Landscape design firm in California by Siapin Horticulture

High quality landscape construction firm in California? Siapin Horticulture, Inc. specializes in unique, all sport, play fields for universities, schools, and sport complexes using state of the art technology for natural field irrigation systems and turf, artificial field cooling systems, and drought friendly design properties. Below is the Gallery of the awesome greenwall we did at the H&M Store in Glendale. A greenwall is a artfully horticulture concept and arrangement of plants growing vertical on a wall. Siapin Horticulture has picked up on this latest Landscape trend and has hit a home run with this project for sure.

Gutters and curbs transport flow fast to a stormwater drain without allowing for pollutant removal or infiltration using an inlet filter. Eliminating gutters and curbs can reduce runoff volumes and increase sheet flow. Maintaining sheet flow by removing gutters and curbs that direct runoff into bioretention basins and swales that are vegetated helps to prevent soil erosion by stormwater also helps retain hydraulic conditions (pre-development). A level distributor, which is a channel designed to convert concentrated discharge into a level stream and evenly distribute it on a slope, can also be included to prevent soil erosion.

An unkempt garden does not offer any beauty! In fact, it makes the house look disorganized and badly maintained; this reflects poorly on the owners. A garden requires timely and routine maintenance. It is important to keep the greens maintained and proper planting process must be undertaken. At Siapin Horticulture all the gardeners are passionate about making beautiful gardens that add to the look and feel of the house as well as offer the respite and relaxation desired. Our Landscape Design team works according to the individual and specific needs of the customers and provides the best of designs keeping with the space available and norms of the area. See additional information on Siapin Horticulture Inc.

The company was started in 1962 by Jack Siapin with the goal of providing high quality landscape construction and maintenance throughout Southern California. In 1978 Jack’s son Daniel joined the firm and became a partner. In 1997, Jack retired selling his stock to Daniel. Daniel’s son Gabe has joined the firm and manages the Maintenance and construction division.

We installed all of those at the parking area across the street, surrounding the parking spots. We also worked on the walking area and added on decomposed walkways. Parking in this area and walking when you need a breather is now much more pleasant. The lack of water is a large problem here in California due to its severe drought causing the agriculture to diminish. To prevent this from happening, bioswales can tribute to a positive aspect of the environment. It is enjoyable for the workers who work at 2600 to experience our growth in making nature flourish.

Siapin Horticulture designed rainwater drainage systems are an essential part of the design process for construction projects related to residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and public works. Engineers must design this kind of systems and installed by experienced contractors of pipelines. Rainwater drainage systems must meet the criteria set out in the best management practices. Guidelines for the best management practices have been developed to regulate rainwater drainage and to protect air quality, nature and the environment. Discover extra information at Siapin Horticulture.

Insulated shipping boxes manufacturer by Nordic Cold Chain Solutions

Sustainable packaging shopping with Nordic Cold Chain Solutions has a long history of delivering high-quality medical and pharmaceutical packaging. With facilities around the country, Nordic Cold Chain Solutions is the dependable choice for hospitals, doctors and individual patients. With rapid delivery, safe materials and long-lasting gel packs, Nordic Cold Chain Solutions is uniquely positioned to serve the pharmaceutical industry. While Nordic Cold Chain Solutions has grown over the last decade to deliver hundreds of millions of products each year, it has also maintained the highest quality of materials and ingredients to meet the strict requirements of the medical packaging when shipping temperature-sensitive products across the country. When it comes to medicine and the safety of customers, Nordic Cold Chain Solutions is the only choice.

Where can I buy an individual ice gel pack or small case quantities of ice gel packs? To purchase an individual ice gel pack or small case quantities of ice gel packs, please visit our distributor partner, Websturant Store. To purchase gel ice packs in bulk, please contact the Nordic Cold Chain Solutions’ customer service or sales team.

Along with custom products and services, Nordic Cold Chain Solutions uses its unique position within the industry to help customers with testing, operational improvements and business logistics. Over 90% of Nordic Cold Chain Solutions customers have been with the company for more than five years. Nordic Cold Chain Solutions is also committed to the environment by using the most responsible materials possible, including fully recyclable gel packs, and offering enhancements like water soluble gels for both the meal kit and pharmaceutical industries. To learn more about our responsibility, visit the environment page. Find a few more details at

Along with developing best-in-class products for pharmaceutical and meal kit clients, Nordic Cold Chain Solutions also offers a variety of services to help our customers succeed. With Nordic Cold Chain Solutions Labs, teams of engineers test and validate products that are guaranteed to maintain quality, consistency, and temperature for the strict demands of the cold chain industry. Nordic Cold Chain Solutions also creates fully-custom solutions to modify and change individual products to meet customer specifications, like size, shape and time requirements that are unique to each company.

