How to learn new languages the easy way with bilingual audio books

Audio books benefits : teach critical listening : You don’t have to look any farther than the success of Dora the Explorer to know that bilingual media is popular with young children. Aside from popularity, bilingual storytelling offers many benefits to kids. The new book, Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpre, tells the story of one of the first champions of bilingual literature. Prime language learning occurs between the ages of 2 and 5.

For the above reasons, many learners feel that bilingual e-books are less intimidating than “regular” foreign language books. Remember, foreign language books that aren’t bilingual present the entire text in the target language. That’s fine if the book is basic level for beginners or if a learner is fluent and possesses a sizeable vocabulary. But unless that’s the case, endless pages of foreign text can be off-putting, especially if you can physically measure exactly how long the book is. The fact that bilingual e-books translate a text and place it within eyeshot of readers through the convenience of weightless technology makes this a doubly friendly and accessible method of reading.

The street epistemology teaches us how to do so. It consists partly in pushing the interlocutor to ask himself questions. The questions we ask ourselves do not meet the defensive stubbornness that questions asked by a third party meet. This audio guide is bilingual: that is, it presents itself as a language learning tool. The title indicates that it is a parody of the practical guides. A “serious” guide would not be concerned about helping the guru to build his enterprise. Because this bilingual audio book is often fun, offering it to a member-of-a-cult friend, or relative, is not perceived as a threat, or as a criticism of his choices.

Increased Comprehension. Researchers believe that one can memorize the story when he/she listens to it. A person does not have to invest energy to decode the word with audiobooks. These books are productive in terms of memorizing the content of the story. Build Confidence. Students are independent in the class to use audiobooks. Ultimately, they learn quickly and speak accurate words. The phenomenon builds their confidence. They perform impressively in the school and out of school. Multiple advantages of Audiobooks make them a favorite choice of many people. That is why; people prefer audiobooks to printed books. Find even more info at Bilingual audio books English/Hindi.

One reason more audiobooks are not finding their way into classrooms is availability. Public libraries usually have a good quantity of audiobooks, but most school libraries have a limited number – audiobooks are expensive. The cost of cassette or CD players and headphones must also be taken into consideration, and though these costs have come down considerably in the last few years, schools typically do not budget funds for such purchases.

Increases comprehension. When students can hear the story or information as a whole, read by a human being, their comprehension increases. Reading books word-by-word doesn’t help create a whole experience. Kids in grades 3-8 who can finally put all the pieces of information together at one sitting, begin to make meaning of text.

Ask yourself: would you like to learn a language the way you learned your mother tongue? You learned it without reading or writing. Yes, it took you three years, but ZERO effort. If you are ready to learn without even knowing that you are learning, subscribe to our list so that you can enjoy your BABooks at a 50% discount. If you are a foreign language teacher, the BABook is your dream tool. Not only it helps you in your teaching tasks, but it also reduces the eventual discipline issues. Anyone likes to listen to stories. Find more details on Language Learning for the Blind.

Pro Korea online casino tricks on Yes-Casino dot Net

Best online slots reviews for Korea? Remember when I said that most players don’t care about winning at Slots when they choose what game to play? In a video titled “How to hack Slot machines to pay out the most money”, controversial Youtuber KingHuman illustrates my point in an excellent fashion. While I am not sure this should be labeled as some sort of gambler’s fallacy, the result is shocking: Players are so focused on trying to find a hack to learn how to win on Slot machines every time they play that they miss the obvious. They forget to use common sense.

Winning poker is about math and cold hard logic, not superstition. Playing too many hands is a widespread mistake (see: Five Common Mistakes New Poker Players Make). One of the best ways to avoid it is to introduce range-based thinking in your reads. Adopt a Consistent Strategy: Another big key to becoming a great poker player (and perhaps one of the most important poker tips you should know) is consistently applying a winning strategy. It is not okay suddenly to change things up (e.g. to open with 9-7–suited from early position) just because you are bored or tilted. All of your learning, experience and study over the years has given you a body of knowledge telling you how to play this game profitably. But it only actually matters if you apply it at the poker tables all the time. Every hand counts and every session counts.

