Window cleaning firm offers cleaning tricks from

Window cleaning services offers cleaning advices on Singapore? Carpet is often found in “high-traffic” areas, such as living rooms, bedrooms, and finished basements simply because it is the most invisibly durable type of floor covering. Plus, if you have kids, carpet is always the wiser choice since it creates a slip-free surface and an artificial padding for rambunctious children. Not only does it cushion your feet, it can also soften the acoustics of the room, making for less echoes and noise. But even though it is durable, it still needs to be well-preserved in order for it to last. Understanding and completing basic carpet maintenance is the only way to ensure clean, safe, and beautiful floors for many years to come.

Several cleaning advices: To protect your carpet, vacuum entrance areas and high-traffic areas twice a week and the rest of the carpeting at least weekly. Oily soils attract oily soils, and frequent vacuuming will reduce soil buildup. A dirty bag, dirt cup or filter can cut a vacuum’s suction power in half. The main reason bagless vacuums stop working is that the filters aren’t changed often enough. Replace or wash (if possible) the filters on bagless vacuums every three months. Replace vacuum bags when they’re three-quarters full.

Whenever you place a booking, you are charged a prepayment for cleaning services. The order you just made is then posted to our community of cleaners across Singapore. The pre-payment is held in escrow until the cleaner undertakes your order, shows up and completes the cleaning service. Only then will pre-payment be released from escrow and paid to the cleaner. Find extra info at cleaning services. You may reschedule all cleaning services through the app at least two days advance. The change in the appointment timing should be agreed between you and the cleaner before the change in timing.

Area Targeting: We always analyze the area in question before we commence treatment. To target the areas with pet stains or odor a UV light and moisture probe will be used. By doing this we can find a problem area that might not be seen on the surface with normal lighting. This allows us to pin point the area of concern and use the right formula for the job.

Though it uses the same cleaning chemicals, the dry process alters the amount of chemicals used and how they’re applied. A machine with two counter-revolving brushes moves the cleaning agents through the carpet’s material. The cleaner supplies enough liquid to dissolve the dirt, then re-absorbs the soil and liquid, which leaves the carpet dry for vacuuming and immediate use. Some carpet-cleaning professionals spray a carbonated cleaning solution onto the carpet. The carbonation allows the cleaning agents to get to the carpet fibers with minimal wetting. The solution doesn’t contain the oil or detergents that typically leave a dirt-attracting residue. Dissolved dirt is removed with a machine that rubs soft cotton pads over the carpet. Find additional information at here.

Top online casinos reviews for Korea

Safe Korea casino tricks by The reason for this being that there is a better chance of winning with a fixed maximum payout machine compared to the progressive jackpots. Because of the number of people all playing for that huge jackpot amount, your odds of winning on a progressive game are lower. That goes not only for the jackpot amount but also for the odds of winning smaller amounts as well. These machines pay back far less than the normal machines. It can be anything up to a 5% less return, which might seem like nothing but is in fact a great amount for slots. The smaller the jackpot, the easier it is to win, increasing your chances of walking away a winner.

Does this sound too mundane for you? Winning at roulette requires patience and dedication. If you want to maximize your chances to win money at roulette machines you need to focus on the right things. Important note: Roulette is a gambling game and, as such, it depends on luck. The house advantage varies depending on the roulette variant you play but it is never equal to zero. You can base your game on a lot of different roulette strategies, but you can’t win at roulette every time you play. What you can do is to increases your winning chances avoiding all the wrong bets and focusing only on those that offer you the best odds to win.

It doesn’t matter whether you play casino games, bet on sports, or play poker, you owe it to yourself to learn as much about the activity as you possibly can. Even if you’re a recreational gambler with the understanding that you’re going to lose money in the long run, you should try to get the best from your gambling dollars. In order to do that, you have to understand what it is you’re trying to do, why you’re doing it, and how to do it better. An even better strategy is to become an advantage gambler. Only make bets with a positive expectation. Learn to play poker at an expert level. Count cards and use hole carding techniques in blackjack. Learn to identify profitable opportunities in sports betting. Gambling is more fun when you play to win. And playing to win is easier when you understand what’s going on. Read additional details on

You can turn towards the popular online casino Malaysia games as they are quite popular across the world. The best thing about such sites is that you get to enjoy the excitement of playing online casino games without getting crowded by other strangers. Also, online sites turn out to be more beneficial than real casino games. People are earning a lot of money through these platforms, which keeps them getting engaged with the sites for a long time. Once you start playing the online casino games, there will be no coming back. But you should play it wisely and strategically. Don’t get attracted to the money flow, which will eventually take you to a bad direction. Always have the above-mentioned points in mind and keep control over your thoughts. We hope that these tips will help you in starting with your online casino gaming journey.

