Best bengal cat breeders

Bengal cats are amazing. If you are looking for a companion pet we think that bengal kittens are a very good decision. This is another important fact that you should consider before getting a Bengal. The kittens have a natural instinct to rip and tear. They particularly delight in scratching and shredding furniture and other items from around the house. Until they are properly trained, nothing in your home will be safe from their destructive nature. Bengals are well noted burglars. They will take personal objects from around the house and hide them in their special places. This includes car keys, money, jewelry, and other items that they are attracted to. Their playful nature makes them drawn to unique objects that they find fascinating. They are also known for shredding anything that is made of paper from a bag to important documents. It’s important to keep all valuables hidden out of their sight and stored in places that are inaccessible to your Bengal.

Once you welcome a Bengal cat to your home, you will not need to worry about calling the pest control services. The Bengal cats are in a position to provide much-needed support and assistance to you with taking control over pests. You will never be able to see any mice running around the kitchen. Instead, you will wake up to dead mice just outside the bedroom. Likewise, your Bengal cat will be able to help you with taking control over other types of pests as well. The Bengal have got soft fur as well. You will love the silky and soft texture of the Bengal cat as well. The spots that you can find on the Bengal cat are cool as well. They are one of the cutest types of cats that you can find out there as well. Now you are aware of all the good reasons available to think about welcoming a Bengal cat to your home. While keeping these facts in mind, you can go ahead and welcome a new Bengal cat to your home.

Bengals do as a rule tend to be demanding and fairly high maintenance cats. They often bond strongly with their families and can be very demanding of their time and attention, which is just what many people want-but of course, this is not for everyone, and can drive some owners mad! If you don’t have time to devote to a Bengal every day,then it may not be the cat for you. Owning a Bengal can in many ways be more like owning a dog than a cat, as they will often follow you around the house, yell for attention and want to get involved in everything that you are doing-and they very much dislike being ignored!

During the entire breeding route, aggressive, wild, fearful ones were excluded from the breeding program. As well as other colors of the Bengal cat were withdrawn and recognized. Now the Bengal breed is valuable not only in color, but also in the wild type of body and head structure, as well as habits and qualities of character inherited from the wild world. Grace and plastic are noticeable in every movement of the Bengal cat, the eyes, large and meaningful, express any emotional state of the animal. An inexhaustible energy and curiosity amaze! Discover extra details at

The threat of getting wet sends most cats clamoring for cover, but not the water-loving Bengal. These frisky felines will gladly drink right from the tap if allowed. A Bengal may even follow its owner into the shower or bathtub. If you prefer privacy when bathing, make sure to close your door and prepare for some serious meowing from your Bengal.

Play Html5 games online

Looking for the newest html5 games that you can play online in your internet browser? IO games are becoming more and more popular and in this article we will present a few of them. With a cute exterior and unsettling interior, calls to anyone who enjoys underwater adventures. Choose the fish that calls to your heart and begin your adventure under the sea! Different fish give different perks. For example, playing as a clownfish allows you to hide in anemone without taking damage. You know, like in Finding Nemo. You’ll also be able to switch your fish at certain points in the game. Other fish allow you to explore the depths, turning darker the deeper you go. It’s unclear whether damage taken by fish is from someone else trying to eat you or you’re ramming into another fish with such force that it creates damage, but either way, bumper fish is a fun idea. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t offer other playable modes.

Drift Hunters is an awesome 3D car driving game in which you score points by drifting various cars. These points earn you money, that you can spend to upgrade your current car or buy a new one. The game stands out because of its realistic drifting physics and its various driving environments. The game is available in the browser and on mobile devices (Android and iOS). The game is made by Studionum43 (Ilya Kaminetsky). You can support this game here. In some areas such as schools, workplaces, hospitals, etc., games are often blocked. This means that people can’t enjoy their favorite games in these places. Don’t worry though, because you still can enjoy this game with the Drift Hunters unblocked version! We try our best to have as many places as we can unblock our games.