Nordic Cold Chain Solutions offers a full line of Nordic Ice® reusable refrigerants to meet your specific temperature sensitive shipping needs. Our products come in a multitude of sizes and can be used ambient, hot, refrigerated, or frozen to protect your product in a variety of situations. In addition to our individual product lines, we offer fully custom solutions that are tailored to your exact needs. In the last ten years, there hasn’t been a problem that our experienced team could not solve. See additional info at this website.

Can you freeze butter?

Aliments freezing tricks? Refrigerator thawing: Expect one full day to thaw per pound. For a large turkey, it will take several days. Chicken, ground meats and seafood remain safe to prepare and cook after one to two days after being thawed, while red meats can last up to five days refrigerated. You can refreeze once thawed; however, you may sacrifice quality. Cold water thawing: This method is quicker than thawing in the refrigerator but requires more attention on your part. Before placing items in the cool water, make sure your food is in an airtight bag so no water seeps in.

To prevent pieces from freezing together (and for freezing delicate fruits like berries), spread the pieces out in a single layer on a plastic wrap-lined sheet pan. Once they are fully frozen, transfer the pieces to your container and place it immediately in the freezer. With this method, any ice films form around each individual piece, rather than freezing all the pieces together in a big chunk. Many nights if I am making a lasagna or baked ziti, instead of making one, I make two: one to eat right away and one to freeze later on. Cook once, eat twice. It’s the same amount of work and you will be happy to have a casserole prepared on those busy nights. It’s also great to have a made-ahead dish on hand when you want to bring something to someone who’s sick or having a baby.

Can you freeze cheese? Can you freeze cookies? What about lunch meat? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, this post is for you! The biggest part of shelf cooking is using the food that you have and not being wasteful, obviously. But what about when you have food in your refrigerator or on your counter that’s going to go bad before you can eat it? Or what if the store is having a craaazy sale on something like avocados (because those things aren’t cheap and you better JUMP on those sales!), but you’ll never be able to eat them all before they go bad? Freezer Meals – Lasagna, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, taco casserole, chili, you get the gist! Discover even more information on Can You Freeze Cabbage.

The reason ground meats have a shorter time frame than the other types of foods listed above is they stand a relatively higher chance of bacteria exposure due to the way they’re processed and handled, says Cambridge, Massachusetts–based William Li, MD, cancer expert and author of Eat to Beat Disease. Also, even if you’re thawing within the recommended time frame, he suggests smelling any meat once it’s thawed, because if the aroma is off, that’s a sign it’s no longer safe to eat. Usually the scent is pungent and unpleasant, and may smell like ammonia due to the breakdown in proteins and fats, adds Wu. Do: Consider How Your Fish Is Handled Seafood is highly perishable, which is why it’s great to have some in the freezer rather than hanging around for too long in the fridge, but how it’s handled and packaged can make a big difference, says Dr. Li.

Rio Branco girls and dating online tips

Porto Velho girls and online dating tips? “We all want a flattering photo that peaks the maximum number of people’s interest. Go ahead and choose that picture, but recognize that it’s a slippery slope. There is a temptation to create or communicate a [version of] you that, like an Instagram post, will garner the most likes. Do not contort yourself to fit what you presume others desire. In your mind, put your wants first. Use Tinder to communicate what you actually desire, so you can find someone you truly like.” —Wednesday Martin, Ph.D., author of “Untrue: Why Nearly Everything We Believe About Women, Lust, and Infidelity Is Wrong and How the New Science Can Set Us Free”

But then—success! Someone “likes” me and asks me out within three messages. He’s into photography and makes his own pasta—and he is an Adonis. We have a short phone call, as Hoffman recommends, to set something up. His voice is velvety, but I’m skeptical. That’s online dating: You meet the freakazoids and think, This is the worst. You find someone great and think, Am I going to be on the next episode of Catfish?