For our Korean visitors:

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카지노에서 폭격 한 모든 숫자는 장기 평균에 적용됩니다. 이는 카지노 배당률이 수만 번의 스핀, 거래 및 추첨을 통해 계산됨을 의미합니다. 플레이어와 가계도에 대한 언급이 종종 언급되지만 카지노 게임 수학의 가장 중요한 측면은 미디어에서 거의 대중화되지 않습니다. 여기에는 확률과 확률의 차이, 위험 및 변동성, 플레이어 가치 등이 포함됩니다. 이러한 개념 중 상당수는이 기사의 범위를 벗어나므로 표준 편차, 분산, 시행 횟수 등에 대한 심층적 인 이해가 필요합니다. 카지노에서 성공할 확률은 단기간에 항상 훨씬 큽니다. 우선, 아무도 무한한 자금을 가지고 있지 않으며, 카지노를하더라도 장기적으로 이길 것입니다. 모든 단일 카지노 게임에 내장 된 하우스 엣지는 카지노가 장기적으로 이길 수 있도록합니다. 그러나 블랙 잭 테이블, 룰렛 테이블, 슬롯 머신 게임 또는 비디오 포커 터미널에서는 하우스 엣지가 행운을 이길 수 없습니다. 이것을 그림; 당신은 $ 100 자금을 가지고 있고 당신은 5 라운드 룰렛의 5 게임에서 각 라운드에 $ 20와 5 개의 다른 숫자를하기로 결정했습니다. 이 5 가지 게임에 숫자 중 하나만 나타나면 자금에 35 X $ 20을 곱한 것입니다. 즉, 단기간에 승자를 떠날 수 있습니다. 이 웹 사이트에서 더 많은 정보를 읽으십시오 더킹카지노 주소.

또하나의 계기는 소위 정보의 바다라는 인터넷의 잘못된 정보들 때문입니다. 극소수의 글들을 제외하고는 카지노에 관련된 수많은 글들이 하나같이 도박사의 오류에 빠져있는 것은 충격이었습니다. 잘못된 정보는 차라리 없느니만 못한데, 인터넷에는 검증되지 않은 정보가 정말 수두룩합니다. 이 글을 통해 누구던지 도박사의 오류에서 벗어날수 있다면 힘들게 글을 쓴 보람이 거기에 있을겁니다.

더킹카지노 카지노사이트는 다양한 온라인카지노 게임을 온라인에서 실시간으로 즐기 실 수 있도록 엄선된 바카라사이트 만을 소개하고 있습니다 . 로열RT, 심플플레이, MG LIVE, 머니휠, 로열 바카라, 슬롯머신 플렛폼에서 각종 카드게임, 바카라, 블랙젝에서 실시간 카드게임 및 호텔 카지노의 모든 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.

5 Movies To Stream About Police Misconduct

In light of current events, being able to be open minded and understand the cause, there are many films available to watch and take a different approach towards understanding and extending the feelings to a further level. Within the films, the storylines will give the audience the emotions and perspectives in the currently debated topic; Police Misconduct. The storylines, filled with details relevant to everyday news seen both on press and social media, are great passageways for those looking to feel the view of those directly involved.

Some films are available to watch in different platforms that will suit your needs.

  1. Blue Lives Matter:

The film, directed by Joseph Henson, gives the story of an African American policeman that after shooting a gang member is falsely convicted of murder. When he sees that everything in his life will be wrongly affected, he takes matters into his own hands. The movie plays an important storyline in which societal problems, currently shining bring today, and the feeling of frustration surround the main topic.

Available On: Vyre Network

  1. Unarmed Man:

Directed by Harold Jackson III, touches on various points that will put the police’s side on the edge. The story, based on a police officer’s journey through a dowspiral set of events. The film touches on today’s relevant hot topics in terms of police brutality, the main issue; shooting and killing an unarmed man at a routine traffic stop. When the story unravels, it offers different perspectives that will change the audience’s views. The journey through the details that are coated in the prejudice, stereotypical, and racial profiling that affects many in today’s society and has led to the marching of thousands across the nation to voice their opinion.

