How to select converting products to dropship on Amazon

How to choose profitable products to dropship on Amazon? Here are a few advices and a recommendation to let a pro to the market research. Dropshipping is a business model which you can use to run your store without ever holding any inventory. Once you’ve made a sale your supplier will ship your products from their warehouse, straight to your customer’s doorstep. You’ll never need to worry about storing, packaging, or shipping your merchandise.

When you’re going high ticket with the best suppliers, you’ll have pricing policies that set a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP). That means you can’t discount below that price to beat competitors. But you can convince people to buy from you by offering more than your competitors. You have to ask yourself what your customer wants or needs that is inexpensive and that they’re going to buy anyways. These are usually smaller accessories like a phone case when you get a new phone. For example, if you’re selling paddle boards, you could include an ankle leash or board wax. That way, when they’re shopping for that board and are comparing between you and your competitor, they’ll see the same price. But with you, they’ll get something more.

The key to successful dropshipping is to develop a brand that is stronger than your product. The mistake that many dropshippers make is to simply list a range of incoherent products across multiple niches. Choose a niche with products that have the same look, feel, and quality. Product descriptions on the store should then mimic the style of big brand competitors. For example, if your selling men’s fashion aimed at the 18-25 year old market, use the same product description style as Hollister. Just look at the construction of the sentences and the adjectives and mimic. Crucially, when using Facebook ads, use carousel-style product and lifestyle images. With a well designed store logo and regular social media postings, you can really create a strong brand feel around dropshipped products.

How to find the perfect products ? A few words about dropshipping market research. Another great way to generate ideas of dropshipping products to sell in your online store is by looking at social shopping platforms. Social shopping sites are ecommerce enabled websites where the shopping experience is shared with a social network of people. Sharing can include liking, commenting, recommending or sharing products with others. The main premise for sellers on these sites is using others recommendations and influence to gain more sales. Look around these websites and discover how people use them. Notice how each store’s customer reviews are prominent and feedback is important to the UI. This makes it easy for you to research potential dropshipping products to sell in your store as you can quickly identify products that people love and are raving about. Or you can let an expert to do the product market research for you while you focus on marketing or improving your website. See extra details on Dropship on Shopify.

How to do a Drupal 7 upgrade

Migrating a website script version is one of the most complicated procedure a webmaster has to deal with when managing a website. How to do a Drupal 8 upgrade? Here is a small guide with various details. Let’s start with general info : Note that you don’t need to know anything about PHP to build a site in Drupal. When you search (preferably on Google) for a solution to your latest Drupal problem, a lot of the pages that come up will be providing snippets of PHP code. This is not the correct help information for you, the Drupal newbie. This is for technically competent people who are able to build their own modules and stuff like that. If you look at the other pages thrown up by your search, you will probably find an answer to your problem which involves working within the existing Drupal core and modules. That means, a solution you can implement using menus and tickboxes and whatnot, without needing to mess around with code.

When you are done with setting up a local Drupal 8 website, navigate to the Extend tab of the new website and verify that the three main migrate modules (Migrate, Migrate Drupal and Migrate Upgrade) are present in the Core (experimental) section. Though not yet perfect, the upgrade procedure in Drupal has come quite a long way. As you can see in this tutorial, the upgrade process is now very streamlined and is an integral part of the Drupal Core. If you liked this blog post, then give a read to another blog post by us on, How To Update Drupal 8 Core.

The upgrade process, and underlying Migration API, are still evolving. We don’t anticipate them changing dramatically even though they are still marked experimental. Beware of any resources that were written before Drupal 8.1.x was released (April 19, 2016) as the system changed considerably in ways that invalidate many of the older articles.

Here are basic steps to take to upgrade an existing Drupal site to use a distribution. These are rough guidelines only. Because each site and each distribution is configured differently, you’re likely to run into additional complexities. But these notes should at least get you started in the right direction. Select a distribution to use. You’ll want to find the distribution that most closely matches your site requirements. See the listings and comparisons of Drupal distributions on

The steps above outline how to get a distribution minimally installed on an existing site. But you’ll still have a lot of work to do to reconcile your existing site content and structure with what has been created by the distribution. Here are a few tips to get you started–but you should begin with the assumption that there will be lots more you’ll discover and need to fix. Content types and fields. You may have existing content types on your site that overlap with those provided by the distribution. For example, if you have an existing content type called ‘news’, it might have a function very close to that of an ‘article’ content provided by one of the features you’ve enabled. To begin to use the new feature’s functionality, you could consider converting the existing ‘news’ content into ‘article’ content. Read extra info about Drupal 8 Migration.

