Create a local group to organize events

Build a local community to share your interests on Communian. This website allows you to create a group and local events on any topic. Are you passionate about cycling? You can make a local cycling group and start organizing events! What are the benefits of local communities and how they help the human brain and soul? Endless Expansion: With the new friends and mentors you meet, you have innumerable option for where to take your interest. When these options include professional advance, and you already have the support you need from within the community, your life takes on new depth, creativity, and independence.

Big interest based communities are local focused on Communian. Let’s take reddit for example: /r/buildapc Interested in setting up your own PC from scratch? Building your own instead of buying an off-the-shelf computer allows you to customize your rig to suit your preferences and save you some cash. This community is filled with enthusiasts showing off their latest builds, discussing new PC components and sharing advice on tackling common setup issues. There are loads of resources for first-timers, including an FAQ and guides for choosing components, assembling them and adding some finishing touches like installing essential apps and overclocking your new computer.

Communian is all about social connections. Unfortunately, forming relationships in the workplace can seem a bit intimidating for many employees. No one wants to overstep any boundaries, and sometimes it can be difficult to find ways to bond with colleagues on a personal level. This is why it’s important that employers promote a workplace culture that encourages social interaction and helps employees connect. Employers can do this by emphasizing the importance of social and emotional well-being in their workplace wellness program. Below are a few ideas for promoting social connections at your company: Inspire positivity. Creating a positive work environment will help employees feel more comfortable around one another. A positive work environment will also help encourage social interaction and positive communication among colleagues. Employers can help inspire positivity by practicing gratitude, promoting laughter and using positive messaging.

Getting to know influencers who are willing to vouch for you can be all the social proof you need to raise your profile as an entrepreneur. Their recommendations can give you the credibility you need to solidify your own position as an influencer. Even better, having a whole group of entrepreneurs willing to vouch for you significantly raises your profile to other groups, such as potential investors. Find additional info at Join a local community to meet people and share your interests.

Chip de Potencia Suzuki

Chip tuning car includes adjustments that enhance the execution, the care of, and presentation of a vehicle. Tuning is an approach to customize a car and is a side interest for some. The territories of adjustment incorporate sound, inside, motor, suspension, and body. Every one of these ranges makes an interminable number of particular auto adjustments and can incorporate expanding efficiency, enhancing taking care of, or changing the outside.

However if you are going to change the operating conditions on medium or long-term basis then you should reset your ECU. One such instance could be when you think of boosting octane. Resetting the ECU when you choose to boost Octane becomes necessary because your ECU has a memory bank for octane. This means that if you’ve been using lower octane, the response of ECU will correspond to lower octane with the booster matching lower octane performance.

Performance chip advices? To choose between a remap, replacement chip, new ECU or piggy back join our forum and discuss your options with our friendly members. In this article we shall focus on the specific act of “Chip tuning” and not dwell too much on remaps although both are very similar in nature. The term probably stems from the early days were chips could not easily be reflashed and updated. Now with some locked ECU’s chip removal and replacement is once again becoming an option. The only option in these cases was to literally replace the chip. Often these would need to be soldered and could be quite fiddly and, due to the delicate nature of chips, prone to failure. EPROMS which were erasable and programmable chips could be removed reflashed and reinserted into the car. Discover extra details on Chip Tuning Jeep.

What exactly can chip tuning bring me? With our professional chip tuning, we increase the performance of your engine up to 40% with a low additional load on the entire engine. And we don’t forget about fuel consumption either: With the same driving style, it is even possible to reduce fuel consumption. Your engine will be far sportier and better attuned to you. Please keep in mind that you have to adapt your software professionally when the components have been changed. Our chip tuning experts will be glad to advise you!

Our Chip Tuning re-mapping process enhances and optimises the power of the engine within safe limits, not beyond them. Extra power will also result in fewer gear changes. Manufacturers have to build in a tolerance for the parts in the engine, to manage the effect of wear and tear, production variations, and to ensure their warranty claims during their warranty period normally 3 years, are kept to a minimum. Most race and rally engines are pushed for every last bhp, and thus they more common to fail, whilst normal car/van/lorry engines are limited back, well away from probability failures. Each individual engine and customer requirements are different as to how much performance tuning is needed in a remap, but a good remap from a quality tuner will never get close the limits of the engine. In fact, we guarantee it!