Available On: Vyre Network, Amazon Prime

  1. Do Not Resist

Directed by Craig Atkinson, the documentary shows, with a more supportive view that is complemented by the documentary “Whose Streets,” the captured the moments in which the police is rapidly militarized and the excessive use of power in the Ferguson protests and other parts of the nation. The topics discussed connect in a timely manner to today’s issues; the use of harmful items, the excessive force, and the instigation to violence from those employed to keep safety. With a closer look at the other side of the coin, the behind the scenes feeling will give a different perspective at the mindset that led to more police misconduct.

Available On: Itunes, Youtube, Amazon, Google Play Movies, Vudu

  1. Whose Streets?

The documentary, crafted by Sabaah Folayan, when unarmed teenager Michael Brown is murdered by police, the town of Ferguson, whose tipping point was the treatment towards Michael, who was left on the ground for hours. The documentary is told and lived by those involved in the movement; which also shows the abuse of power and unnecessary gear from Police to Civilians. The film, through the close view to the actions and its stakeholders, can show the precedents to the current events in which a peaceful protest is turned violent due to police incitement.


Available On: Hulu, Kanopy, Hoopla


  1. The Central Park Five

The film directed by Sarah Burns , David McMahon , and Ken Burns, shows a heavy topic of police dishonesty that reflects the false accusations that are in the justice system. After the failure of police investigation and a weak case, five young african americans were wrongly sentenced for a crime they did not commit. The film shines the light at the systematic racism that is embedded in the trials performed. To offer a better look at the bigger picture of the recent historic movement.

Available On: Amazon Prime, Hoopla, Kanopy

Vyre is the newest streaming contender in the infamous streaming wars which include obvious names like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Pluto TV, and others. Vyre’s edge is its focus on independent filmmakers and content creators and providing an accessible outlet for worldwide distribution. Vyre streams short films, feature films, documentaries, TV series, exclusive live stream events, and music videos.

You can stream Blue Lives matter on Vyre for free on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, Android, iPhone, and on the web. To download Vyre log on to

Vyre Network represents a visually driven culture, from millennials to generations X, Y, and Z. Vyre distributes a wide range of entertainment that allows popular culture to express themselves as consumers and creators without boundaries. This includes original shows, feature films, short films, music videos, and exclusive live events.

Foundation repair advices Salt Lake City

Searching for a foundation contractor in Salt Lake City? You get what you pay for. We have all heard this before, and in most cases it is true. There are several companies that sell cheap foundation piers that won’t last. Their piers typically fail within a year and the home settles again, and you are back to square one. When you try to call the company to ask about your warranty, they are either not in business anymore or come up with some external circumstance as to why they won’t honor their warranty.

How can I spot an issue in the foundation of my home? There are a few different types of foundations a home could have – a crawl space, a full basement or a slab – and depending on the type they might be constructed from wood, pillars, stones, bricks, blocks or a solid wall of poured and reinforced concrete. Some types of foundations make it easier to spot when a repair might be needed. For example, homeowners with a slab are less likely to see their foundation because it is buried deep underground. The concrete part directly under your finished flooring, the part you walk on, is only a pad poured inside the foundation.

Chad is a 3rd Generation contractor. He was raised in West Texas with strong family values. Being a third-generation graduate of Texas Tech University, Chad put himself through college just as his mother and grandmother did before him. After graduation Chad became a property adjuster specializing in foundation claims for State Farm because it not only required his new degree but also allowed him to use the contracting experience he gained while running his business during college. Upon the arrival of his third child with his wife Deena, Chad knew his income would have to increase. When Chad left State Farm, he went back into general contracting in Houston Texas.

These inspections should be conducted both inside the home (within the basement) and along all exterior surfaces of the foundation. In order to make absolutely sure your foundation is in the best possible condition, a professional should be the one to conduct the investigation of your foundation and assess the situation. By hiring a professional you are guaranteed a thorough investigation of your foundation. A professional has comprehensive knowledge of what your home foundation repair needs. They will not only fix the problem but give your home a stronger support system.

When it comes to foundation repair methods, trust that Foundation Professionals of Utah is the foundation repair company with every known solution the industry. Some of the tools we have available are foundation piers, helical piers, wall anchors, helical tiebacks, epoxy crack repair, perimeter drainage systems, basement waterproofing in all forms and crawlspace encapsulation. Providing you and your family a healthy, stable and dry home is our goal. Doing it cost-effectively is your goal. We understand the balance between the two. See additional info on click here.

If you choose to live in your home without immediately dealing with foundation issues, you may end up having to deal with what we’ll call “referred” symptoms. Much like with health-related issues, referred symptoms are problems that don’t actually have to do with the core problem – the foundation – but result from it. Common referred symptoms from foundation problems include sagging floors, roof issues, cracks in walls and ceilings, compromised insulation, broken or cracked windows, and just about anything else.

