High quality USA premium CBD oil manufacturers

Hemp products & CBD oil producers: CBD oil has shown promise as a treatment for both depression and anxiety, leading many who live with these disorders to become interested in this natural approach. In one Brazilian study, 57 men received either oral CBD or a placebo 90 minutes before they underwent a simulated public speaking test. The researchers found that a 300-mg dose of CBD was the most effective at significantly reducing anxiety during the test. The placebo, a 150-mg dose of CBD, and a 600-mg dose of CBD had little to no effect on anxiety. CBD oil has even been used to safely treat insomnia and anxiety in children with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Insomnia is a problem that many people suffer from, and its causes vary – stress, rapid weather changes, monthly phases, etc. But we can assure you that with the use of cannabis products, you will be able to relax your nervous system and have a restful sleep. Cannabidiol and its applications help to fight liver disease by restoring the normal amount of serotonin receptors in the body. Due to a change in the way the body works, menopause can cause many hormonal problems and other symptoms. One way to combat them could be the consumption of CBD products.

How does CBD interact with the body? CBD interacts with the human body through the neuron network and the endocannabinoid system. This system is widespread throughout the body and has several cannabinoid-binding receptors for CBD to reach the bloodstream. The chemical processes resulting from these interactions cause different reactions in the body. To facilitate understanding of the effects of CBD on the body, we have prepared a brief description of the whole process. Discover additional information on CBD Companies.

If you’ve been on the internet (or out in the world at all) recently, chances are you’ve heard a bit about Cannabidiol (CBD) and all its potential health benefits. CBD is a type of cannabinoid found in Cannabis plants like Hemp and Marijuana. But unlike its psychotropic counterpart THC, CBD has no hallucinatory or psychoactive effects on the brain. In other words, you receive all the medicinal and restorative benefits ranging from stress and pain relief to mood and immune boosting qualities with none of the high. With the long list of possible advantages to taking CBD ever-growing, it’s no wonder people are looking deeper into where they can get it, how much they should take, and particularly how best to take it.

We are increasingly accepting the importance of healthy fats in our diet and in hemp seeds, we find essential fatty acids which encourage a wonderfully supple skin and help to reduce dryness. In addition to good fats, we also find anti-oxidants (which protect our cells), vitamins such as A and E, minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, which all help to “feed” the skin. There are also amino acids in hemp which are used in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, two important substances that guard against sagging in the skin and wrinkles. The fatty oils in hemp seeds are deeply moisturising and benefit dry and itchy skin. Hemp can, therefore, have a positive effect on the skin without physically being applied to the skin. See even more details on this website.

Excellent US CBD gummies shopping from justcbdstore.com

Best US CBD gummies online shopping? What are the benefits of CBD oil? People use CBD for a variety of reasons. While there are limited studies regarding the effects of CBD, the results have been promising. The vast majority of evidence has been anecdotal. Online reviews and testimonials have said that CBD has helped them While many claim to experience all sorts of therapeutic benefits from CBD, the FDA has yet to recognize CBD as a cure or treatment for any symptoms or conditions. As such, the FDA prohibits companies from making overt health claims. If you come across a company that explicitly states CBD can cure or treat something, steer clear. That company should be reported for violating FDA regulations.

CBD! Those three letters have been more recognized as athletes, politicians, influencers, and celebrities have gotten on board the hype train. Derived from cannabis, CBD has been promoted for its potential medical benefits. While the vast majority of CBD is derived from hemp, cannabis remains to be a hot topic. Hemp products that contain less than 0.3% THC are legal in all 50 states. However, while the World Health Organization has declared CBD to be safe for human consumption, the FDA provides limited regulation to the market. Aside from celebrity endorsements, it can be fairly difficult to decipher why you should choose one CBD oil product over another, but first, what is CBD?

Hemp seeds are an excellent source of protein; in fact, 25% of the calories from the seeds come from proteins. Our bodies make excellent use of consumed proteins and amino acids, using them as building blocks for repair and regeneration across the body. Our blood, bones, cartilage and muscles are made predominantly of proteins and every cell in our body features many proteins within their membranes. Therefore, we need to ensure that our diet provides enough protein to keep up with the constant repair and regeneration of these structures. The rise in the popularity of veganism has highlighted the fact that meat needn’t be our only source of protein. Hemp seeds can easily be sprinkled onto breakfast cereals, yoghurts and fruit bowls, onto salads or added to smoothies. These protein-packed seeds offer an easily digestible and complete protein source (meaning that like meat, hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids) for repairing the body. Hemp may be particularly helpful when there is damage with lots of inflammation because as you’ve seen, they can also offer an anti-inflammatory action. See more info at how are cbd gummies made.