I bought mine DAMOS for 100€ with complete ECU documentation in German…so many switches, limiters and maps that are not taught or even mentioned in basic remap guides – I found basic maps by myself but it took ages of reverse engineering and I still didn’t know what exactly each map is…with this Kamikaze style I made my first ECU remap. And if you think all is finally over because you have found DAMOS for your ECU…it is almost impossible to find or buy compressor maps for turbochargers. Sure there is lots of maps around but each car, manufacturer, even engine has different turbo with different parameters such as trim and A/R . Skoda Octavia 2 vRS 2.0TDi PPD engine has got Garrett GT1749V, Golf too…yet each may have different turbo parameters. See more details on Centralina Aggiuntiva DS.

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Searching for eco friendly staws to buy online? We have some buyer tips for you and also some info about the eco friendly bamboo products.

When bamboo is harvested, each culm is simply cut at ground level. The root system remains in the ground and quickly sprouts more bamboo shoots. The root system that remains in the ground between harvestings helps the soil to resist erosion. In some places, bamboo is planted along riverbanks to prevent soil erosion. Bamboo also drops leaves and stems onto the ground where it is growing. This natural litter turns to mulch and acts as a fertilizer. In the event that a bamboo product is discarded, it is nice to know that items made from bamboo are 100% biodegradable.

Bamboo straws are an environmental-friendly alternative to plastic, steel or glass straws. They are superb to use as drinking straws for both hot or cold beverages. Our bamboo straws are made from 100% natural bamboo. Suitable for hot or cold beverages, Set includes 30 straws (19,5 cm long) and 3 cleaning brushes (20 cm long), Easy to clean. Just rinse them out under the tap after everyday use or shake in a jar of warm soapy water. You can even put your straw in the dishwasher. Eco Friendly – Good for environment & save the earth. Make your contribution to the plastic-free future of our planet. Bamboo is the fastest growing resource – for connoisseurs with a clear conscience.Bamboo decomposing within 4-6 months. In comparison with plastic drinking straws will take up to 200 years to fully decompose! Discover extra details on Bamboo toothbrush.

Bamboo is a tallest grass of the world. Clumping and running both types of bamboos are important for us. Many people take bamboo poll as food. We can make various products from bamboo too. It has some benefits to health as food and as other products. Bamboo shoots can help individual to lose weight and increase body’s immune system.

Amazing growth rate. Some species of bamboo grow more than three feet each day! No plant on the planet features a faster growth rate. When it is harvested, it will grow a new shoot from its extensive root system with no need for additional planting or cultivation. Very little waste. After harvesting, virtually every part of the plant is used to make a wide variety of products. From soil-enriching mulch to beautiful furniture to chopsticks, every part of the plant can be utilized.

We are Bamboodu an online store and community promoting healthy live style, ecology and zero waste. We believe that our organic and biodegradable products can directly reduce the amount of plastic ending up in an ocean, river, and landfilled that kills our planet. Online shopping from a great selection at Cotton Buds, Drinking Straws, Travel Cutlery Sets, Bamboo Toothbrushes and much more. 100% Natural, chemical -free, cruelty-free and Vegan. All of our Bamboo Products are biodegradable, sustainable, earth-friendly and recyclable. Shop:

Casino poker tricks

Top Malaysia casino online to play blackjack tournaments ? Stop losing and start winning at the best Malaysia online website. Certain patterns are easily recognisable at the lower stakes – especially when you play online poker – where it is 100 per cent the correct play to fold your overpair. Good players can let go of any emotional attachment to their pretty-looking hands. Average players get married to their aces or kings instead, and can’t let them go even when they know they are beat. Starting with the top of all poker hands isn’t enough to guarantee you the pot. Ask anyone for good poker pro tip, and they will all tell you the same thing: sometimes, you’ll need to fold those Aces. Realise Tilt Only Hurts You: Tilt is a destroyer of bankrolls, dreams and poker careers. You win big by playing against players who are making significant fundamental errors and giving away their money over the long term. But if winning is at all a priority for you, then you need to remember you don’t turn a significant profit in poker by pushing tiny edges against good poker players. As the classic movie Rounders reminds us, “If you can’t spot the sucker in your first half-hour at the table, then you are the sucker.”