Affordable dogs products and care guides from PetCareStores

VIP cats care tips? Another tip for pet care during the lockdown is not to take your pets out any more than necessary during the coronavirus pandemic. As much as possible, try walking your pets within your residence, garden, or garage, and if you do take them out for a short walk go back home as soon as they are done with their business. Walking routes may be busier than usual with other walkers and cyclists, or runners, so try to avoid busy times and crowded routes.

Grooming is another essential aspect of dog parenthood. A healthy dog should be free from fleas and ticks, which is why you need to make sure your pup gets regular baths and grooming. Dogs with long fur and thick coats need frequent brushing and to always be checked for fleas, especially on warm weather. Should fleas appear, consult your vet for treatment solutions immediately. During cold weather, mats and ice balls can form beneath the paws so hair needs to be trimmed also. When carrying a puppy or a small dog, place one hand under the chest and support the hind legs or the rump with your other hand. Do the same when you have to lift a large dog.

Choosing a bed for our feline friend is a pretty difficult task to handle on our own. It is so fortunate for the cat owners that this issue has been taken seriously into consideration. OrthoComfort from Best Friends by Sheri is the perfect combination of comfort, coziness, and craftsmanship. It provides your kitty with a snug place to sleep in and adds to your home decor through its dashing looks. With generously filled bolsters all around, this is the absolute place for your cat or kittens to snug in, making it the best cat bed. And it is easy to wash directly in the washer. What else do you need?! Everyone knows that cats love to burrow themselves in cave-like places. They need to hide once in a while from the hectic world. And that’s when Petmaker Igloo super cheap cat bed comes into the picture. First of all, this cat bed is overloaded with cuteness. The foam filling along with soft material gives felines an ideal place to sleep. Moreover, it enhances the sense of security and privacy with its unique shape, making it your cat’s favorite snoozing place. Discover extra info at Affordable Pet Care.

If you’re looking for a cat cave that will keep your feline feeling secure, the cozy and comfortable Egg Nest Cat Bed from Boots & Barkley may do the trick. This cat cave features a slightly more cylindrical shape, combining the feeling of a cat cave with the length of a cat tube. Many cats seem to take to this soft, cuddly cat cave and the faux-Sherpa lining makes it feel warm and inviting. One thing to note is that this cat cave may not machine wash well. It’s been noted that a cycle through the washing machine leaves the foam walls lumpy and misshapen. A safer option is to spot-clean the cat cave. For an affordable and inviting cat bed option, pick the Boots & Barkley Egg Nest Cat Bed. Give your cat a window seat with this much-loved kitty perch. The Original Kitty Cot makes an ideal bed for indoor cats that want to keep an eye on the outside world.

As a unique product, instead of the inside being filled with foam, the fill is made from recycled plastic bottles. If you’re worried about plastic bottle pieces not being comfortable to sit on, you’d be happy to know that most reviewers highlighted the comfort of the bed. It comes in three different color combinations so you can find the right match for your aesthetic. The small size is 16? long, 20? wide, and 6? high. The bed is easy to wash, and several reviewers found that an average pillowcase fits around this bed if you want to add extra covers so you don’t have to wash as often. You can wash the whole bed in the washer with cold water and dryer on the no-heat cycle.

As governments slowly loosen novel coronavirus-related lockdown procedures, many pet owners are preparing to work outside the home again. To that end, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is encouraging veterinarians to share key tips with clients to ensure the transition is as stress-free as possible for their pets. “Dogs and cats are creatures of routine, and they’ve probably gotten very accustomed to having us around the house all day during the pandemic. For pets adopted over the past couple of months, this may be the only routine they’ve ever known,” says the association’s president, John Howe, DVM. “So as more of us transition back to work and regular schedules we need to prepare our pets for this new routine.” Discover even more details on here.

Michael Jackson related books and best 3 thriller books to look at 2020

Best celebrity books to look at in 2020? A historical crime thriller set ten years after the arrival of the Mayflower on American shores, full of religious conflict and claustrophobic mystery. The new colony is not what many of its settlers were promised. Run by a fervent puritan man, many have had to give up their hopes of religious freedom in a new world. As the tensions start to grow amongst different sects and the colony becomes more and more isolated, it might be too late when the next boat arrives. Told from the perspectives of women in the colony, Beheld takes a dark and innovative look in the early days of American colonization and the cabin fever trope.