Abel Prasad from popular blog

Abel Prasad is a writer , he is writing a personal blog, but also writing about many other topics. From short motivational texts to daily life advices, you can read a lot of interesting things on his personal blog.

He is also discussing about important topics at this time like losing weight or wisdom toughts.

Here is a small quote : Drink a little water. by drinking cold water it can help to burn up to 100 calories. Just as the body burns more energy keeping the body temperature stable in cold conditions, so too does it have to work harder when we expose it to cold liquids and foods.

You might also want to join a gym but I think i’d rather drink cold water and coffee and go for walks…..

You can read more about Abel Prasad

Abel is also running a hydro products / home brewing business, you can check it here Here are some home brewing tips :

Aerate the Wort

These next 3 tips all deal with yeast. Why is yeast so important? Simple. Brewers make wort. Yeast makes beer. As brewers, we can’t control the billions of yeast cells charged with that lofty task, but we can certainly influence them and help them out along the way.

Boiling drives off the oxygen dissolved in the wort, which yeast needs for healthy reproduction. If that oxygen isn’t added back, the yeast can become stressed, leading to the development of off-flavors during fermentation. The cheapest way to aerate the wort is shaking the hell out of it for several minutes. Once you have the wort in a sealed, sanitized carboy or bucket, place a folded towel on the ground and vigorously rock the full carboy or bucket back and forth until it’s good and frothy. I do not recommend picking the carboy up and shaking it back and forth. Carboys are dangerous, brittle, and unforgivingly messy if dropped.

Wort chillers are worth it.

One of the best ways to reduce the likelihood of your beer getting contaminated is to chill the wort as fast as possible, dropping the temperature from that dangerous range that evil bacteria just love. Many beginning homebrewers accomplish this by submerging the brew kettle in an ice bath in either a large tub or the bathtub. Depending on how many bags of ice you purchased (additional expense), this can take anywhere from 40 minutes to well over an hour.

You can save a ton of time, eliminate hassle, and reduce the risk of contamination by purchasing a wort chiller. These come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common is a coiled immersion chiller. Immersion chillers usually cost $50-$70 and can typically chill 5 gallons of wort in 20 minutes or less. You simply hook a cold-water source up to the immersion chiller, add the chiller to your kettle for the last 10 minutes of your boil to sanitize it, and then turn on the water after you’ve removed your kettle from the heat source. The chiller does the rest, and is surprisingly easy to clean when you’re finished chilling your wort. (Plate chillers are also available but are a little more complicated to use and cost considerably more.) Learn more about ways to cool your wort, different wort chillers, and how to make your own wort chiller.

Automotive hail damage repair

Vehicle wraps & decals ? The first step to performing a dent repair without using paint involves assessing the dent itself and determining if a paintless dent repair is even possible. According to most experts, 80 to 90 percent of dents can be repaired using PDR techniques. However, there are a certain percentage of dents that are impossible to repair without following it up with a paint job. The following types of dents usually fall into this “non-PDR” category: Very deep dents – Even very large dents can be repaired using PDR if the dent is fairly shallow. However, if a dent of any size is pushed in too far, the metal can’t be bent back into place without damaging the paint and requiring repainting.

First, you have to pick a proper tool kit. And that’s not easy for a user who has little clue what’s going on. Some of them are cheap — low prices should raise red flags. Others are so expensive (three-figures or more) that they’re probably right up there with the cost of a decent professional repair (although, to be fair, if you buy the kit you can perform multiple repairs). Many of the high-end, expensive tools are intended to be used along the inside of the panel, much like a pro would do. (Gaining access to the inside of body panels can be a chore, though, and often involves careful removal of multiple interior trim pieces.) Alternatives (which tend to be the less expensive kits) flaunt the conventional wisdom that small dents should be massaged back out from behind the painted surface. These options instruct the user to glue a tool to the dented surface and then twist or pull on the tool to pop it out. True, you can go buy the same tools as a pro, but it takes a lot of skill and experience to use them properly.