If you find yourself short-stacked and near the money bubble or a pay jump, only then should you start using a more survival-oriented playing style. You can learn more about this key part of tournament strategy here. Only Play If You Feel Like It: Poker should be a fun experience, regardless if you are playing as a hobby or if you are a professional player. You’re going to perform best when you are happy, so it makes sense that you should only play this mentally intensive game when you feel that way. If you feel frustration, fatigue, or anger building up, you should just quit the session right then and there. You are very likely saving yourself a bunch of money by doing so. Poker will still be there tomorrow.

The RRich88 Live Casino Malaysia is dedicated to providing one of the safest and entertaining waysfor you to enjoy the amazing live casino experience. With our trusted and reputed Online Casino, we are dedicated to entertaining our new and veteran casino players by providing them with exciting features and updated games. See more info at Online Casino Malaysia. Sizing your bet based on whether you won or lost the previous hand is a losing proposition. You should only bet more when there are more high-valued cards vs low-valued cards in the unplayed pack of cards. (This is what card counting systems monitor.) There are several simple, entry-level, card-counting systems that I recommend for casual players. (See Chapter 10 in my Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide.) Don’t increase your bets because you feel you are due to win. The cards don’t know and they don’t care whether you are in the midst of a losing (or winning) streak. Regardless of what happened during your previous playing sessions, stay the course and follow the tips in this article.

Ideally what you’re aiming towards is being able to read what other players are doing. Learn their tells (eye movements, idiosyncrasies, hand gestures, betting behavior etc.). A player who frequently calls and then unexpectedly makes a huge raise may be holding an amazing hand. That’s your tell that this guy or gal is holding something extraordinary! If you’re a newbie player, you must realize that losing is part of the game. Sometimes, you may find that you go all in with a pair of pocket rockets and then lose to another poker player holding a pair of 8’s who catches a third 8 on the River. These bad beats – losing spells – occur from time to time. Don’t let them get you down. The odds will always work in your favor in poker in the long-term. A pair of Aces will always perform statistically better than a pair of 8s; that’s the nature of the game.

Play VR games with your pals at the best VR arcade in Toronto

Virtual reality games playing is the utilization of a three-dimensional (3-D) artificial environment to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with VR programs and presented to the player in such a way that they overwrite the real-world space, creating suspension of disbelief and helping the user experience the VR environment as real. You can play VR games at home but, usually, the hardware that are available for regular individual clients is not very good. Good VR equipment is expensive , that’s why there are gaming firms that offers VR play on extremely good equipment. Think about it like the today’s internet caffee’s of the past.

Virtual reality (VR) is no longer a niche. VR applications are evolving fast, and they are penetrating in many industry sectors. From healthcare to the automotive industry, VR is changing the way things are done, and expectations for the future remain high. This is particularly true for video games. So how high are these expectations? IDC predicts that the virtual and augmented reality market will dramatically expand from just over $9 billion last year to $215 billion by 2021. That incredible 118% compound annual growth rate would make VR one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet.

Now let’s talk about games with VR support. Beat Saber is a music and rhythm game with an active twist. The setup is similar to other music games, such as Audiosurf, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band, but instead of controlling a virtual ship or using fake instruments, you slash your way through a song with virtual laser swords. As the music plays, Beat Saber generates different patterns of color-coded blocks on the screen that you must hit with the correct controller (right or left) as they slide towards you. Obstacles also appear at times that require you to duck or slide away. Make no mistake, Beat Saber is not a game you can play sitting down; it’s a very active experience. If you love music and motion, Beat Saber is definitely worth exploring. If you want to play VR games with your friends in Toronto you may want to check LevelupReality. See more info at Arcade Toronto.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR (Oculus Rift; PS VR; HTC Vive): A full VR translation of 2011’s single-player, open-world epic, Skyrim VR gives players a much closer look at the world of Tamriel. The game features fully tracked motion controls for your left- and right-hand equipment, so you’ll be able to swing your sword and block incoming attacks using realistic gestures. You move through the game world via teleportation, direct input on a controller or walking around using a room-scale setup if you have a room big enough to spare. All previously released DLC expansions, like Dawnguard and Hearthfire, come with this version of Skyrim. The graphical upgrade seen in Special Edition is unfortunately missing from the VR version of Skyrim, so some visuals may look a bit dated.