Ever visited an Atlantic City casino? Perhaps a Las Vegas casino? Chances are you’ve never seen a clock anywhere at the casino. It’s ingenious really. Casino designers don’t want players to know what time it is. Why? You would think that with all the restaurants, cabarets, extravaganzas, comedy shows, and performances taking place that players would benefit from having clocks posted at strategic locations around the casino. But no, land-based casinos have no desire to keep you in the loop. If you knew what time it was, you would likely curtail your game playing and rush off to dinner, to a show, or to the swimming pool. But it’s not only the absence of clocks that you will observe; there are no windows to the outside world. Casinos are self-contained entities that defy time, space, and reality.

Increase Your Chances of Becoming the Next Millionaire : Do a little research and see how big a jackpot usually is when it’s won. That way you can time your play just right to increase the likelihood of a big win.

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Video Poker: Even in 2019, an ‘old classic’ like video Poker is still one of the most played gambling games in the world and one we treat with special attention when we review every real money Casino. Each and every one of our recommended Casino sites feature a large number of video Poker games. From classics like Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better to more creative variants like Joker Poker and Alien Poker – the ones on this page are the real money Casino sites where you can play the very best video Poker games out there. Find extra information at

To get to the top of your game, you are going to have to climb that poker ladder. Start by studying this 5-step guide, practice as much as possible, and understand the rules of the game. Keep your head down, your wits about you, and play low stakes contest until you’re ready to move up a notch. Poker is entertainment at the end of the day – so remember to have fun while sticking to your bankroll.

For our korean visitors:

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Luxury Hail Repair high quality paintless dent repair

Searching for hail or dent repair done on your vehicle?: Paintless dent removal preserves the value of your car: Car resale value is important. Paintless dent removal can help you maintain the value of your car if you decide to sell it. When you ignore dents, scratches, and other damage to your vehicle’s exterior, your car becomes unattractive and less valuable. PDR ensures these dents will not affect the resale value of your car. Paintless dent repair makes use of shape memory: During the manufacturing process, vehicle body panels are stamped at the factory into certain shapes. Even if a dent occurs, the metal still wants to maintain its original shape. By applying pressure to the affected area, technicians can easily “pop” the dent back into its original shape.

Just like any skill, PDR takes a significant amount of time to master. NOCO always recommends you see a professional in order to be fully satisfied with a repair. However, it is possible to remove dents yourself at home, granted you have the correct tools. Properly removing dents involves getting the special metal rods and body picks to push out dents from the underside of the body panel. This is easier said than done, as you simply cannot place your hand behind the panel you need to work with. There are liners and multiple panels that will may need to be removed to get to the working surface. On top of this, PDR is very much a technique of “fine tuning,” meaning that it is easy to push too hard and make the dent worse and/or cracking the paint.

“Is my repair estimate too high?” We don’t blame you for being worried about getting ripped off on hail damage restoration. To ensure you’re receiving an accurate quote, we recommend getting estimates from multiple dent removal service centers in your area. After you narrow the list down to a few options, we recommend reading customer testimonials to choose the best auto body repair center near you.

Cheaper than professional repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) kits can substitute a trip to the repair shop and help keep more money in your wallet. There are kits for tiny, medium-sized, and large dents, and the average price of the kits is generally a fraction of what you’d pay for repairs. Easy and convenient. With the right dent puller, it’s very easy to set up in your driveway or parking lot. The best PDR tools are shipped with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. You can rest easy knowing they will not damage your car’s paint. Push-from-behind PDR is completed by using specialized tools, including rods, to push the dent from the back of the vehicle’s panel. The deeper and wider the dent, the more time and manual effort it’ll take to fix. The more tools and rods you’ll have at your disposal, the more flexibility you’ll have to fix the particular dent. The repaired dent may have inconsistencies in the clear coat from the PDR process, as well as from when the dent occurred. In order to return the paint to its factory luster, the PDR Tech will use wet-sanding combined with a high-speed polisher. Using this tactic until the clear coat is perfectly smooth is the “finishing” touch of a great PDR repair.