Black 13: Black 13 is the exhilarating first spy thriller book in Adam Hamdy’s Scott Pearce series. Radical extremists are rising and governments, the military and intelligence agencies are outmanoeuvred, borders are breaking down and the people in power are puppets. In this new world, one man will make a difference. That man is Ex-MI6 agent in exile, Scott Pearce.

Michael Jackson is one of the most loved artists in human history and that’s why everything related to him is huge. You maybe heard about the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson, called by the media the Michael Jackson’s secret daughter. What you most likely didn’t know is the fact that Mocienne Petit Jackson is a prolific writer, with plenty of book available on Amazon and most of the other major book retailers. Contrary to the implication that has been suggested by people of the international media, the L.A. County Superior Court did not throwout the claim of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the basis of the case’s validity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely. She asserts that the stories which had been published in late-2010 in light of the case have had a damaging effect on her reputation and on her business operations, and she expresses her belief that some measure of responsibility ought to be taken for the detrimental effects that being in the media spotlight can have on one’s repute. Ms Jackson also points out that the role of social media runs in a similar vein—alleging that it was used as a means to verbally harass her in relation to the court case, as well as to spread misinformation more generally. Read a few extra info on Mocienne Petit Jackson.

The bestselling author of The Chalk Man is back with yet another gripping thriller centered on a man desperately searching for his missing daughter whom no one else believes is alive. Although Gabe’s wife and 5-year-old child were both identified as victims of murder, he remains convinced that not only his daughter is still alive, but that he saw her in a stranger’s car on the night of the horrific incident. He’ll stop at nothing until he uncovers the truth—even when it puts him in the crosshairs of some dangerous people.

Samantha Downing takes family dysfunction to a whole new level in He Started It. Estranged siblings Beth, Portia, and Eddie Morgan embark on a cross-country road trip at the behest of their dying grandfather in order to ensure their inheritance. But don’t bet on anything going smoothly thanks to the mix of deadly secrets the trio is concealing from one another. Inspired by Daphne du Maurier’s classic Rebecca, Kit Frick’s I Killed Zoe Spanos is the story of a young nanny who happens to look nearly identical to a girl who recently went missing. When the girl’s body is found, the nanny confesses to murder, but an intrepid teen with a podcast suspects there’s more to the story. A birthday party turns sinister in B.A. Paris’s suspenseful The Dilemma. Livia’s 40th birthday party is set to be a marvelous night, but the only person that can’t be there is her daughter. But Livia has a secret: she’s glad her daughter can’t come, but she can’t tell her husband why.

Her life on Haiti was not what she expected – a normal family life. She came into contact with some very kind people but also with others who were not so kind. She experienced many things which were not meant for a child of that age. We relive those experiences with her as she describes them through the eyes of a young and vulnerable little girl. After moving to Port-au-Prince, her life changes dramatically. Not long after that it became a complete nightmare… Mocienne Petit Jackson’s Thriller autobiographies were published in 2015 and were made available on Amazon in 2018. They are also currently available for purchase through Kobo. The books are available in English, Dutch, and Chinese. Future versions of the books will be made available in French (2020), Portuguese (2019), Japanese (2020), German (2020), and in Spanish (2020). Discover a few extra info on Michael Jackson daughter books.

Cryptocurrency trading recommendations plus how to purchase cryptocurrency with SOFORT banking

Cryptocurrency trading recommendations plus how to buy bitcoin with SOFORT banking? This is another cryptocurrency broker site. Here you buy Bitcoin from the broker itself, or via its liquidity pools instead of from another person. So similar to Coinbase. Bitpanda has been around for a few years now and they are building up their reputation. Namely for being very easy to use and with lots of payment methods available. From bank transfer, Skrill, Neteller, card purchases, Sofort, iDEal, etc. It is only available for EU users though.

Everyone is talking about cryptocurrencies. The explosion in the price of Bitcoin in previous years, when it reached its maximum price and almost touched $ 20.000 dollars, caused the eyes of the world to settle on the crypto world. Suddenly, from average citizens to financial giants, everyone became interested in cryptocurrencies. Their rising prices gave cryptocurrencies a new attraction.

If you’ve not heard of the term stop loss in trading, check out this link to help you understand what it’s all about. Every trade we get into requires us to know when to get out, whether we’re making a profit or not. Establishing a clear stop loss level can help you cut your losses; a skill that’s very rare in most traders. Choosing a stop loss is not a random activity, and perhaps the most important thing to note here is that you shouldn’t be carried away by your emotions – a great point to set your stop loss is at the cost of your coin. If, for instance, you acquired a coin at $1,000, set that as the minimum point you’re willing to trade your coin. This will ensure that if the worst comes to pass, you can walk away with what you invested in the first place.