Only three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and getting a dent in your car or truck. Even if you’re as careful as possible, you can’t always account for runaway shopping carts, wrongly thrown footballs, out-of-nowhere light posts, and other real-life annoyances. However you got your dent or ding, the next thing on your mind is, undoubtedly, how to get it out. Sure, you can take it to a body shop or friendly neighborhood mechanic for repair, but their price quotes can be unbelievable, especially if they want to remove the paint first or use body filler. $200 for that tiny dent?! I don’t think so.

Applying dry ice to the dent is an effective way for fixing hail damage. The huge change in temperature can force the dents to pop out. Everything for you to do is just moving the dry ice around the damaged area to cool the area rapidly. But be careful as dry ice will damage your skin if you don’t wear gloves when handling it. Fixing hail damage by dry ice can be a cool solution, but sometimes it can not remove all of the dents. So in this case, you will need to do additional repairs.

For dents that are fairly small and not deep, a dent repair kit may be an inexpensive and simple solution. These kits are available at any auto parts store and tend to be very user friendly — instructions are always included. The best part is that they usually cost under $40. Most include several stems for various sized dents, a glue gun and a knockdown tool. You may be surprised at how well the kit works and how professional the result looks. We don’t recommend this kit for large, deep dents — you might cause even more damage trying to fix those with a kit.

We recommend going to a professional repair service to avoid a lot of extra costs. Meet EvidentPDR in Colorado. Ben Lincoln has been working on cars since childhood and found a passion for Dent Repair at an early age of 15. Not many find their calling in life so quickly, let alone in the dent repair industry. After identifying his passion, he harnessed his talents and became the 256th person to become VALE Master Craftsman certified in the world (there are only ~600 as of July 2018). During the last 12 years he has assembled a veteran team to share his vision: To deliver the best workmanship, relentlessly focusing on customer service, and going above and beyond expectations to make sure every customer is proud to do business with Evident PDR! See more details on Paintless dent repair.

GreenSpace Brands Announces Acquisition of US Based Galaxy Nutritional Foods, Owners of the Go Veggie Brand

GreenSpace Brands Inc. (“GreenSpace”) (TSXV: JTR) is pleased to announce today that it has signed a share purchase agreement dated December 20, 2017 to acquire (the “Acquisition”) all of the outstanding shares of Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc. (“Go Veggie”), which owns the Go Veggie? brand. Go Veggie is one of the leading cheese alternative brands in the United States with distribution in over 12,000 locations through most major US grocery retailers and natural food chains, along with a growing food service business. The plant based dairy alternative market is one of the fastest growing subsets of the natural food market, but has very few established players. Go Veggie has established itself as one of the preeminent brands in the space with some of the best tasting and award winning products.

Greenspace will be holding a conference call to discuss the details of the transaction on December 21st, 2017 at 9:00 EST. The call will be hosted by Matthew von Teichman, President and Chief Executive Officer. Following management’s presentation, there will be a question and answer session for analysts and investors. To participate in the teleconference, dial (647) 427-7450 or 1 (888) 231-8191 (Toll-free). Callers are advised to call five minutes in advance of the call.

A taped rebroadcast will be available beginning at 11:20 am (EST) December 21st, 2017 until 11:59 pm (EST) on December 28th, 2017. To access the rebroadcast, please dial (416) 849-0833 or 1 (855) 859- 2056 and use the passcode 1289656 followed by the number sign.

Overview of the Acquisition

GreenSpace has agreed to purchase Go Veggie for a total consideration of $17.8 million USD, comprised of $4.5 million USD in cash, $7.62 million USD (approximately $9.81million CAD) in GreenSpace common shares (the “Share Consideration”), and a two year vendor take back loan of $5.72 million USD, carrying an 8.5% coupon. Greenspace will issue 7.16 million Common shares at $1.37 per share as part of the transaction, a 14.2% premium to the closing market price on December 19th, 2017.

GreenSpace will be purchasing Go Veggie from Mill Road Capital, a Greenwich, Connecticut based private investment firm focused on investing in and partnering with publicly traded micro-cap companies. Mill Road will become the largest shareholder of GreenSpace as a result of this transaction. Mill Road Capital has a long history of successfully investing in emerging consumer brands throughout Canada and the United States, and this expertise will help support the GreenSpace team as they navigate the US natural food market and US capital markets.

The Share Consideration will be subject to lock-up and escrow pursuant to which approximately 45% of the Share Consideration shall be locked up for 12 months from the closing date, 5% of the Share Consideration shall be in escrow for 13 months from the closing date and the remaining 50% shall be locked-up for 18 months from the closing date, subject to certain exemptions.