To repair dents with body filler, a shop will apply the filler over the dented surface and then sand it to achieve a smooth look. If the damage is particularly severe, a shop may apply a putty over the filler for additional smoothness. The surface is then painted over so that it matches the rest of the vehicle. Specific step-by-step instructions on how to use body filler: Clean the dented area with soap and water along with a residue remover. Attempt to remove as much of the dent as possible using various dent removal tools. Sand the dent and surrounding area to remove any paint. Mix the body filler according to its instructions and spread over the dented area. Wait about 20 minutes for the filler to dry (drying times may vary by the brand/type of filler used).

$0, You Pay Nothing No Deductible. $0 out of pocket repair on all auto hail insurance claims. FREE vehicle hail damage inspection. Guaranteed! All Insurance Accepted We work with your insurance company from the moment you drop off to pick up, making the repair process hassle free. Don’t let insurance deductibles get in your way from repairing your hail damaged vehicle! We pay your deductible so everyone with coverage can get back on the road with $0 out of pocket. Guaranteed. Discover additional details on Paintless Dent Repair Colorado Springs, CO.

Another great benefit of PDR is, it’s a quick process. Traditional dent repair usually takes longer because it involves several steps, and you need to wait for the paint to dry. This means enduring a few days without your vehicle–a huge hassle for people who use their car for work or daily errands. With PDR, only one process needs to be completed; it only take a fraction of the time traditional repair would take, so you can get back on the road within the day. Lastly, PDR can boost the resale value of your car. Applying a fresh coat of paint over the original factory finish reduces your vehicle’s resale value significantly. If you’re planning to sell your car in the future, it’s better to maintain the existing paint instead of repainting. This is why most customers prefer PDR – your original paint finish will remain untouched.

Stone retaining wall construction company in Colorado

Stone retaining wall construction in Colorado: Block retaining walls are lightweight, cost-effective, and easy to build. They come in a wider range of styles and colours and are more versatile than concrete sleepers, creating curves and tiered walls can be achieved with ease. Block retaining walls have a wide footprint so if your access is tight or room on your property is at a premium then blocks would not be for you.

Retaining wall drainage is an incredibly important part of building a stone wall. Once a few rows have been stacked, backfill the wall with rock so it matches the grade height in front of the wall, and then lay down perforated drain tile on top of the rock. Install drain tee fittings and a drain grate every 25 feet to 50 feet, depending on how much rainwater is expected to run down to the wall. Cut one block down to accommodate the drain grate. Screw the drain tile parts together so they won’t come apart when they get covered with more rock. Also, drain the tile to daylight at the ends of the walls whenever possible.

After your drainpipe is in place, you should backfill the rest of the space behind the blocks with either sand or pea gravel—either will allow water to filter through to the drainpipe at the base of the wall. For the best results, backfill with a few inches of the material after laying each course of blocks, and use a hand tamper to compact the material. By tamping the backfill every six inches or so, you’ll ensure that it is packed tightly, which will provide additional support from the pressure of the soil behind the wall.

To ensure the utmost strength, any wall taller than four feet should be carefully designed prior to installation. You have to consider structural reinforcement, drainage and the wall’s overall stability. Tall walls should all be designed for a “battering” effect, where the courses are set back from one another. In other words, the wall slants backwards as it gets taller. This battering effect adds life to a wall that may eventually tilt forward over time from the pressure of the earth behind it. Although battering is one method of strengthening a wall, most segmental systems incorporate this approach in conjunction with the other reinforcement measures mentioned above-reinforcement grids, anchors or steel reinforcement. See more details on Building and repair of retaining walls Colorado.

We also repair existing retaining walls. Many railroad tie walls or older concrete retaining walls which may or may not include rocks or boulders are beginning to show signs of failure. Often times a homeowner will build a DIY retaining wall that needs help after years of service. Colorado Retaining Wall specializes in the building and repair of retaining walls. Whether the wall is for a backyard or driveway of a residence or a commercial Shopping Center, we design and build large block walls for all Earth retention requirements. We have the ability to fortify the wall with shotcrete or soil nails which would include helical tie-backs or micropiles. Nearly every wall we build requires engineering and we have deep relationships with engineers that work hand-in-hand with our foremen regardless of the size of project. Please read our reviews and look and our photo gallery.