How to use CBD Oil for Anxiety? During these trying times, anxiety runs high. One in thirteen people around the world suffers from anxiety, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). As with depression, low serotonin levels mean anxiety. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are prescribed for both depression and anxiety. These drugs can have harsh side effects, so people turn to CBD for a natural alternative.

Author Biograhy: Nataly Komova founded Chill Hempire after experiencing the first-hand results of CBD in helping her to relieve her skin condition. Nataly is now determined to spread the word about the benefits of CBD through blogging and taking part in events. In her spare time, Nataly enjoys early morning jogs, fitness, meditation, wine tasting, traveling and spending quality time with her friends. Nataly is also an avid vintage car collector and is currently working on her 1993 W124 Mercedes. Nataly is a contributing writer to many CBD magazines and blogs. She has been featured in prominent media outlets such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, Grazia, Women’s Health, The Guardian and others. Interesting Facts About Nataly Tell us something unusual about yourself: I am a massive vintage car fan. I am doing up a 1992 Mercedes W124. The next project will be on a Mercedes SEC, a timeless model. Favourite place in London during the summer: Kew Gardens, Richmond park. Greatest challenges facing the CBD industry this year: Quality control and lab testing of CBD brands. What made you to start blogging about CBD: CBD cream and tinctures have helped me to get rid of my skin condition. I was sceptical about CBD products at first but once I saw my condition disappear, I was convinced. I am determined to contribute to the CBD debate and help to educate the public. CBD products have a very wide appeal.

Cannabidiol is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments. Better known as CBD, it is one of over 100 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis or marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, and causes the sensation of getting “high” that’s often associated with marijuana. However, unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. This quality makes CBD an appealing option for those who are looking for relief from pain and other symptoms without the mind-altering effects of marijuana or certain pharmaceutical drugs. Discover even more info at this website.

CBD oil from hemp

CBD oil versus extract? Anxiety and depression are common mental health disorders that can have devastating impacts on health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, depression is the single largest contributor to disability worldwide, while anxiety disorders are ranked sixth (9). Anxiety and depression are usually treated with pharmaceutical drugs, which can cause a number of side effects including drowsiness, agitation, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and headache. What’s more, medications like benzodiazepines can be addictive and may lead to substance abuse.

What is CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol and, as we stated earlier, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Each cannabinoid is being studied for its potential medical properties. There have been animal studies and some human studies on what CBD can do, and many show promising results.CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS maintains homeostasis within the body, which means it has a hand in many of the body’s essential functions that include pain, mood, and sleep.

CBD! Those three letters have been more recognized as athletes, politicians, influencers, and celebrities have gotten on board the hype train. Derived from cannabis, CBD has been promoted for its potential medical benefits. While the vast majority of CBD is derived from hemp, cannabis remains to be a hot topic. Hemp products that contain less than 0.3% THC are legal in all 50 states. However, while the World Health Organization has declared CBD to be safe for human consumption, the FDA provides limited regulation to the market. Aside from celebrity endorsements, it can be fairly difficult to decipher why you should choose one CBD oil product over another, but first, what is CBD?

Hemp contains constituents that work with the body’s own cell receptors to help reduce pain. When you combine that with the plant’s anti-inflammatory actions, you can see why it might be a useful ally when an injury, infection or an autoimmunity disorder is causing pain. Using the plant both internally and externally can be useful for promoting an analgesic effect. Anecdotal evidence indicates that hemp seed oil makes a soothing and gently pain-relieving massage oil for rubbing into the muscles following a workout. Sore joints also appear to respond well to the internal and external use of hemp seeds and oil in some people, be it from natural wear and tear of a joint, following an injury or as a result of an inflammatory condition. Read even more details at Hemp oil and CBD oil.

Each of our bodies responds differently to CBD. Compounded with that is the fact that different companies use different CBD formulations at different strengths. How CBD oil affects your sleep will depend on these factors, body chemistry, the severity of insomnia, and more. It’s best to consult a physician about your sleeping problems so you can find the root cause. It will be easier to treat your insomnia once you know what’s causing it. For example, if you have a busy mind that keeps you up at night, you may be able to quiet your thoughts through meditation and medication.