Taiga Car Driver – test your Kamaz driving skills. Taiga Car Driver is a highly realistic truck driver game, just like Russian Car Driver ZIL 130. You are driving a Kamaz truck and need to do various missions around the harsh winter weather of Taiga. The graphics of this awesome title are amazing – users feel as if they are driving through the harsh Siberian countryside. Look at the beautiful scenery as you drive, but keep your eye on the roads and concentrate! The roads are covered in snow and ice – this will affect driving conditions and vehicle handling. Due to the extreme conditions of the Taiga forest, users must take care of their driver. Stop for refreshments and be sure to spend a night at the truck hotel to regain energy. Also look at heating and check the driver’s body temperature. This landscape is unforgiving!

For our readers from Bosnia:

Mnogi će se sjetiti Farming Simulator igrice s računala, Xboxa ili PS4 izdanja. Sada ga možete besplatno igrati iz vašeg web preglednika! U igri igrate kao mladi farmer sa samo jednim ciljem: izgradite veliko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo i postanite bogati. Što čekate? Uskočite u traktor i pripremite se za oranje polja u ovoj simulacijskoj igri. Uzgoj je težak posao i morat ćete upravljati svojim vremenom mudro dok pazite na mjerač goriva. Postanite moderni farmer u Farming Simulator igrici! Uronite u ogroman otvoreni svijet i žetvu mnogih vrsta usjeva, brinite o stočarstvu – kravama, ovcama i svinjama – sudjelujte u šumarstvu i prodajte svoje proizvode na dinamičnom tržištu kako biste proširili svoje farme! Imate pristup ogromnom izboru od preko 50 poljoprivrednih vozila i strojeva vrhunskih marki: Challenger, Fendt, Massey Ferguson, John Deere i Valtra. Vozite i koristite potpuno novu opremu prilikom berbe šećerne repe, krumpira, pšenice, kukuruza i suncokreta. S dubokim i snažnim iskustvom simulacije, ogromnim otvorenim svijetom i širokom flotom vozila uključujući potpuno nove strojeve, Farming Simulator vas poziva da isprobate najkompletniju poljoprivredna simulaciju ikad stvorenu! Sviraj Curve Fever Pro!

Oružje je bitna značajka u koja omogućuje igraču da nanese štetu ili ubije drugog igrača. Oni su jedini način na koji jedan igrač može naštetiti ili ubiti drugog igrača. Igra sadrži široku paletu oružja, u rasponu od pištolja do LMG-ova koji se mogu dobiti gotovo bilo gdje u svijetu igara. Mnogo je različitih vrsta oružja koje možete pronaći na karti. Rijetko je oružje teže pronaći u igri, posebno u ranoj fazi igre. Neko se oružje može dobiti samo u određenim game modovima, a drugo se može dobiti samo u posebnim zgradama ili sanducima. Trenutno je u igri 10 vrsta oružja: Throwables, Melee Weapons, Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, LMGs, DMRs, Cannons

Paperio 3 je multiplayer online igra u kojoj možete pomicati svoje male kvadrate kako biste se natjecali za što veći prostor crtajući krugove. Kad sretnete tuđi rep, možete ga uništiti, ali i brinuti da će vam tuđa glava dodirnuti rep. Poraz protivnika rezultirat će dodatnim rezultatom. U isto vrijeme, što je veći vaš prostor, veći je rezultat. Pridružite se ovoj igri i pokušajte biti broj jedan na ploči s najboljim rezultatima.

NOVE IO IGRE (pravilo uspjeha): Najzabavnije i najuspješnije nove IO igre poput,, Moomoo IO, slijede ove opće smjernice. Igrač može skočiti pravo u igru ​​jednim klikom. Neka bude super jednostavno za naučiti, ali teško svladati, poput Krunker IO igre. Dopustite igraču da “skalira” svoje ovlasti u igri u odnosu na ostale igrače. I posljednje, ali ne najmanje bitno, ili su konkurentni ili kooperativni. Slither IO je dobar primjer. To je vrlo jednostavna igra, s jednostavnim kontrolama. Nema iskustva potrebnog za početak, što znači da ljudi to mogu vrlo brzo naučiti. Unatoč tome, igru ​​je teško svladati. Jednostavna, čista grafika također vrijedi spomenuti kao relevantna karakteristika žanra. Igrajte igre na

A new and very effective way to organize your software processes

Software project organizer solution from, a new online software solution for organizing software specifications. This days software programming has become an extremly complicated thing to organize. Let’s start with the basics: The markdown method in Docstell is really simple to use. When a text zone is inserted in to a node you can begin typing your markdown right away. When leaving the edit area the text is automatically formatted. The idea with markdown is that it will save you a lot of time when formatting your texts. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, which is then converted to valid HTML. Instead of getting frustrated about how a lot of common word processors format your text in every way but the one you want, markdown is very predictable and easy to learn.