Polybius is probably the strangest game on our list and also the one most likely to make you motion sick. It’s a high-score, arcade-style shoot’em-up that relies on psychedelic “trancetastic” visual design and a truly awesome sense of speed even outside of VR. It’s a little difficult to explain exactly what you need to do in Polybius, aside from shoot as many things ahead of you as possible while avoiding collisions with the solid objects that come hurtling toward you during the game’s 50 linear levels. This game’s filled with old-school arcade and early gaming references, so you may pick up on some aural references here and there. You may also get a little motion sick. Best to play this one seated, and if you have a weak stomach, try playing it on a normal TV first.

We will transport you entirely out of your own world…and into another—whether it is walking along the edge of Everest or surviving a zombie apocalypse, your next reality is limitless. 80+ games/experiences with unlimited game changes; Includes player setup and training (10 minutes); One player per station, non-shareable Visit:

Top money debt tricks

Searching for money invest advices to improve your financial positions and to solve cash issues ? Although this seems a touchy subject, the reason for having a life insurance policy on a child is about cash accumulation, explains industry pro, Thomas. “Compound interest works best when you have a lot of cash or a lot of time. Kids have a lot of time. “When buying an Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy for a child, the cost is very low and remains the same over the life of the policy, while the cash continues to grow. The parent owns the cash and can borrow from it. The parent can also assign ownership to the adult child one day, along with the cash, just in time for adult things like a down-payment on a home. Or the child can create retirement income with the policy.”

Understanding your credit scores and credit report is another important personal finance tip for beginners. Credit Sesame is free and doesn’t hurt your score to look at your reports. But, this can help you catch mistakes, overdue bills, info about your loans, and just overall how your score is doing. If your score is really low, start work on improving this number. It can affect you getting future car loans, mortgages, apartments, and affects what kind of interest rate you might get. I’m not necessarily a fan of how credit report companies operate, but it’s still good to have a score above 700. Discover more details at Make Money Tricks.

If you’re contributing to a retirement plan and a savings account and you can still manage to put some money into other investments, all the better. Employment benefits like a 401(k) plan, flexible spending accounts, medical and dental insurance, etc., are worth big bucks. Make sure you’re maximizing yours and taking advantage of the ones that can save you money by reducing taxes or out-of-pocket expenses. Too many people are talked into paying too much for life and disability insurance, whether it’s by adding these coverages to car loans, buying whole-life insurance policies when term-life makes more sense, or buying life insurance when you have no dependents. On the other hand, it’s important that you have enough insurance to protect your dependents and your income in the case of death or disability.

Spend Less Than You Earn: Yeah, yeah, I know, it sounds obvious, right? Well, it must not be because according to CNBC, 78% of Americans working full-time are living paycheck to paycheck. Here’s the thing: It’s easy to KNOW that you should be spending less than you earn, it’s a lot harder to actually do it. However, if you want to escape the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle that so many others live, you need to spend less than you earn. This is one of the most crucial but basic personal finance tips ever. In order to do this, you need to track your spending. You can do this by either writing your purchases down or by using a free personal finance app. Business Debt: There are a lot of online business ideas you can start on the cheap these days, but a small investment can also go a long way in certain endeavors. Business loans are considered good debt because they are put towards something with the goal of increasing your net worth. Source:

Centralina Aggiuntiva Maserati

Dealerships charge more for work and parts than most different sorts of administration focuses. This is on account of a large portion of the professionals that dealerships have experienced years of costly preparing, have different affirmations and in this manner order a higher pay rate. Parts expenses are higher in light of the fact that they are utilized and also expansive industrial facility unique parts. A full tune up will regularly cost amongst $100 and $150 depending which dealership you take it to and what should be finished. A full tune up will comprise of the accompanying: changing and examining the start attachments and fitting wires, changing the air and fuel channels, conforming the planning, conceivable focuses and condenser change and fuel blend tuning.