Ignore most of the person’s explicit claims about his or her personality — for example, “I have a sense of humor about myself” or “I’m an optimist.” People are very unreliable self-reporters. People are very unreliable self-reporters. That’s not just because they lie (although that’s a possibility, too), but because the way we see ourselves often bears little relation to how others see us. And only external events provoke our negative reactions, right? (We humans are expert self-justifiers.) It means nothing. The only explicit claims worth taking at face value are factual — job, age, education and location. When it comes to less tangible qualities, people are just too biased.

For our Portuguese language visitors

Não importa o quanto você se tornou especialista em ler perfis e não importa o quanto essa garota ou cara corresponda ao seu par ideal, ainda há muito de você não será capaz de recolher até que você se sente em frente a ele em uma cafeteria. Não importa quantas aparições deliciosamente vencedoras ele incluiu no perfil sobre sua devoção fofa para sua avó de 96 anos. Acha que a paixão dela por cachorros-quentes e beisebol da liga secundária sugere exatamente o tipo de garota descontraída e divertida que você fantasiou sobre namorar?

Mas então – sucesso! Alguém “gosta” de mim e me chama para sair em três mensagens. Ele gosta de fotografia e faz sua própria massa – e ele é um Adônis. Temos um curto telefonema, como Hoffman recomenda, para definir algo. Sua voz é aveludada, mas estou cética. Isso é namoro online: você encontra os freakazoids e pensa: Isso é o pior. Você encontra alguém ótimo e pensa: Eu estarei no próximo episódio de Catfish?

Acompanhantes são em termos gerais, mulheres que estão dispostas a prestar o serviço de acompanhamento de clientes em eventos sociais ou executivos. Também conhecidas como Acompanhantes de Luxo ou Acompanhantes Executivas, muitas dessas profissionais prestam serviços sexuais, serviços estes associados à Garotas de Programa. O Acompanhantes Rio Branco não agencia as acompanhantes que são divulgadas no site. Portanto, todo e qualquer contato com a finalidade de contratar os serviços de alguma acompanhante em questão, deve ser realizado diretamente com a acompanhante via contato informado no anúncio da acompanhante. Vejo extra informação neste site

“Acho que existe essa ideia de que você deve ter um abridor inteligente, atencioso e brilhante quando estiver enviando mensagens para alguém pela primeira vez em um aplicativo de namoro. Isso simplesmente não é verdade. Claro, poderia ser fofo se você conseguisse encontrar uma maneira engraçada de ilustrar a leitura do perfil deles e compartilhar um interesse comum, mas se você não puder fazer isso, não se estresse. Não importa com o que você abre, contanto que você abra. ‘Ei, algum plano emocionante para este fim de semana?’ É algo que você pode dizer a qualquer pessoa. Realmente, é tão simples quanto isso. ” —Zachary Zane, ativista bissexual e escritor.

Best pest control firm in Oak Hill, FL

Pest control firm in Oak Hill with Making your house unattractive to mice, rodents, and other small animals is indeed an unusual pest control tip. But if you really think about it, it actually makes sense. Pests come to your house for a reason. They’re not there simply to annoy you or make fun of you. They found something they need to survive in your home and that is why they are staking claim and marking your home as their own. What do pests see in your home? Well, what do pests need to survive? They need food and shelter. And those are what they see and want in your home. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if these animals are cuddly and cute. Unfortunately, most of them are dirty, smelly, and even carry diseases which they could easily transmit to you and the rest of your family.

Some natural ways to repel cockroaches are readily available in your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. You can cut up pieces of garlic and leave them around your kitchen, if your cockroach infestation is located there. If you have a cat, you can also use some of its catnip sachets to deter cockroaches, as its key ingredient, nepetalactone, can make them scurry the other way. Simply place them in rooms where you’ve noted a problem.

Rats and mice are important rodent pests entering Florida homes and warehouses for food and harborage. These rodents eat any kind of food that people eat. They also contaminate 10 times as much food as they eat, with urine, droppings and hair. They can carry at least 10 different kinds of diseases including bubonic plague, murine typhus, spirochetal jaundice, Leptospirosis, rabies, ratbite fever, and bacterial food poisoning. Many times rats bite sleeping children while trying to get bits of food on the child that were not washed off before going to bed. Rats and mice also start fires by gnawing matches and electrical wires in homes. The Norway rat, roof rat and house mouse are the most persistent rodent populations in need of control. Discover additional details at pest control New Smyrna Beach.