Cannabinol (CBN). After degradation, THC is converted to CBN. In young plants, the amount of CBN is reduced. However, after the decarboxylation process, the concentration of CBN in plants increases. There are mild psychoactive effects of the element, as well as a higher affinity for CB2 receptors. Cannabichromen (CBC). The amount of this element is higher in most strains, but it is the least studied element found in CBD oil with full spectrum. There is not enough data available to prove that CBC has the same beneficial effects as CBD and THC. However, research has shown that CBC has other positive effects, such as pain, depression, and anxiety relief.

Author Biograhy: Nataly Komova founded Chill Hempire after experiencing the first-hand results of CBD in helping her to relieve her skin condition. Nataly is now determined to spread the word about the benefits of CBD through blogging and taking part in events. In her spare time, Nataly enjoys early morning jogs, fitness, meditation, wine tasting, traveling and spending quality time with her friends. Nataly is also an avid vintage car collector and is currently working on her 1993 W124 Mercedes. Nataly is a contributing writer to many CBD magazines and blogs. She has been featured in prominent media outlets such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, Grazia, Women’s Health, The Guardian and others. Interesting Facts About Nataly Tell us something unusual about yourself: I am a massive vintage car fan. I am doing up a 1992 Mercedes W124. The next project will be on a Mercedes SEC, a timeless model. Favourite place in London during the summer: Kew Gardens, Richmond park. Greatest challenges facing the CBD industry this year: Quality control and lab testing of CBD brands. What made you to start blogging about CBD: CBD cream and tinctures have helped me to get rid of my skin condition. I was sceptical about CBD products at first but once I saw my condition disappear, I was convinced. I am determined to contribute to the CBD debate and help to educate the public. CBD products have a very wide appeal. Discover additional information at https://justcbdstore.com/.

Mindfulness meditation tricks by ThePeacefulPace

Yoga and mindfulness meditation tricks? When to apply SWOT analysis? You can use SWOT analysis in different approaches and for various purposes. For instance: It is a useful ice-breaker and opening exercise in any strategic planning. It makes everyone thinks of the organization simultaneously, the corresponding lines, and a bestowed understanding of the difficulties and benefits. It can surface deep problems and obstacles in a ‘secure’ way because its composition needs a conversation about issues and vulnerabilities. It can be used to address one or more selective difficulties and distinguish the way ahead. It is additionally helpful in general thinking regarding a shift in strategy and ‘where shall we move next?’

Slowly Build Core Muscles: Focus on slowly building up your core muscles, rather than rushing into things. Here are 3 of our favorite core strengthening moves: Leg circles, Scissor kick, Plank leg lift. If you’re looking for a quick and easy move, start with leg circles. Simply lay on your back, with your arms at your side and palms facing towards the ground. Next, bend your left knee, and plant your left foot on the floor. Finally, extend your right leg into the air and draw a circle. Reverse the circle, going back and forth in different directions. After about ten circles, switch legs.

Having social support is a great way to stay motivated. Embracing the support of loved ones is an integral part of a successful weight loss journey. Some people may wish to invite friends or family members to join them, while others might prefer to use social media to share their progress. Other avenues of support may include: a positive social network, group or individual counseling, exercise clubs or partners. Weight loss is a gradual process, and a person may feel discouraged if the pounds do not drop off at quite the rate that they had anticipated. Some days will be harder than others when sticking to a weight loss or maintenance program. A successful weight-loss program requires the individual to persevere and not give up when self-change seems too difficult.

Meditation practice helps the body learn to relax, a benefit that continues when it’s time to hit the hay. It also trains the mind to settle the attention on an object such as the breath and allow other thoughts and emotions to float by like clouds on a pleasant day. There are also guided meditations that are designed to promote sleep. Harvard Medical School suggests that focusing on a phrase such as “breathe in calm, breathe out tension” beats counting sheep when it’s time to sleep. See more information at stress management and relief.

Want to fill your life with happiness and energy? Mindfulness meditation increases your psychological functioning and in the process improves your sense of well-being. Yoga and tai chi have been found to do this also – according to studies, they have significant therapeutic effects and increase quality of life when practiced regularly.

Remember that this is a lifestyle and not a diet. Diets end. And when they do, you go back to what you did before, which means you gain back the weight. Incorporate changes into your life that are permanent. Reward yourself. As you meet your goals, choose non-food ways to reward yourself. Buy yourself a new outfit, go watch the latest movie or splurge on a spa session. Don’t mind the scale. As people begin new exercise and food regimens, your weight may very well increase for a while. This is because you are gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Pay attention to how your clothes fit and how much you better you feel for at least the first few months.