Convert movies from Youtube to Mp3

Best 5 Youtube to Mp3 converters: If you’re looking for a fast, flexible YouTube to MP3 converter, this is the tool for you. You would be forgiven for judging Any Video Converter Free by its name and believing it to be a tool for converting from one video format to another. While this is part of what it can do, it can also be used to download videos from YouTube and save them as MP3s – exactly what we’re looking for!

You enjoy watching and listening to music videos on YouTube. If only there was a way to listen to the audio portion offline. If you have the right tools, there is. Certain websites, software, and browser extensions can strip out the audio portion of any YouTube video and convert it to an MP3 file, which you can then save to your computer or mobile device. We’ve previously covered how to download YouTube content as video files. Here, we’ll focus on the task of downloading them as audio files.

Best Youtube to Mp3 downloader? Our pick is the Free Youtube to MP3 Downloader. Simply copy and past the YouTube URL into the YouTube to Mp3 Software and have your favorite song downloaded in seconds. YouTube to Mp3 Downloader also includes the ability to download YouTube Playlists, as well as multi-threading for downloading multiple songs or playlists at one time. Free YouTube to Mp3 Downloader software includes a wide variety of Audio Quality and Format Options. Download YouTube in more than just Mp3 including: M4A, ACC, WAV, OGG, FLAC, ALAC. Download YouTube in multiple quality levels including: Standard, Audio Book, Stereo 320kbit. For those who need even more options and variety YouTube to Mp3 Downloader is highly configurable. There are General, Advanced, Output and Tag options. Find additional info on Convert Youtube to Mp3.

aTube Catcher is another amazing versatile toolkit which lets you download audio from YouTube in a format of your choice: MP3, FLAC, OGG, WMA or WAV. There are three preset resolutions for MP3 format, so you can choose the right balance of file size and fidelity. In matter of output settings, it is possible to change the default saving location, set the number of active downloads, enable turbo mode, as well as to power off the computer on task completion. But unfortunately, there is a bundled adware to avoid. So be watchful during the installation and uncheck any additional bits and pieces you don’t want. aTube Catcher provides its diversified features at the disposal of both beginners and experts, and the option to save YouTube audio is only one part of what it can do. However, aTube Catcher is definitely among the best available free YouTube to MP3 converters.

Terms definition online dictionaries

Online dictionaries are an excellent tool for individuals who are hungry for knowledge. These dictionaries have branched out for ramifying in various aspects. This means that they aren’t just used by people for looking up the meanings of different words. As a matter of fact, online dictionaries are being used as a compact tool for entertainment and knowledge. They can be used for word games like word of the day etc., as a style guide and even a thesaurus. Furthermore, these dictionaries are also offering the feature of translation. They can translate words into different languages such as translation in Korean, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, English, German, Spanish, Japanese etc. The translations are only a click away.

Print dictionary benefits: They’ll experience a snowball effect of learning. When kids leaf through the pages of a dictionary to find a specific word, they also see plenty of other new and interesting words they might not know. This adds momentum to their learning, which is especially helpful for back-to-school season! You never know what other word will catch their eye, and which ones will inspire an even deeper exploration of meaning and understanding. (Here are more strategies that boost reading skills.)

If you like the features of the Free Dictionary, it offers you the option to set it as your home page, with a number of customizable features. Each entry in the Dictionary/Thesaurus also tells you in which other dictionaries on the the site the word is defined, such as the Medical dictionary, the Legal Dictionary,and Idioms. Sources for the Medical Dictionary came from Dorland’s Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved, the Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3 ed. © 2007 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved and McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Looking for the meaning of a word like chachkies?

Google Dictionary has a lot of different languages with features like voice pronunciation, definitions, example sentences, related phrases, related phrases and more. It’s among the most expansive and maybe best online dictionaries, and comes with some very solid brand recognition., The site with the best domain name of all online dictionaries is also one of the most useful. It’s partnered with, but don’t hold that association against it. It offers definitions, pronunciations, word origins and world history. It also is responsible for one of the best mobile dictionary apps, hands down. What woosah means? Define Dictionary Meaning can help you with that.

