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MyTrendingStories not only thought of supporting charities but also considered the fact that the general population might also need the tools to help convey their message and hopefully expand their message to a broader audience. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have supportive friends and families. This platform prones organic interactions and builds strong and solid communities around impactful topics. If we look closely at the news or all the viral content more and more people feel isolated and misunderstood. We have also witnessed movements such as police brutality, domestic violence, local businesses closing after so many years of operation and more. The world craves interactions more than ever and are glued to their devices. We can never underestimate the power of a community to bring forth change, empowerment and resources.

Holistic medicine in 2021 with Aida Gadelkarim

Holistic Medicine history with Aida Gadelkarim? Aida Gadelkarim and other holistic health experts have multiple ways of healing, but they share a common base approach. They believe in the ancient principle that healing is most effective when you factor in the whole person, rather than focusing on specific illnesses, body parts, or symptoms. Socrates said in the 4th century B.C., “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” Hippocrates, the father of medicine, who lived in the 4th century B.C., stressed the healing power of nature. He believed in encouraging the self-healing efforts of the body. Other early physicians were more interested in actively stepping in to correct illness. These two approaches—support versus intervention—were debated for centuries until the scientific revolution of the 19th century. Aida Gadelkarim chooses to use methods of support when treating her patients

Long before X-rays or penicillin, doctors recognized the importance of spiritual and emotional well being in order to achieve good physical health. Two of the most well documented ancient holistic health traditions are Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda. Aida Gadelkarim believes that holistic health is a state of balance, not only an absence of illness. A holistic health education teaches the interconnection of body, spirit, mind and environment—just as it has for thousands of years, and Aida Gadelkarim works hard to share this with her clients.

Aida Gadelkarim believes that it is worth noting that TCM started almost 5,000 years ago and has continued to develop into a complex system of diagnostic and treatment methods that are still heavily used today. From the very beginning, TCM viewed the human body as a small universe of interconnected systems, including physical elements as well as subtle energies, such as “qi,” or life force, and “shen,” or spirit.

There are three ancient medical traditions in holistic health that Aida Gadelkarim likes to focus on:

1. Herbal medicine – Herbal medicine emphasizes holistic balance and is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. Indigenous people all over the world and throughout history have drawn on the medicinal properties of plants. Herbalism is a critical element of TCM and Ayurveda.

2. Ayurveda – Ayurveda is the ancient medical tradition of India. Ayurveda traces its origins to a text written by Sushruta, the “father of Surgery,” in the 6th century B.C. The healing practice incorporates beliefs in the five great elements of the universe, the seven primary constituent elements of the body, and the three “doshas,” or biological energies, that each represent. Using a system of eight treatment disciplines, Ayurvedic holistic health practitioners guide their patients to balance and moderation.

3. Western herbalism – Western herbalism originated in ancient Greece and Rome, then spread throughout the rest of Europe and eventually to North and South America, focusing on the medicinal attributes of plants and herbs.

With the discovery of germs as a disease-causing agent, Aida Gadelkarim notes that Western medicine became thoroughly focused on intervention. Diseases were treated as invaders to be destroyed with medicines such as penicillin. Physicians paid less attention to healthy lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and emotional health, which are areas Aida Gadelkarim chooses to focus on. The emphasis was on symptoms and syndromes. Patients were discouraged from participating in their own health care and began to believe that medicine should simply “fix” them, which Aida Gadelkarim says should not be the case.

It took almost a century for the limitations of this approach to become clear. Aida Gadelkarim points out that some scientific medical cures proved more harmful than the diseases they sought to treat. Other diseases and chronic conditions failed to respond to scientific treatment.

Eventually people began to seek alternative forms of medicine. This led to a renewal of interest in holistic health education in the West and eventually for Aida Gadelkarim. The first National Conference on Holistic Health was conducted in California in 1975. The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) and the Holistic Medical Association were formed soon after.

Holistic Health Today

Aida Gadelkarim believes that we live in a time of great imbalance. There are more pollutants and chemicals in our food and environment than ever before. We face epidemic rates of obesity and chronic disease. Most people have poor diet and exercise habits. Almost everyone in our fast-paced society struggles to manage daily stress, and many are afflicted with chronic depression and anxiety.

Because of all this, consumers are concerned for their health. There has never been a greater need for the holistic health approach, and people are demanding medical alternatives and actively seeking better options for their personal wellness. This has resulted in constant research and development in the wellness industry, and Aida Gadelkarim is one of it’s premier providers.