The Known Benefits for Anxiety and Depression: The way our brain responds to stress and anxiety can change with daily meditation practice. A study on a large sample of individuals above 70 years showed that those who showed symptoms of depression had weaker episodic and photographic memory than others in the group. Depression and mood disorders, coupled with anxiety, can be detrimental for our overall health and well-being. And it is incredible to know the power of meditation in dealing with these mind demons. Dr. John W. Denninger, a Harvard Medical Researcher, said that “meditation trains the brain to achieve sustained focus, and to return to that focus when negative thinking, emotions, and physical sensations intrude — which happens a lot when you feel stressed and anxious.” Find extra information on here.

Safe natural sleep supplement 2020

Is Restforal the best natural sleep aid today? Insomnia is a sleep related health issue. People suffering from insomnia have acute difficulty in falling asleep. They also wake up many times during night and then again face problems in sleeping. The people suffering from insomnia or sleep deprivation disorder face other multiple health issues like depression, obesity, hormonal problems, indigestion etc. moreover, they cannot perform in their day to day activities in their respective workplaces. This disorder starts affecting us during 30s and the problem magnifies with increasing age. Now there is a solution for insomnia. The name is Restforal overall sleep support. It is a natural way of overcoming insomnia. It was formulated by a team of experts in the Functional Aging Institute which is well known for its pioneering work in the field of health. The product, Restforal is powered by a multivitamin-mineral mix in a certain proportion which is the secret of this formula.

Is Restforal safe? In surveys conducted amongst Customers, it has been confirmed that Restforal supplement is completely safe to use. Also, the company behind this supplement is known for its services towards people having different health issues. And the company has used all natural ingredients in this proprietary formula. Is Restforal addictive? The best thing about Restforal is that it is non-addictive completely natural product. Will Restforal put me to sleep instantly? Restforal will not put you to sleep instantly until & unless you have been up for twenty four hours straight. Then, yes maybe you will fall asleep instantly.

How does Restforal work? Restforal works as a supplement which supports the body in producing the sleep hormones. Taking Restforal will help you fall asleep in a couple of minutes. This supplement supports your brain in reducing stress and anxiety thereby making you fall asleep very fast. Restforal provides you the necessary support so that you can reach all the three stages of the most important REM sleep. REM sleep cycle helps you to recharge yourself with energy for the next day. Restforal also controls diabetes and high blood pressure. Restforal reduces the complications associated during menopause and calms your body and mind before surgery.

L-Theanine – This ingredient is commonly found in mushrooms and teas. It works by inducing a sense of tranquility and calmness, which helps reduce stress and anxiety before bedtime. Chamomile – This component has been used for years to promote relaxation and sleep. It helps to calm the nerves, thereby inducing a tranquil state and allows users to enjoy a peaceful sleep. 5-HTP – This essential amino acid is responsible for the production of serotonin, which regulates sleep patterns and enhances one’s overall mood. Passionflower – This holistic ingredient has been used for many years as an effective sleep aid when ingested before bedtime. Read more details on https://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=262100.

Promotes better sleep – The formula contains natural herbs that promote healthy sleep for those who experience difficulty sleeping. Treats all the common sleep disorders – It prevents uninterrupted sleep patterns and leads to restful sleep. Boost the immune system and fights flu and colds – Besides boosting the immune system, it helps users feel more energetic in the morning. Enhances relaxation and peace of mind – It creates inner relaxation and peace of mind, which helps reduce anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue. Better sleep cycles – This fast working formula increases sleep duration to ensure users get the rest they deserve.

Top medical cannabis dispensary Spokane

Best medical cannabis retail shop Spokane, WA? Satori sells more than cannabis. We also have a wide selection of glass bongs, pipes, bubblers, dab rigs, rolling papers, and vaporizer batteries. Need a new piece? You’ll find plenty here. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, one of our friendly budtenders will help you narrow it down. Once we know what kind of effects you want, and how you want to consume your cannabis, we can find the perfect product. We will always work within your budget to find the best deals for you.