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Top WordPress events calendarby Webnus

Exploring for best WordPress events calendar plugin? WordPress event calendar plugins are the means by which people manage WordPress event websites. Modern Events Calendar is the perfect tool for those who need a WordPress events management system which is totally customizable and can be customized to a great extent. Also using MEC it is possible to create any kinds of events from recurring events to multiple day events and also custom day events and more. Another great point about Modern Events Calendar is that, it is superbly feature-rich even in its Lite version, which makes it a super generous events management plugin for its users.

If you want to add a feature-rich events calendar to your WordPress website then this collection of plugins can help. With free and premium event calendar plugins to choose from, there’s a range of tools for projects of all sizes. If you simply want to share the dates and details of upcoming events on your website in a calendar format, then the free plugins should suffice. However, if you want to give your visitors the ability to register their attendance for your event, purchase tickets, and integrate your website calendar with a service like Google Calendar then purchasing one of the premium plugins is a better option.

The Modern Events Calendar plugin says quite a bit in its name, since it’s a high-quality, professional, and modern take on your standard events management layout. You can choose from a wide variety of designs, making it an excellent solution for branding and fitting in your website. It also includes a powerful booking system at only $34. Since this is sold on CodeCanyon you’re also signing up for a year of premium support, beating out some of those free plugins we’ve talked about earlier. Find even more details on WordPress events calendar plugin.

Several new features: Shortcode For Page Builders – A shortcode which is fully compatible with your Page Builders including: Elementor, Divi Builder, Visual Composer, King Composer. Schema Ready – Event Schema markup to a single page and shortcodes, recommended for SEO. A particular day of month – Adding a repeat for a particular day in month, for example, the last Tuseday of the month, with the ability to be a never ending event.

Webnus is a recognized label for top quality Premium WordPress themes and plugins like Modern Events Calendar which is the top WordPress Calendar on the market and Deep theme, the world’s best premium WordPress theme. Modern Events Calendar is the top WordPress calendar plugin on the market which was produced by the Webnus team. It allows the users to create, manage and sell their tickets at ease on their own website and without any third-party app. Discover extra information at

Made in Korea designer baby clothing online shopping

High quality Made in Korea casual kids clothing online shopping and the latest kids fashion trends. Need to get ready for outdoor summer fun? Look no further than iPlay, the makers of the first cloth swim diaper. They’ve built them right into a line of cute bathing suits and swim trunks for babies, but you can still buy the reusable swim diapers on their own too. Pair them with the brand’s rash guards, protective sun hats and baby sunglasses for a day of splashing around.

“Wrap naps”—they’re a thing. And when your baby is snug as a bug in a Solly Baby, be prepared for some awesome on-the-go ZZZs. Not only are the patterns absolutely beautiful, but the soft, lightweight modal fabric is sustainably sourced from Austrian Beechwood trees. Made in the USA with environmentally friendly dyes, you can rest assured your little one is cozying up with safe materials. When not in use, it folds up compactly in a self-enclosing pocket for easy diaper bag storage. Many parents consider the Solly a lifesaver during the newborn phase, but then move on to carriers with more positioning options as kids grow. And while the lightweight fabric is perfect for warm temps and indoor use, you may want something a bit thicker for winter weather.

Korean kids clothing focused store, all the goods are made in Korea, air freight to Hong Kong. We aim to bring the highest quality, safest and fashionable Korean children’s clothing to every parent. Kiddie Kisses provides high quality and latest Korean fashion to general public in an reasonable price. Find even more details at The unique animal-shaped pillow is a suitable choice for pregnant and nursing women. It is made of high-quality cotton fabric and long enough to nestle in. Also, the pillow offers back, side and front support for the body while also creating a relaxed and comfortable position for sleeping, reading, nursing, and more.

Pact knows the dangers of environmental toxins. The brand is also committed to raising awareness about sweatshops, child labor, and debt slaveries in the clothing industry. Rest assured, all garments in Pact’s collection are ethically made, and workers are paid living wages. It’s the perfect shop for ethical, affordable, and organic apparel—whether for you or your little one!

For our chinese visitors:

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