Even with this industry boom, very few medical doctors practice holistic health care, so professionals like Aida Gadelkarim, trained in holistic health schools are in high demand. These holistic health practitioners offer healing alternatives such as massage therapy, nutrition, chiropractic medicine, acupuncture, meditation, and homeopathic medicine. While no holistic health practitioner or wellness professional can be an expert in every form of health restoration, each offers a unique toolbox of skills and knowledge to help patients achieve whole body health and balance.

About Aida Gadelkarim: Aida Gadelkarim has a Bachelor’s of Science in Business, and a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. Since 2010, Aida has worked for Botanicals MBS, where the
main focus is holistic medicine, natural beauty products and services. Botanicals MBS offers a variety of therapies Shockwave Therapy, Vitamin Infusion, Herbal Supplements, Micro-needling, PRP, PRF Hair Restoration, Meso Skin Therapy, and Acupuncture. Since 2017, Aida Gadelkarim has been a part of All-Heart Women’s Group, an LLC that manages the development and implementation of various women’s health and educational apps.

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Print dictionary benefits: They’ll be more focused. Print dictionaries don’t have ads. More importantly, kids won’t be tempted to fall down the Internet rabbit hole by visiting their favorite websites or chatting with friends. With print dictionaries, children are often more focused and fully engaged in learning. Print dictionaries fuel curiosity. Curiosity is the cornerstone for learning, and thumbing through a print dictionary is the perfect way to fuel it. With every turn of the page, there’s a sense of randomness and serendipity that transforms your child’s print dictionary into something much more valuable than a literacy tool — it becomes a place to let go and lose oneself in learning. You might be surprised by how some words capture your child’s attention!

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The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is free online, and the dictionary is also available for purchase on CD. It attempts to keep up with current English usage as it changes with the times. A feature of this dictionary is dual definitions for words with different meanings in British or American English. You can use the search box to find all words in the LDOCE, have the words pronounced, and see an example sentence using the word. The online version contains over 20,000 definitions. You can also look at the dictionary definition you looked at just previously by using your browser backspace button.

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ROPC power-packed prayer event with colleagues

ROPC Global power-packed prayer event with loved ones? Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference is HERE again and it is beyond IMAGINATION!

The Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference is the right time of prayers for all Rhapsody partners globally! The ROPC Global is aiming to position, strengthen, align, equip and inspire to IMMEDIATE ACTION all Rhapsody Partners globally (and new ones) towards hitting our 2021 Goals.

With its strategic timing of the year, it presents to the Pastors, Partners, Members of our Ministry and the whole world the unique opportunity to pray and prepare for the new ministry year and what the Lord will do through Rhapsody of Realities in the earth in 2021.

ROPC Global is more than a Prayer Conference! As we look back at a glorious 20 years of impact and spreading, we look forward with great excitement on what more the Lord will have us do in the next 12 months.

ROPC Global will bring together all Rhapsody Partners within the ministry and beyond to Pray, Receive Inspiration and Direction with motivation to begin to ACT as we set our gaze on distributing more copies of Rhapsody of Realities globally.

Join the Global Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference, a 24-hour prayer event. STARTING TODAY: Friday 18th December through to Saturday 19th December 2020 at 6 PM GMT+1 / 1 PM EST. You will be refreshed and positioned to set new records for the Gospel.

For more information about The ‘Global Day of Prayer’ and how to participate in the power-packed prayer event with friends, colleagues, loved ones, and family members, please visit ROPC Global – Live TV Prayer Event.

Media Contact
Rhapsody of Realities
USA: +1(409)723-8521
UK: +44 7418344659

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Projects always take longer than you initially think they will. For that reason, you’ll frequently get done less than you set out to do. So, just as you’re encouraged to overestimate how much time you’ll spent doing one thing, you should also overestimate how many things you’ll do during the day. Even if you come up short of your goal, you’ll still come out of that day with a solid list of tasks filed under ‘complete.’ Nobody sprints through their work from morning to evening — your motivation will naturally ebb and flow throughout the day. When you’re working from home, however, it’s all the more important to know when those ebbs and flows will take place and plan your schedule around it.