Docstell is also adding methods to upload files to a node. You can upload any type of file and share with you team or keep it in a private node. Just drag it from you computer and drop it on the node you want to attach it to. They added a preview area that makes it possible to preview files adjacent to your other information. You can view for example pdf, docx, xlsx, csv, txt, png, jpeg and mpeg4 files. If you for example receive a specification in a pdf file format you keep this file here together with the rest of the documentation and will easily be able to preview it and let all your team have access to it.

Docstell uses as an integrated diagram editor. This means that you can use all the power of this popular tool. Add links to your diagrams for really smart navigation to find more information about an asset that is described somewhere in the documentation. Docstell is a realtime documentation solution that puts the collaborative work in the right place from the beginning. This means that when you need to ask a question or need feedback on your work, you put that adjacent to the source to keep a log of the discussion in the right place. This saves a lot of time both for yourself and your team mates. Read extra info on Organize your software requirements.

Slack integration was recently implemented to Docstell. This lets you get notified in you preferred Slack channel when someone in your team is adding comments to your docs. From the message in Slack you get a link back to the node with the comment in Docstell, this makes it convenient to answer the question in the right context and to build up the knowledge base where it should be. There will also be a number in the browser tab indicating the number of unresolved comments where you are mentioned. The background color of the comments icon is also changed to yellow. When clicking the comments icon you see the comments pane where it is possible to use the filter to see only the ones where you are mentioned.

The solution to this problem is to make it a lot easier to create good and up to date documentation. It must be almost frictionless to put the information where it should be. If you struggle to find the right spot on the documentation map you rather throw a chat message in Slack leaving all the good benefits of the right context. And there is always a risk that you miss to include vital information or do not explain enough details and risking a misunderstanding and an answer that is built on incorrect information. Instead of taking this risk you should feed the documentation system and benefit from it not only for yourself but also for the whole team. And also make sure that you can benefit from this in the future. This will lead to a positive spiral, when you see the benefits of good information in the right place that is easy to comprehend and all the positive things that this bring to you and your team mates, you automatically will continue putting new information where it should be.

A new and extremely simple way to document your software requirements, processes and specifications. Built as a zoomable infinite document for really great flexibility, powerful enough to let you define all your complex needs. No more excuses not having your documentation up to date! Discover extra details at

Michael Jackson top songs, career and his kids now

Michael Jackson top albums, career and his kids now: He wasn’t alone. His longtime competition Prince sought to re-connect in a similar fashion, forming the New Power Generation with rapper, Tony M. Released just one month before* Dangerous*, the purple one’s Diamonds and Pearls* *exists as a companion piece, documents of blurring eras. As ’80s pop gave way to ’90s hip-hop, they sought to find their place in the re-configured landscape. Except while Prince predictably constructed his own insular unit, Jackson looked outwards to Riley, the hottest producer of the moment. Meanwhile Jackson’s sister Janet had recently delivered a hard-stomping R&B-pop classic in 1989’s Rhythm Nation 1814. Its influence on her older brother was so great that he even asked Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis to produce Dangerous. Out of loyalty to Janet, they turned him down. According to his engineer, Bruce Swedien, Michael was searching for something “very street that young people would be able to identify with.”

Every song here has its flaws, though; after all, there’s a reason Jackson himself didn’t release ’em. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some things to take away. “(I Like) The Way You Love Me” works off this dreamy piano melody and some incredibly rich instrumentation that lets Jackson soar high. It’s probably the greatest highlight on the album and the one that feels the most natural, too. “Keep Your Head Up” should succeed in making you smile, sounding like one of Jackson’s ’90s classics. With a clean, sophisticated finish, Jackson finds himself swimming here, thanks to some pretty spot-on production work by Christopher Stewart. It’s easy listening, but done well. “Hollywood Tonight” could have used some tweaking to keep it from sounding like a Madonna tune (What were you thinking with that spoken word, Teddy Riley?), but regardless, it’s still a fast-paced spitter that’s decadently enviable.