Select highlights of the Acquisition include the following:

Go Veggie adds a profitable pre-existing US platform that will enable GreenSpace to launch its most innovative and unique brands into the US;

The acquisition is expected to add significant gross margin dollars to GreenSpace and improve the overall gross margin profile, as well as add incremental adjusted EBITDA in the short term, with more significant growth in adjusted EBITDA over the long term. Go Veggie recorded revenues of $16.3 million USD for their fiscal year ended March, 31, 2017, with strong gross profit margins of approximately 40%.1
Go Veggie has one of the leading brands in what GreenSpace believes to be one of the fastest growing segments of the natural food industry, plant based dairy alternatives. Galaxy has broad based distribution across the United States and an existing high functioning team; and

GreenSpace believes that by supporting updates and amplifying the brand image of Go Veggie, it will be able to further develop its leadership position in the plant based dairy alternatives vertical in North America;

“We couldn’t be more excited to add Go Veggie to the GSB family of brands. With the acquisition of Go Veggie, we enter our most sought after vertical, plant based dairy alternatives. The addition of Go Veggie adds a profitable pre-existing US platform that will enable us to launch our most innovative and unique brands into the US under the expert leadership of one of the most respected people in the US natural food industry, Rick Antonelli, CEO of Go Veggie” comments Matthew von Teichman, CEO of Greenspace, “This is truly a transformative acquisition for us. We will continue to develop their Canadian sales strategy through the leveraging of our current platform and strategically initiate our US development by leveraging their platform. It’s a win-win and the ideal way for us to get going in the US market”

Rick Antonelli, CEO of Galaxy comments, “We’ve been watching GreenSpace for years and have admired the stable of brands they’ve been able to put together in such a short time. We feel that Go Veggie is a perfect addition to that roster of strong brands and with the potential synergies of our team selling their products, and their team selling our products, there’s a significant long term upside for both. I can’t wait to start presenting GreenSpace’s unique and innovative products to the US market and Go Veggie’s existing retail partners.”

The Acquisition is scheduled to close in January 2018, subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions and approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Financo, Inc. has acted as the exclusive advisor to Galaxy and Mill Road.

About GreenSpace

GreenSpace is a Canadian-based brand ideation team that develops, markets and sells premium natural food products to consumers across Canada. Greenspace owns and operates the following brands: Love Child Organics., one of the fastest growing brands in Canada and a producer of 100% organic food for infants and toddlers made with the pure, natural and most nutritionally-rich ingredients; Central Roast, a clean snacking brand that has been one of the leading natural food brands in Canada; Rolling Meadow Dairy, Canada’s leading grass fed dairy product line, delivering premium fluid and cultured products across Canada; Life Choices which features premium convenience meat products made with grass fed and pasture raised meats without the use of added hormones and antibiotics; Kiju, the Canadian market leader in the shelf stable organic juice segment; Cedar , the Canadian leader in cold pressed and gut health fresh juices. All brands are wholly owned and retail in a variety of natural and mass retail grocery locations across Canada.

GreenSpace’s filings are also available at


Over 40 years ago Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc. created the cheese alternative category for health-conscious consumers and is proud to remain America’s leading provider of great tasting cheese-free products. Today, under Galaxy’s new brand GO VEGGIE, the company continues to innovate and offer consumers more healthy cheese-free choices. Across its product portfolio – Vegan, Lactose Free, and Lactose & Soy Free – GO VEGGIE offers 55 products across the United States in a wide variety of formats.

For product information, recipes, and more, visit Follow GO VEGGIE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

About Mill Road Capital

Mill Road Capital is a private investment firm focused on investing in and partnering with publicly traded micro-cap companies in the U.S. and Canada. The firm has flexible, long-term capital with the ability to purchase shares in the open market, buy large block positions from existing shareholders, provide capital for growth or acquisition opportunities, or execute going-private transactions. The firm has raised approximately $670 million of aggregate equity capital commitments and has offices in Greenwich, CT and the San Francisco Bay Area. Mill Road’s investments in Canada include Ten Peaks Coffee Company, a British Colombia based premium green coffee decaffeinator, PRT Growing Services Ltd., the British Columbia based leader in container grown tree seedlings for replanting forests, and Cossette, the largest full service advertising agency in Canada.