The good news is, if the future of affiliate marketing follows its pattern to date, it looks set for vast expansion. So far, 2020 has seen some drastic changes to the retail landscape and in some cases, the loss of well-known brands in an uncertain climate. However, it is important that as an industry we are able to evolve and embrace as many changes as possible, in order to sustain growth in the affiliate marketing channel and therefore the wider economy. Consumers are becoming savvier and more used to the concept of affiliate marketing and online partnerships, particularly with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruling that content creators have to disclose these by law. They are more aware when they read about a product in a blog or email that the author is likely to be getting some form of compensation for the promotion. This has developed into a level of consumer cynicism, which means subscribers are only likely to listen to those they trust. Building trust is going to become even more important to the future of affiliate marketers. Find extra info on e-Books online store.

Just like the rest of your productive morning routine, self improvement is best when we make it as easy and convenient as possible. This is because the easier it is, the more likely you are to stick with it in the long term and actually build lasting results. One of the most convenient ways I integrate self improvement into my own day is by doing small exercises in the shower. Showers are the perfect time to do your productive morning routine because: You shower every day, which makes them a good reminder, You have the privacy you need They are both relaxing and uplifting. If you are feeling happy and positive about your desires, and you are constantly motivated in your thinking, then you are already applying the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. If you are experiencing or imagining what you desire now, you are obviously happy about it. If you are anxious, worried and unhappy, then at these moments you are using the Law of Attraction in the wrong way. Then you are attracting the things you don’t want in life.

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The growth of a science information expert : Kensi Gounden

Kensi Gounden or the rise of a science and innovation expert? Yes, I have seen a number of students of mine running behind the big heavyweight reference books, and they underestimate their syllabus books like NCERT in the case of CBSE board. These syllabus books are the best to practice with. Have you ever noticed the high scoring students always stick to the syllabus textbooks and this is only because they know the true significance of that key to success book (syllabus textbooks). Reference books are good to study but only for those students who want to be a part of competitive exams after 12th class. But if you really want to score more percentage, then, according to me, you should stick with your syllabus textbooks. All the syllabus books in any board exam are designed according to the strict syllabus and this has never happened in the history of board exams that a question has come out of the syllabus.

Kensi Gounden on the cryptocurrency boom : The digital market is relatively new, so countries and governments are scrambling to bring in cryptocurrency taxes and rules to regulate these new currencies. If you’re not aware of these before you start trading, you may find yourself in a spot of expensive bother further down the line. Many governments are unsure of what to class cryptocurrencies as, currency or property. The U.S in 2014 introduced cryptocurrency trading rules that mean digital currencies will fall under the umbrella of property. Traders will then be classed as investors and will have to conform to complex reporting requirements. Details of which can be found by heading to the IRS notice 2014-21. On top of the possibility of complicated reporting procedures, new regulations can also impact your tax obligations. The U.S, the ‘property’ ruling means your earnings will now be deemed as capital gains tax (15%), instead of normal income tax (up to 25%). Each countries cryptocurrency tax requirements are different, and many will change as they adapt to the evolving market. Before you start trading, do your homework and find out what type of tax you’ll pay and how much.

Latest chemistry news: Today, two primary types of gellan gum are manufactured for different uses, depending on the end-goal. These are called high- and low-acyl content gellan gums, which are commonly used together in various ratios to help form different textures. Low-acyl gellan gum products help create textures that are firmer and more brittle, while high-acyl gellan gum forms softer and more elastic textures that have a higher viscosity. Depending on the concentration of these gellan gums, it’s possible to create a wide variety of textures/structures due to how their gelling ions work to absorb and hold liquid.

Build a good support system with the people around you. Whether it’s your family, friends, or something else, find a group of people who are willing to support you in any circumstances. This increases flexibility and helps to provide perspective in the midst of stress and discomfort. Using cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs damages your mental and physical health. Decreasing mental and physical stability produces “false” emotions. Find someone who is eager to listen to you, who you can talk to openly and freely. This can help you in relieving stress and anger and can heal you mentally, which ultimately has an impact on your physical health. See extra details on Kensi Gounden.

I, for one, am predominantly an auditory learner; I best recall and digest information when I can hear it spoken aloud. I encountered this when I shifted from my first job in banking to my current role in real estate. Today, my success is dependent upon my ability to memorize not only the names of my clients and their children, but also the agents whom I work with, other professional connections, and any significant changes that occur in each of their lives — including marriages, moves, and career shifts. This information comes to me through genuine conversations and requires a great deal of active listening.