If you have pet food, make sure they are in tightly sealed containers as well and store them in a clean and sanitized area. This will block their scent and prevent pests from being able to smell them even from a distance. Aside from unfinished food and a clean pantry and kitchen, you also need to look at how you dispose your garbage. These pests will not think twice about raging your garbage can when they smell food in it. So make sure your garbage disposal area is clean and that your trash can is tightly sealed. Use a heavy lid that will not be easy to dodge or crack.

We believe pest control is more than just a once a year service. That’s why we are committed to providing our customers with the best experience possible and we believe that comes with educating our customers on everything they can do to keep their home pest free. At your appointment, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our chemicals, policies, and procedures in addition to providing you information, tips, and tricks on how to keep your home protected from Florida’s most common bugs. We’ll show you how to get rid of ants, roaches, spiders, bed bugs, or any other household pests! check out our blog for more information on Bed bugs and Ants. More to come soon! Find extra information at

CBD gummies dispensary near me in California

Medical marijuana dispensary near me in California? Find local cannabis dispensaries, marijuana dispensaries near me, weed deliveries, and medical marijuana doctors where you can buy marijuana, seeds, clones, get a medical marijuana card, and more! What is a marijuana dispensary? There are marijuana dispensaries because federal law prohibits the prescription and filling of cannabis in pharmacies. What’s a marijuana dispensary without weed? Weedmaps shows a location specializing in selling cannabis products and educating the public on safe consumption. So, if you need any type of cannabis product, you want to go to a the marijuana dispensary near me Depending on the state you are in, there are both recreational marijuana dispensaries and medical marijuana dispensaries. We’re going to go over to a san diego dispensary to ask the differences between the two and all you should know about the closest marijuana dispensary near by.

Hemp Oil from Amazon vs. CBD Oil, is there a difference? Amazon does not sell CBD products. Hemp oil is different from CBD oil; the former is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant. Hemp oil, while beneficial, does not give the same results as CBD oil. There are many vitamins, minerals, beneficial fatty acids, and proteins. CBD oil is derived from the leaves and stocks of hemp plants. As stated above, CBD has many purported health benefits that are currently being studied.

Some studies have shown that CBD has success in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. If CBD helps with anxiety, it can help with sleep-related issues caused by anxiety. If you are in a state that allows the legal use of marijuana, be careful if there are high amounts of THC in your CBD products. THC can exacerbate your anxiety and feelings of paranoia. How much does CBD Oil Cost? As any savvy shopper knows, the higher the price doesn’t necessarily mean the better the product. You want to find the best value for your dollar. The first thing you should factor in is manufacturing and processing costs. For example, companies that use CO2 extraction use the best extraction method; however, it is also the priciest. Find extra details on this website.

What is Broad-Spectrum CBD? Broad-Spectrum CBD is basically full-spectrum CBD but without THC. It looks to achieve the entourage effect by keeping most of the cannabinoids and terpenes of the hemp plant intact. People who want to experience the entourage effect but do not want THC in their system should go for broad-spectrum CBD products. What is Isolate CBD? As the name suggests, CBD isolate products only use CBD as it is, isolated without any other cannabinoids. These products utilize CBD in its purest form. The rest of the hemp plant is processed out, and you’re left only with CBD. These types of products are entirely rid of THC.

THC edibles are one of the most popular cannabis products available, specifically THC gummies, after talking to the dispensary near me and reading articles online. This store locator functions similar to weed maps. Sifting through all the different THC gummies can be fun when shoping at recreational weed near me, but we suggest you try our Budderweeds products if you want to save time and money buying edibles at a dispensary open near by. My favorite weed shop near me has the best Budderweeds marijuana edibles in California. Discover extra details at Dispensary Near Me.

There’s a lot of confusion between hemp oil and CBD oil. While you can find many hemp seed oils on Amazon, none contain CBD. Amazon refrains from selling CBD products. Hemp seed oil, as the name implies, is derived from the seeds, whereas CBD is derived from the stock and leaves. Hemp oil alone does have certain health benefits, including proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. CBD’s purported health benefits are very different than what hemp seeds offer.