There are several reasons why Klarna (SOFORT) became one of the most popular choices in Europe when it comes to bitcoin purchasing. First, you do not need to register an account to be able to do bank transfers through the system. You just need bank credentials, receivers’ details and money in your account. Another reason for its extended use in the countries it supports (Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Spain, France and the UK) are low fees of 0.8% + €0.25. You should be aware that Klarna (SOFORT) transactions are limited to €25.000 a day while the transfer duration can take up between a day or two. Read extra information at

If you are going to aim to be in crypto for the long term, consider building an average position (for example via dollar cost averaging or value averaging). There is no better way to avoid making a poorly timed trade than buying incrementally instead of all at once and thereby buying an asset at its “average” price over time. If you don’t have a really solid grasp of technical indicators and the way the volatile crypto markets work, consider averaging out of positions as well. Averaging isn’t just financially conservative, it is important psychologically. Taking too big of a position at once can be emotionally difficult to deal with (and can thus lead to bad decision making) given the historic volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

Backup your wallet. Store only small amounts of currency for everyday use online, on your computer or mobile, keeping the vast majority of your funds in a high-security environment. Cold or offline storage options for backup like Ledger Nano or paper or USB will protect you against computer failures and allow you to recover your wallet should it be lost or stolen. It will not, however, protect you against eager hackers. The reality is, if you choose to use an online wallet there are inherent risks that can’t always be protected against.

FOMO is an abbreviation for the fear of missing out. This is one of the most notorious reasons as to why many traders fail in the art. From an outside point of view, it is never a good scene seeing people make massive profits within minutes from pumped-up coins. Honestly, I never like such situations any more than you do. But I’ll tell you one thing that’s for sure, Beware of that moment when the green candles seem to be screaming at you and telling to you to jump in. It is at this point that the whales I mentioned earlier will be smiling and watching you buy the coins they bought earlier at very low prices. Guess what normally follows? These coins usually end up in the hands of small traders and the next thing that happens is for the red candles to start popping up due to an oversupply and, voila, losses start trickling in. Discover extra info at

Top cash discounting and surcharge advices

Best ISO cash discount program and selling tricks? Here’s What We Will Do: You go to the merchant and tell him that you will reduce his credit card payment processing fee from $300 to zero or almost zero. And you will do that by telling customers that they will get a discount if they pay via cash, but if they pay via credit card, they will have to pay full price. However, with this approach, you are losing 50% of your profit and only getting $50 out of the total profit of $100. This approach might win you “salesman of the year” award, but it won’t let you buy that Mercedes you’ve been eyeing for some time.

A surcharge is an extra fee, charge, or tax that is added on to the cost of a good or service, beyond the initially quoted price. Often, a surcharge is added to an existing tax and is not included in the stated price of the good or service. The charge could reflect a locality’s need to collect money for extra services, a hike to defray the cost of increased commodity pricing, such as with a fuel surcharge, or an extra fee on your wireless bill for access to emergency services.

Highlight your strengths and differentiators that set you apart from the competition. Motivate prospective customers to learn more. Your value proposition should be comprehensive, yet brief, and solve specific pain points for the customer. When possible, quantify value for your customers—provide a concrete and tangible ROI. And of course, continually reinforce your values to the customer.

Also, it is not permitted in several areas. So, if you are from one of the areas such as New York, Maine, Kansas, Oklahoma, Florida, California, Texas, etc, you won’t be charged a surcharge. In the same way, the vendors can’t add the surcharge. Let’s say a customer has to pay 100 bucks for an item. The credit card association will charge 2 bucks fees from them. So, the merchant will add 2 bucks as a surcharge, the customer will have to pay 102 bucks. In this way, the merchant can recover the money. See additional details at Best Cash Discount Program.

Collaborate and provide new insights: Sales winners educate buyers with new ideas and perspectives 3X more often than second-place finishers. This is the No. 1 factor that most separates sellers who ultimately win the sale from those who came in second place. Clients are coming to you for your expertise and ideas. Show them the insights you’ve gleaned from working with others in similar situations. Collaborate with clients by not just agreeing with everything they say, but by also pushing back on their ideas and providing a new perspective. This is much more valuable than having a financial provider or banker who simply takes orders. This will also differentiate you against stiff competition.