You can continue to watch this spectacle for about 40 minutes, as thats the time required for all the bats to fly out. However, it is best to leave within ten minutes, if you dont want to put your lives at risk. There lots of bikes available to take you to the top of the mountain and back to the base at the evening, just in time for bat-spotting.

Location Battambang.

Timings Only in the evenings

Price Around USD3 for trekking up the hill.
1955 Melbourne Residence Sra Nge District, Kaksekam Village Siem Reap, 17260
Phone: 097 588 9999
WeChat ID: VRsiemreap
LINE ID: VRsiemreap

Business latests news in Hindi

Srinagar: On February 14 in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district, 20 km away from Srinagar, a CRPF convoy came under attack. An explosive-laden vehicle hit one of the buses in the convoy of 2,500 personnel and within minutes, 40 soldiers were killed in what became the worst terror attack in the state in the last few decades, and the deadliest against security forces in India. Despite the horrific terror attack, the CRPF men are back to doing what they do the best – protecting thousands everyday in one of the most violent parts of India. NDTV visted CRPF’s 118 batallion in Gund, about 70 km from Srinagar, to gain an insight into the lives of CRPF soldiers deployed in Jammu and Kashmir.

Movie News : Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt’s friendship dates all the way back to their first film, Student of The Year (2012). The two had made their debut with the Karan Johar film, and since then, have come a long way in their respective Bollywood journeys. They’ve worked together in two blockbusters, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania and Badrinath Ki Dulhania. They’ll next be seen together in Abhishek Varman’s Kalank. Today, Varun and Alia are considered two of the most bankable actors in Bollywood. In fact, Alia has been roped in for ambitious projects like RRR, Takht and Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film Inshallah. Varun took a little playful dig at Alia about this at an awards show. He said, “Inshallah, mashallah now that you are collaborating with big directors and actors, you won’t work with me!” Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor laughed at this, from the audience. Varun turned towards them and said, “After a couple of years, she won’t be working with either of you, too!” News website : Latest News in Hindi.

Sport news : ‘One man doesn’t win the IPL,’ Chennai Super Kings coach Stephen Fleming said on Friday, differing with Gautam Gambhir’s viewpoint that one can’t say Virat Kohli and Mahendra Singh Dhoni in the same breath, as India’s captain has not won the tournament. Former India opener Gambhir, who led Kolkata Knight Riders to two Indian Premier League trophies in 2012 and 2014, recently said that in a result-oriented franchise environment, Kohli has been ‘lucky’ to have survived despite Royal Challengers Bangalore never winning the coveted title in his eight years as skipper. But, Fleming thought otherwise. “One man doesn’t win the IPL. It’s a tough competition to win. It’s getting tougher because teams are a lot smarter. Players are conditioned to playing in the IPL. Coaches and managers are getting more shrewd in how they buy and put together teams,” Fleming said.

Auto news : The captain of a doomed Ethiopian Airlines flight did not get a chance to practise on his airline’s new simulator for the Boeing 737 MAX 8 before he died in a crash with 157 others, a pilot colleague said. Captain Yared Getachew, 29, was due for refresher training at the end of March, his colleague told Reuters, two months after Ethiopian Airlines had received one of the first such simulators being distributed. The March 10 disaster, following another MAX 8 crash in Indonesia in October, has set off one of the biggest inquiries in aviation history, focused on the safety of a new automated system and whether crews understood it properly. In both cases, the pilots lost control soon after take-off and fought a losing battle to stop their jets plunging down.

GreenSpace Brands Announces Acquisition of US Based Galaxy Nutritional Foods, Owners of the Go Veggie Brand

GreenSpace Brands Inc. (“GreenSpace”) (TSXV: JTR) is pleased to announce today that it has signed a share purchase agreement dated December 20, 2017 to acquire (the “Acquisition”) all of the outstanding shares of Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc. (“Go Veggie”), which owns the Go Veggie? brand. Go Veggie is one of the leading cheese alternative brands in the United States with distribution in over 12,000 locations through most major US grocery retailers and natural food chains, along with a growing food service business. The plant based dairy alternative market is one of the fastest growing subsets of the natural food market, but has very few established players. Go Veggie has established itself as one of the preeminent brands in the space with some of the best tasting and award winning products.