Hemp plants produce copious seeds and we can add these seeds to our diet or use the oil pressed from them. These seeds (and their oil) contain an amino acid known as arginine, which may help to protect against cardiovascular disease by indirectly dilating and relaxing our blood vessels and by reducing inflammation. Cardiovascular disease is one of our biggest killers, but the right dietary and lifestyle changes can lead to a marked reduction in our risk of developing this disease. Indeed, trials suggest that hemp seeds and hemp oil in the diet are associated with lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of blood clots. More information on in spokane, washington.

Every year around 4/20 I start scouring the internet looking for cannabis chic clothing brands to rep for the holiday. I’m not talking about your typical Rastafarian t-shirt, tie die get up, or some tacky cannabis logo I’m talking cannabis chic clothing; something that is a nod to cannabis without being overly weed themed. Every year I fall short. I know there has to be brands out there offering the clothing I’m looking for, but honestly finding them is a dime a dozen. I’m not sure if it’s my search terms (hello SEO) or whatever it is, but they are hard to find! This year I thought I would help everyone out and compile a list of 5 brands that I think are offering that canna-chic clothing option for the “modern stoner.”

The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in regulating a variety of functions including sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system. Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters. For example, one study in rats found that CBD injections reduced pain response to surgical incision, while another rat study found that oral CBD treatment significantly reduced sciatic nerve pain and inflammation. Additional details at on this page.

What this means is not all sativas will energize you, and not all indicas will sedate you. You may notice a tendency for so-called sativas to be uplifting or indicas to be relaxing, especially when we expect to feel one way or the other. Just note that there is no hard-and-fast rule and chemical data doesn’t reflect a clear pattern. What is hybrid weed? Hybrid strains are bred from both indica- and sativa-descended plants. Due to the long history of crossbreeding cannabis strains—much of it historically done underground to evade authorities—strains that have pure indica or pure sativa lineages are rare. Most strains referred to as “indica” or “sativa” are, in fact, hybrids, with genetics inherited from both subspecies.

Don’t know what you want yet? Don’t worry. Our budtenders pride themselves in providing the best assistance possible and will happily answer any questions you may have. With more than 40 brands and over 600 products from the best growers around, our Spokane cannabis shop is stocked up on the best green around. Stop by and we’ll narrow down the right options for your needs. Our top priority is you. Whether you’re stopping by for health purposes or recreation, we’ve got your back. From marijuana concentrates and vape cartridges to edibles and flower, we are stocked on everything our Spokane valley customers need to stay happy and high. Extra information at read more on Foursquare.

This fun Adidas-mock sweatpants are hilarious, comfortable, and affordable. Like many of these products, they’re expertly made in the US and come in US standard sizes: Small – XXL. They’re incredibly comfortable and fit true to size. They’re easily washed and dried in your machines with no problems or risk of shrinkage. You won’t regret this apparel purchase. These comfy sweatpants feature a drawstring and pockets. They range in size from small to 2X. They’re incredibly soft AND they have pockets! This apparel is unisex, which means it’s designed for men and also women. You’ll love these fun stoner sweatpants.

Dental health tricks with mintdentalhygiene.co.uk

Dental hygiene clinic Lancashire, UK? There is no doubt the Hollywood smile is appealing. But, it is more than just a way to make it in the movies. Having a good smile has been linked with improved confidence, which leads to more success in life. Despite what you may think, you can get a natural smile to rival Hollywoods, without the expense of porcelain veneers. Here’s how you can make your teeth naturally shiny and strong.

Avoid sugary foods. When bacteria in the mouth break down simple sugars, they produce acids that can erode tooth enamel, opening the door to decay. Sugary drinks, including soft drinks and fruit drinks, pose a special threat because people tend to sip them, raising acid levels over a long period of time. Sticky candies are another culprit, because they linger on teeth surfaces.

Our registered dental hygienist Diane Washington has over 25yrs experience and has been practicing locally for many years. She comes highly recommended by many and has a kind, caring and gentle approach while treating patients. Over half of all adults in the UK have some form of gum disease. Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, you could be at risk of periodontitis or ‘gum disease’. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss, as well as contributing to other underlying health problems. Discover additional information on Dental Hygienist.

Tips for teeth whitening. Do you want to have healthy teeth and gums? Here are some tricks: Baking Soda & Lemon: Mix a tablespoon of toothpaste, a pinch of salt, a bit of baking soda, and 4-5 drops of lemon juice in a bowl. Brush your teeth with this mixture for 4-5 minutes. You’ll see the difference after just one use. Use this method every other week. A home tooth-whitening kit contains carbamide peroxide, a bleach that can remove both deep and surface stains and actually changes your natural tooth color. If you have coffee-stained teeth, a tooth-bleaching kit can help. With some kits, you apply a peroxide-based gel (with a small brush) to the surface of your teeth. In other kits, the gel is in a tray that molds to the teeth. The tray must be worn daily (for 30 to 45 minutes) for a week or more.