More information can be found at

Forward Looking Information

Certain statements in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning (i) the Acquisition; (ii) the completion of the Acquisition; (iii) anticipated approvals; (iv) the time to the closings; and (v) results of the completion of the Acquisition. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “outlook”, “objective”, “may”, “will”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “should”, “plans” or “continue”, or similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or events. Such forward-looking statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by such statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements including, without limitation, the risks that: (1) the information provided to GreenSpace by Galaxy turns out to be misleading, untrue or incomplete; (2) the Acquisition may not be completed for any reason whatsoever, including that regulators may not approve the Acquisition; (3) the closings may not occur as scheduled or at all; and (4) GreenSpace may not achieve the results currently anticipated. Although GreenSpace believes that the expectations reflected in its forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information because GreenSpace can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. In addition to other factors and assumptions which may be identified in this press release, assumptions have been made regarding and are implicit in, among other things, the timely receipt of required regulatory approvals. Details of the risk factors relating to GreenSpace and its business are discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in the preliminary short form prospectus filed on the date hereof and “Risks and Uncertainties Related to the Business” in GreenSpace’ annual information form dated July 18, 2017, a copy of which is available on GreenSpace’ SEDAR profile at Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive of all factors and assumptions which have been used. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by GreenSpace and described in the forward looking information. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is made as of the date hereof and GreenSpace undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable securities laws. The forward looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This press release does not constitute or form a part of any offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction.

Blockchain software applications in health business

Healthcare industry uses digital methods for maintaining electronic health records.

From the patients personal information to diagnostic reports, and doctors prescriptions, healthcare organizations, currently use the centralized database for saving data.

IBMs Institute for Business Value Blockchain interviewed 200 healthcare executives and found 16% of them are willing to deploy a commercial blockchain solution.

Though healthcare centers are adopting digital technologies, the patients medical records are currently stored in the centralized servers. It creates the attack surface for hackers. Accentures survey claims one in five employees working in the healthcare is willing to sell the sensitive medical data to the unauthorized parties.

Recently, Grindr dating app has disclosed users HIV status, sexuality, GPS position, and other personal details to third-parties. Sharing protected health information of patients without their consent can make them feel traumatized. Once the medical data of an individual is generated, data enrichment is done to make the data secure.

Data stored on blockchain is like your cryptocurrency such as bitcoin saved in the crypto wallet. Though the users wallet can be identified with a public key, only a secret private key can help anyone read or understand the stored data. Any healthcare service provider would require patient consent or authorization to access PHI. If a patient denies sharing the medical data, no healthcare provider could get access to the records stored on the blockchain.

Add further information related to the timestamp, demographics, involved stakeholders, and eventually sign and provision the data to be stored on the blockchain.

The completion of the above steps adds value to the data to be stored on the blockchain.

We shall now discuss how health records can be stored on the blockchain. Even more on, Transactions are completed and identified uniquely: Transactions containing patients health records are saved on the blockchain with their unique IDs and patients public key. If a healthcare provider wants to access a patients public non-identifiable data, the transaction ID is matched, and the information is displayed.

Smart contracts ensure the enforcement of the business rules, compliance requirement, and the users will before the data is shared or retrieved.

Stakeholders involved in the patients treatment can consume the stored data with the patients consent.

Smart contracts will ensure a transparent, conflict-free exchange of the information. In case, the user denies to exchange the information; no one could access the patients health records.

Blockchain healthcare solution could also enable healthcare research companies to use health records for research purposes without affecting the patients privacy. Read further to understand how

Data Mining and AI in Healthcare Blockchain

But the centralized approach for maintaining the data could hinder the patients privacy. Blockchain could be leveraged to bring trust in the clinical trials and medical research process.

As discussed above, the blockchain healthcare platform could use de-identification for hiding the patients identity. So, medical research companies could utilize the non-identifiable records to carry out the research activities.

Heres what benefits could Blockchain bring to the Healthcare Industry

Control over the data:
Anyone willing to access the health records would require the patients public key. Patients could seamlessly control who should access what data.
Since the data is saved in encrypted form, it remains unreadable to the hackers.

Panel blinds online store London

We’ve always had the widest range of stylish Roman blinds here at Blinds n’ Blessings and they’re now also part of our remote-control blinds range. Roman blinds are made from a beautiful fabric which folds into a stunning waterfall finish when you open them. Offering a luxurious look, the most popular installation locations for our roman blinds are in dining rooms, living rooms, and bedrooms. Customers benefit from a wide variety of customisation options including interlining and blackout selections and you’re in charge of your choice of styles, patterns, materials, textures, and colours.