Greenspace will be holding a conference call to discuss the details of the transaction on December 21st, 2017 at 9:00 EST. The call will be hosted by Matthew von Teichman, President and Chief Executive Officer. Following management’s presentation, there will be a question and answer session for analysts and investors. To participate in the teleconference, dial (647) 427-7450 or 1 (888) 231-8191 (Toll-free). Callers are advised to call five minutes in advance of the call.

A taped rebroadcast will be available beginning at 11:20 am (EST) December 21st, 2017 until 11:59 pm (EST) on December 28th, 2017. To access the rebroadcast, please dial (416) 849-0833 or 1 (855) 859- 2056 and use the passcode 1289656 followed by the number sign.

Overview of the Acquisition

GreenSpace has agreed to purchase Go Veggie for a total consideration of $17.8 million USD, comprised of $4.5 million USD in cash, $7.62 million USD (approximately $9.81million CAD) in GreenSpace common shares (the “Share Consideration”), and a two year vendor take back loan of $5.72 million USD, carrying an 8.5% coupon. Greenspace will issue 7.16 million Common shares at $1.37 per share as part of the transaction, a 14.2% premium to the closing market price on December 19th, 2017.

GreenSpace will be purchasing Go Veggie from Mill Road Capital, a Greenwich, Connecticut based private investment firm focused on investing in and partnering with publicly traded micro-cap companies. Mill Road will become the largest shareholder of GreenSpace as a result of this transaction. Mill Road Capital has a long history of successfully investing in emerging consumer brands throughout Canada and the United States, and this expertise will help support the GreenSpace team as they navigate the US natural food market and US capital markets.

The Share Consideration will be subject to lock-up and escrow pursuant to which approximately 45% of the Share Consideration shall be locked up for 12 months from the closing date, 5% of the Share Consideration shall be in escrow for 13 months from the closing date and the remaining 50% shall be locked-up for 18 months from the closing date, subject to certain exemptions.

Select highlights of the Acquisition include the following:

Go Veggie adds a profitable pre-existing US platform that will enable GreenSpace to launch its most innovative and unique brands into the US;

The acquisition is expected to add significant gross margin dollars to GreenSpace and improve the overall gross margin profile, as well as add incremental adjusted EBITDA in the short term, with more significant growth in adjusted EBITDA over the long term. Go Veggie recorded revenues of $16.3 million USD for their fiscal year ended March, 31, 2017, with strong gross profit margins of approximately 40%.1
Go Veggie has one of the leading brands in what GreenSpace believes to be one of the fastest growing segments of the natural food industry, plant based dairy alternatives. Galaxy has broad based distribution across the United States and an existing high functioning team; and

GreenSpace believes that by supporting updates and amplifying the brand image of Go Veggie, it will be able to further develop its leadership position in the plant based dairy alternatives vertical in North America;

“We couldn’t be more excited to add Go Veggie to the GSB family of brands. With the acquisition of Go Veggie, we enter our most sought after vertical, plant based dairy alternatives. The addition of Go Veggie adds a profitable pre-existing US platform that will enable us to launch our most innovative and unique brands into the US under the expert leadership of one of the most respected people in the US natural food industry, Rick Antonelli, CEO of Go Veggie” comments Matthew von Teichman, CEO of Greenspace, “This is truly a transformative acquisition for us. We will continue to develop their Canadian sales strategy through the leveraging of our current platform and strategically initiate our US development by leveraging their platform. It’s a win-win and the ideal way for us to get going in the US market”

Rick Antonelli, CEO of Galaxy comments, “We’ve been watching GreenSpace for years and have admired the stable of brands they’ve been able to put together in such a short time. We feel that Go Veggie is a perfect addition to that roster of strong brands and with the potential synergies of our team selling their products, and their team selling our products, there’s a significant long term upside for both. I can’t wait to start presenting GreenSpace’s unique and innovative products to the US market and Go Veggie’s existing retail partners.”