Real estate & sustainability expert Shayna Davidov Hanson and Natiivo Miami residential homesharing project

Real estate investment expert Shayna Davidov Hanson presents Natiivo Miami residential project? Natiivo Miami is the first CondoHospitality residential tower in the heart of Downtown Miami, Florida. Residents of our luxury condos for sale are offered an ability to own this unique concept on their terms. A vision designed with a true understanding of what it means to be a modern homeowner, of what it means to live on your terms. To live free.

Natiivo is designed by renowned architecture firm, Arquitectonica, with interior and exterior spaces by Urban Robot. It is a 51-story, 448 fully-finished and furnished, turnkey residential tower ranging from studio to 3-bedroom apartments with extensive city and water views. Curated to evoke the innovative cultural essence of Downtown Miami, Natiivo is the epitome of urban luxury. With Downtown Miami as your backyard, residents have full access to all the art, architecture, culture, dining, shopping and entertainment the city has to offer. Live like a native and experience Miami’s most exciting urban destination.

Shayna Davidov Hanson is an experienced, multi-lingual, Real Estate professional who speaks Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and has a working knowledge of French. She has over 14 years experience in Miami Beach Luxury Real Estate, Miami Estates, Resort properties, Canyon Ranch, Penthouses, Surfside, Bal Harbour, Bay Harbour Islands, Indian Creek Island, Sunny Isles, Golden Beach, Willliams Island, Luxury Condominiums, Downtown Miami, Brickell, Brickell Key, Biscayne Corridor, Coral Gables, Pinecrest, Cocoplum, Coconut Grove, Grove Isle, Key Biscayne, Fisher Island, Waterfront homes, Miami Shores, Morningside, Keystone Point, Keystone Island, Design District, Midtown, Edgewater, Paramount Bay, Belle Meade, Belle Meade Island, Biscayne Point, North Bay Island, La Gorce Island and Country Club, Poinciana Island, Waterfront Condos, Home with docks, Venetian Islands, Star Island, Sunset Islands I, II &III, North Bay Road and Millionaire’s Row, Commercial Real Estate, hotels, Multi-families, luxury condominiums, luxury rentals, private communities, islands, REO’s, short sales and single family homes and estates, Mid Beach homes, The Venetian Islands, Hibiscus, Palm Island and South of Fifth.

Fully-finished and furnished designer apartments in Miami, Florida with expansive city and water views are the epitome of urban luxury, curated by interior design firm, Urban Robot. Your Natiivo Miami residence is meticulously designed to evoke the innovative cultural essence of Downtown Miami with the sophistication of contemporary finishes. Natiivo redefines the idea of home. What was once limited to four-walls has become an extension of one’s self. A place of comfort, ease and inspiration to be you; to live on your terms, to own different. Natiivo has all the luxuries and services of a hotel at your fingertips with the freedom of homesharing your MIami condo as desired.

Thoughtful details are woven throughout Natiivo Miami, from European finishes to organic textures and accents — all expertly curated and ready for your arrival. The only thing you need is your wardrobe — and even then we can arrange a personal shopping experience at Miami’s finest shops and boutiques! Your Natiivo Miami residence exudes the much sought after juxtaposition of tropical, Miami landscape within a progressive urban landscape. Natiivo is expertly designed by renowned firm, Urban Robot, with details, moments and finishes thoughtfully created to elevate the resident experience. Read even more details on Natiivo Miami residential homesharing.

Sixth Street Miami Partners LLC is a Delaware Limited Liability Company, headquartered in Miami, FL and owned by Galbut Family Office. The Galbut Family Office was founded by Russell Galbut, Senior Principal and Owner of Crescent Heights and Chairman of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., and Co-Presidents, Keith Menin, Hospitality Entrepreneur and Principal of Menin Hospitality, and Marisa Galbut, Director of Galbut Family Office LLC’s Commercial Portfolio. The Office is a private wealth management firm with a focus on real estate development and investment, hospitality operations, private financings of real estate and other capital market securities

A full service design collective located in Miami Beach, specializing in architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and urban design. The team works collaboratively to develop a multidisciplinary approach to all projects to bring about a unique vision and create experiences that are meaningful, memorable, and functional. The firm draws upon on its team’s diverse design backgrounds to bring about singular narratives that are true to concept and tailored to each project.