Blinds n’ Blessings has supplied fabulous standard and Edu Blinds which are educational printed roller blinds for our school which are beautifully made, bright, colourful and bespoke to our school. The company is extremely professional and from measuring up to final fitting; a superb service is given throughout. Nothing is too difficult and staff members could not be more helpful. I recommend Blinds n’ Blessings to you without hesitation. See more info at Blinds North London

Here at Blinds n Blessings we are proud to have over 20 years experience in the trade, supplying and fitting window blinds throughout London and the home counties. This means we can give you all the expert help you need when choosing from our superb and extensive collection of blinds. We offer the finest quality blinds at the right prices for discerning customers. Our personal service includes free no-obligation advice and sample viewing at your convenience. Bringing out the best in your home by turning tired rooms into stunning living spaces is the sort of challenge Blinds n’ Blessings loves to take on. We have been helping transform customer’s homes in London since 2006 and our expertise with interior design is exceptional – we provide a very personal touch. Read more info about Curtains London.

Blinds n’ Blessings has supplied fabulous standard and Edu Blinds which are educational printed roller blinds for our school which are beautifully made, bright, colourful and bespoke to our school. The company is extremely professional and from measuring up to final fitting; a superb service is given throughout. Nothing is too difficult and staff members could not be more helpful. I recommend Blinds n’ Blessings to you without hesitation. Blinds n’ Blessings has supplied fabulous standard and Edu Blinds which are educational printed roller blinds for our school which are beautifully made, bright, colourful and bespoke to our school. The company is extremely professional and from measuring up to final fitting; a superb service is given throughout. Nothing is too difficult and staff members could not be more helpful. I recommend Blinds n’ Blessings to you without hesitation.

Types of Blinds : Wood Blinds : Considered a modern alternative to shutters, woods blinds offer a warm and inviting look. Wood blinds are available in light and dark hues and in polished or painted finishes. For an earthy vibe, opt for slats made out of bamboo; both decorative and eco-friendly. Always use a metal tape measure when taking measurements as fabric tapes can stretch and be inaccurate. Take your measurements in millimetres and not inches or centimetres as there is nothing worse than ordering a blind that then does not fit your window! Source :

Commercial Cleaning Services Laurel, MD

If you are looking for consistent, trustworthy home cleaning, you have come to the right place! Hundreds of Quint Clean customers, just like you, havent worried about household cleaning in years. And thats because our Quint Clean of Laurel housecleaning professionals have been able to help give time back to our customers so they can do more important things. Quit Clean is a Residential Cleaning Laurel, MD specialist.

Our customers worry less about their impact on the environment. In fact they feel good about handing over their home cleaning chores to our Green Clean Certified maid service. Our process consists of solutions that wont leave you inhaling noxious fumes or re-wiping the surfaces due to residues in fact, certified green solutions are dye-free and worry-free. An added bonus, they work as effectively, if not better, than conventional cleaning solutions. We also arrive with high-powered, HEPA-filtered vacuums that remove up to 4X more pollen and allergens than other vacuums. We also use the highest density micro fiber cloths and mop heads these cloths have an amazing capture system that removes more dirt, residue and bacteria than conventional cleaning cloths. All-in-all, this system for green cleaning translates into a healthier home for you and your family while curtailing the amount of waste being released into our local environment. If youd like to find out more about our green house cleaning services, just click our Green Clean logo at the top of the page.

Customer feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns or comments that you may have. In which areas can we improve our services, quality, and customer services? Please let us know. We would love to improve our services with the help of your feedback.

Scheduling is very important to us. We give clients a window of time as to when we will be arriving. We will let you know if we are more than 30 minutes late/early. We cannot control traffic delays or unexpected delays with other clients, so we ask our customers to be understandable about sudden delays that may affect your appointment. (Appointments start at 8:00 am)

We do require some pick up prior to cleaning. This allows us the maximum amount of time to focus on cleaning. We expect toys picked up, clothing picked up , pet waste cleaned, no dishes in the sink, etc. Major organization is not included unless communicated prior to arrival. We do provide organizational services with additional pricing.

Quint Clean
Cleaning Services
8301 Ashford Blvd, Laurel, MD 20707, USA