Whenever you make a physical intervention the data pertaining to such intervention gets recorded in the memory banks of your car’s computer. The computer uses the mapped data to work out the optimum control conditions in which the engine should function. The ECU shuffles through the tons of data that come to it in the form of readings to decide the course of action that should be taken by the engine to ensure an ideal drive. The ECU tells your engine not only what to do but also how to do it. Thus the ECU in order to make accurate diagnosis on engine control utilizes stored data.

Info on Drakebox chip tuning? Generally speaking any car will see a benefit but the larger gains are from turbocharged applications. In a NASP (Naturally Aspirated) engine power gains are around 10-20%, but in a turbo engine the power gains are typically around 40% for a petrol and 30% for a turbo diesel. Even a car getting a relatively low power gain from a remap will actually be more lively to drive. The peak power gain figure is only a very small part of the equation. The engines response under acceleration and its torque curve are the primary reasons for getting into chip tuning. Read more details at Chip de Potencia Jaguar.

Our conclusion on chip tuning: On our state-of-the-art MAHA dynamometer, we are able to carry out performance increases with the real engine running. This is done taking into account all environment parameters and peripherals in exactly the way you drive your car on the road. The special software parameters are adapted by us in a targeted way to a sporty tuning in order to exploit the full potential of the engine. We leave the component protection of the manufacturers activated; in most cases, fuel is even saved! So it is not a given that a higher engine performance automatically means higher pollutant emissions.

Manufacturers generally sell one vehicle that covers various markets, with different tax and emissions regulations; different climates with extremes of heat, cold, humidity; different fuel quantities; different operating altitudes, etc. A manufacturer has to take all of these factors into consideration and make substantial compromises in the vehicles operation. Sales and marketing also have a big affect on the way an engine is mapped. If you look the in manufacturer brochure at the engine specs, the torque graph will rise, then flatten out on a straight line, and then drop off. This obviously isn’t how an engine breathes, and it’s the request of sales and marketing to produce this flat lining of the torque.

Commercial tuning can be split in two categories – bad and really bad. I call them PERCENT-MASTERS because all they do is change all by percentage without any calculations whatsoever. There are so called DAMOS files from ECU manufacturers, describing all ECU maps. DAMOS has similar properties as God – everybody talks about them but they are rarely seen. It is hard to get DAMOS files, especially for latest ECUs. Of course you can get for free gigabytes of suspicious DAMOS files from internet…I too used to have them. They were incomplete, missing important maps…even seemingly same ECU beginning with EDC16 have various addresses at various places. How do I know? Don’t forget, I too was seeking DAMOS for my ECU Bosch EDC16U34 v 2.969 Read more info at Boitier Additionnel Subaru.

Top travel partner affiliate program

Do you have traffic and visitors that are interested in travel tours? You can earn some cash by joining partner program, one of the top travel partner program. How can you make cash as a travel affiliate? Here are some tips.

The travel sector is so competitive with loads of resellers vying for the same highly considered purchases so branding is key. Consumers need to trust the brand and clearly understand the advantages of booking with that company over another. This is where publisher s can work wonders. Strong relationships with key publisher s can add even more legitimacy to a travel company, speed up word of mouth and greatly increase reach. Making noise in the right places through publisher s can strengthen your long term positioning in a cost effective way.

Travel affiliate marketing trend of 2019 ? Ecommerce retailers are getting in on the game. Ecommerce merchants are continuing to show interest in affiliate marketing, especially as part of their lead generation efforts. Many are even launching their own affiliate programs through networks like Linkshare and Shareasale, broadening the opportunities for existing affiliate marketers even more.

Consistently blog to grow following. Travel bloggers know the potential of driving hundreds of thousands of monthly viewership by consistently posting and publishing blog posts to grow a following that knows your brand and wants your content. Stay active on social networks. The times are changing and you have to be where the people are. Actively promote your website and stay connected with your target audience and niche by posting on social media daily and commenting on others posts. Partner Program: Learn what separates our affiliate program from the rest of the competition. The Difference: Top hotel savings customers are searching for, 24/7 customer phone support, Easy & secure bookings, Instant reservation confirmation, Over 250,000 different hotels to choose from, Helpful traveler sentiments, Thousands of top destinations to choose from. Find more details on