Watch Out for Sweet Medicine: Children’s medications can be flavored and sugary. If they stick on the teeth, the chance of cavities goes up. Children on medications for chronic conditions such as asthma and heart problems often have a higher decay rate. Once they begin to erupt, brush teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste in an amount no more than a smear the size of a grain of rice – use a soft-bristle toothbrush. Take the bottle away after your child finishes drinking to prevent baby bottle tooth decay. Baby bottle tooth decay can happen when babies drink milk, formula, or juice from bottles over long periods of time or fall asleep with the bottle.

Decorated with a sense of calm, light and openness, our surgery boasts a 32 inch media screen located on the ceiling above the dental chair. You can lie back and be distracted watching a programme throughout your treatment, or you can simply listen to some music. All areas of our clinic are located on the ground floor, there is access for all people with disabilities, with the use of a ramp within the practice. The waiting room, the consulting rooms and the toilets all have wheelchair access. If you have difficulties opening the doors at the entrance to the surgery let us know when booking and the receptionist will then come to assist you. Read more details on https://www.mintdentalhygiene.co.uk/.

What is circumcision?

Genital mutilation : male vs female : 1901: In the American Practitioner and News, Dr. Earnest G. Marks MD wrote, “An advantage of circumcision is the lessened liability to masturbation. A foreskin leads the child to touch it to produce pleasurable sensations from the extremely sensitive foreskin leading to masturbation” 1914: Dr. Abraham Wolbarst wrote Universal Circumcision as a Sanitary Measure, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “It is a well known fact that the foreskin is a frequent factor in masturbation, not alone in children but in adults as well…Circumcision has become recognized as a most effective remedy.”

People are always amazed to learn about circumcision facts and myths. Are there real benefits to consider when making the circumcision decision, or is it just an illusion? As hard as circumcision promoters try to make the practice of genital cutting to be the “norm”, you may be surprised to learn that much of what many Americans think of as “fact” is actually just cultural “groupthink.” While some beliefs are rooted in ancient religious practices, most of what American’s believe is the “norm” has only existed in recent times when it comes to circumcision. In fact, you would be amazed at how many things you think are true that are simply false. Something important to consider when you review circumcision facts and myths.

There are essentially three stakeholders involved with the decision to circumcise an infant. The baby-patient, the parent-guardian, and the doctor. The physician is supposed to be bound by ethical principles of beneficence (serve the best interests of patients and their families) and non-maleficence (“first, do no harm”). The standard of “serving the interests of families” can be a slippery slope as doctors can be forced to do things against their better judgement to appease parents. Pro-circumcision or religious advocates typically want babies circumcised immediately because older children and adults would opt out if given the opportunity. Discover even more info on circumcision.

Circumcision is often performed on infants without anesthetic or with a local anesthetic that is ineffective at substantially reducing pain (Lander et al., 1997). In a study by Lander and colleagues (1997), a control group of infants who received no anesthesia was used as a baseline to measure the effectiveness of different types of anesthesia during circumcision. The control group babies were in so much pain—some began choking and one even had a seizure—they decided it was unethical to continue. It is important to also consider the effects of post-operative pain in circumcised infants (regardless of whether anesthesia is used), which is described as “severe” and “persistent” (Howard et al., 1994). In addition to pain, there are other negative physical outcomes including possible infection and death (Van Howe, 1997, 2004).

Intaction is the only intactivist organization with a large full time mobile education truck which not only displays our intact body positive campaign, but transports our exhibits and materials for the many events we host. Our past events have included disruptive protests, parade contingents, demonstrations, parental education events, and our celebratory event IMAGINE. We hold constant outdoor events with our mobile education unit to engage our fellow Americans. These exchanges provide a unique opportunity for us to keep a finger on the pulse of public opinion. We also use print media, social media, and online platforms to engage people with our ideas. We seek to give those that feel they have been harmed by circumcision the ability to contribute to the cessation of this abhorrent practice. Together we can forge a path to a better world for future intact generations. All are welcome to join with us. Read extra info on https://intaction.org/.