Dating people advices and Porto Velho girls

Boavista girls and dating people online guides? “We know it sounds counterintuitive, but you read this right. Online dating makes it easy to filter people based on what’s worked for you before (or what hasn’t) and create an impossible mold of what you think is your perfect match. The problem is that eventually your matches all either seem to blend together and you lost interest, or you run out of options. Keep an open mind, and try [Liking] someone who isn’t your usual type. You might find that your ‘type’ isn’t as important as you thought.” —B+L, co-hosts of “Not Your Girlfriend’s Podcast”.

But then—success! Someone “likes” me and asks me out within three messages. He’s into photography and makes his own pasta—and he is an Adonis. We have a short phone call, as Hoffman recommends, to set something up. His voice is velvety, but I’m skeptical. That’s online dating: You meet the freakazoids and think, This is the worst. You find someone great and think, Am I going to be on the next episode of Catfish?

On the Internet, it’s easy to feel nitpicky and maintain high expectations. With apps like Tinder, you snap-judge users as if you were scrolling Amazon for the best pair of speakers. This sense of being in the driver’s seat, of choosing, can be appealing. It makes you feel powerful. Fight it. If what you want is a real connection — a relationship with a person you hope to love and who will love you — you will have to bring your most mature and empathetic self to the project. That means not saying, “Eh, she’s cute — but I prefer brunettes to blondes. Next!” You’d never behave this way in person, so don’t do it online.

For our Portuguese language guests

Na Internet, é fácil sentir-se mesquinho e manter altas expectativas. Com aplicativos como o Tinder, você julga os usuários como se estivesse navegando na Amazon para encontrar o melhor par de alto-falantes. Essa sensação de estar no assento do motorista, de escolher, pode ser atraente. Isso faz você se sentir poderoso. Lute. Se o que você deseja é uma conexão real – um relacionamento com uma pessoa que você espera amar e que irá amá-lo – você terá que trazer o seu eu mais maduro e empático para o projeto. Isso significa não dizer: “Eh, ela é fofa – mas eu prefiro morenas a loiras. Próximo!” Você nunca se comportaria dessa maneira pessoalmente, então não o faça online.

Devo tornar minhas mensagens pessoais, aconselha Hoffman: “Comente algo em seu perfil e faça uma pergunta”. Obedientemente, digo a um cliente em potencial de óculos: “Eu também gosto de sorvete derretido. Qual é o seu sabor favorito? ” Tenho algumas conversas interessantes, mas nada leva a lugar nenhum. Depois de uma longa troca de ideias com um cara bonito que pergunta por que ainda estou solteiro (me bate!), Tento um movimento de Hoffman, escrevendo: “Essa é uma história melhor contada durante uma bebida.” Ele sugere … dedos de frango. Como em fast food? Isso é uma coisa de sexo que eu não sei?

Só é permitido anúncios de mulheres maiores de 18 anos que comprovem sua idade através de cópia do documento de identidade. Nossos anúncios são verificados periodicamente para garantir a veracidade dos dados informados. Os dados dos anúncios publicados em nosso classificado são de inteira responsabilidade das anunciantes (acompanhantes). Cada acompanhante informa e mantém atualizados seus telefones de contato, dados sobre atendimento e ensaio com fotos sensuais. As fotos publicadas nos anúncios são fornecidas pelas acompanhantes (anunciantes). O ACOMPANHANTES Boavista não é o produtor do ensaio e não garante a veracidade das fotos sensuais. Nós sugerimos ao cliente que confirme da maneira que julgar necessária a veracidade dos dados e fotos antes de contratar um programa com qualquer acompanhante. Vejo mais informação neste site

“Acho que existe essa ideia de que você deve ter um abridor inteligente, atencioso e brilhante quando estiver enviando mensagens para alguém pela primeira vez em um aplicativo de namoro. Isso simplesmente não é verdade. Claro, poderia ser fofo se você conseguisse encontrar uma maneira engraçada de ilustrar a leitura do perfil deles e compartilhar um interesse comum, mas se você não puder fazer isso, não se estresse. Não importa com o que você abre, contanto que você abra. ‘Ei, algum plano emocionante para este fim de semana?’ É algo que você pode dizer a qualquer pessoa. Realmente, é tão simples quanto isso. ” —Zachary Zane, ativista bissexual e escritor.