The Acquisition is scheduled to close in January 2018, subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions and approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Financo, Inc. has acted as the exclusive advisor to Galaxy and Mill Road.

About GreenSpace

GreenSpace is a Canadian-based brand ideation team that develops, markets and sells premium natural food products to consumers across Canada. Greenspace owns and operates the following brands: Love Child Organics., one of the fastest growing brands in Canada and a producer of 100% organic food for infants and toddlers made with the pure, natural and most nutritionally-rich ingredients; Central Roast, a clean snacking brand that has been one of the leading natural food brands in Canada; Rolling Meadow Dairy, Canada’s leading grass fed dairy product line, delivering premium fluid and cultured products across Canada; Life Choices which features premium convenience meat products made with grass fed and pasture raised meats without the use of added hormones and antibiotics; Kiju, the Canadian market leader in the shelf stable organic juice segment; Cedar , the Canadian leader in cold pressed and gut health fresh juices. All brands are wholly owned and retail in a variety of natural and mass retail grocery locations across Canada.

GreenSpace’s filings are also available at


Over 40 years ago Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc. created the cheese alternative category for health-conscious consumers and is proud to remain America’s leading provider of great tasting cheese-free products. Today, under Galaxy’s new brand GO VEGGIE, the company continues to innovate and offer consumers more healthy cheese-free choices. Across its product portfolio – Vegan, Lactose Free, and Lactose & Soy Free – GO VEGGIE offers 55 products across the United States in a wide variety of formats.

For product information, recipes, and more, visit Follow GO VEGGIE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

About Mill Road Capital

Mill Road Capital is a private investment firm focused on investing in and partnering with publicly traded micro-cap companies in the U.S. and Canada. The firm has flexible, long-term capital with the ability to purchase shares in the open market, buy large block positions from existing shareholders, provide capital for growth or acquisition opportunities, or execute going-private transactions. The firm has raised approximately $670 million of aggregate equity capital commitments and has offices in Greenwich, CT and the San Francisco Bay Area. Mill Road’s investments in Canada include Ten Peaks Coffee Company, a British Colombia based premium green coffee decaffeinator, PRT Growing Services Ltd., the British Columbia based leader in container grown tree seedlings for replanting forests, and Cossette, the largest full service advertising agency in Canada.

More information can be found at

Forward Looking Information

Certain statements in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning (i) the Acquisition; (ii) the completion of the Acquisition; (iii) anticipated approvals; (iv) the time to the closings; and (v) results of the completion of the Acquisition. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “outlook”, “objective”, “may”, “will”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “should”, “plans” or “continue”, or similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or events. Such forward-looking statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by such statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements including, without limitation, the risks that: (1) the information provided to GreenSpace by Galaxy turns out to be misleading, untrue or incomplete; (2) the Acquisition may not be completed for any reason whatsoever, including that regulators may not approve the Acquisition; (3) the closings may not occur as scheduled or at all; and (4) GreenSpace may not achieve the results currently anticipated. Although GreenSpace believes that the expectations reflected in its forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information because GreenSpace can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. In addition to other factors and assumptions which may be identified in this press release, assumptions have been made regarding and are implicit in, among other things, the timely receipt of required regulatory approvals. Details of the risk factors relating to GreenSpace and its business are discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in the preliminary short form prospectus filed on the date hereof and “Risks and Uncertainties Related to the Business” in GreenSpace’ annual information form dated July 18, 2017, a copy of which is available on GreenSpace’ SEDAR profile at Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive of all factors and assumptions which have been used. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by GreenSpace and described in the forward looking information. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is made as of the date hereof and GreenSpace undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable securities laws. The forward looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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