We will be excluding MJ’s compilations (with one exception), joint efforts with the Jackson 5, and his posthumous albums, which ranged from surprisingly good (Xscape), pretty awful (Michael) and downright pointless (last year’s Scream) See what it takes to be crowned king. Shamone. Edd said: These were tough times for young Michael. His voice was changing, forever altering his beloved cherubic vocals, and a shifting musical landscape began to make his brand of pop/soul obsolete. Although Music & Me had its moments it had more than its share of dull spots.

Michael Jackson family: Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now available in french! For our french readers: La deuxieme partie de l’autobiographie en trois parties de Mocienne Petit Jackson commence par une description detaillee de l’enlevement de Mocienne et de sa vie aux Pays-Bas (Michael Jackson Family Books in French). Par la suite, le recit nous devoile comment se deroule sa vie avec sa famille adoptive, chez qui elle reste en compagnie de la cousine Delivrance. Petit a petit, elle decouvre que son vrai pere est Michael Jackson. A l’age de 15 ans, elle quitte sa famille adoptive et vit dans un internat pendant 4 ans, avant de s’installer vivre toute seule. Nous la suivons tout au long de son adolescence et de son entree dans la maturite, ce qui n’a pas toujours ete facile. Mocienne rencontre un homme avec lequel elle a un enfant. Cependant, cet engagement ne dure pas. Nous en apprenons davantage sur les problemes qu’elle rencontre avec les Services de Protection de l’Enfance, suivis de nombreuses affaires judiciaires. Au debut, celles-ci portaient sur sa propre personne, plus tard, elles se transforment en bataille pour la garde de son fils. Une situation inacceptable prend le relais d’une autre situation inacceptable. Nous sommes egalement mis au courant de nombreux evenements traumatisants vecus par le personnage principal, de ses depressions et de ses nombreuses luttes pour faire face a la misere impregnee dans sa vie et a son combat pour s’en debarrasser. L’auteur explique clairement ces luttes a travers de vifs flashbacks.

Several tricks for paintless dent repair needs

Automotive hail repair? First let’s start with some car paint care advices: For small dents on your car hood, a car dent repair kit may be a simple and inexpensive solution. You can easily find these kits at any local auto supply store and they are very user-friendly. Each kit often includes a knockdown tool, a glue gun and many stems for different sized dents. You may be surprised at the way the kit works and the professional result it makes. But we do recommend this kid for small dents only. For deep, large dents, it is better if you take your car to garage as the repair kit can not fix them and even cause more damage.

For dents that are fairly small and not deep, a dent repair kit may be an inexpensive and simple solution. These kits are available at any auto parts store and tend to be very user friendly — instructions are always included. The best part is that they usually cost under $40. Most include several stems for various sized dents, a glue gun and a knockdown tool. You may be surprised at how well the kit works and how professional the result looks. We don’t recommend this kit for large, deep dents — you might cause even more damage trying to fix those with a kit.

Not only can you unclog a drain with a plunger, but you can also get out small- to medium-sized dents out of your car too. Just splash some water on both the plunger and the dent and start pushing and pulling until it pops out. Make sure to use a cup plunger (for sinks), not a flange one (for toilets). Reversing into an object is one of the easiest ways to get a dent. So for plastic bumpers, even if you attempt to take off the bumper, it might still be difficult to push out the dent because of how stiff the plastic is. Solve this issue by boiling some water in a pot and throwing it on the dent.

When done correctly, your paint should feel so silky smooth it will force a smile across your face; truly like waxed glass! Traditional washing, polishing, and waxing will not remove these embedded pollutants. They need to be removed occasionally as they build-up on your cars paint. There are numerous products available to remove these pollutants. See Clay Bar for the simplified way to arm yourself with full understanding and choosing a quality Clay Bar Kit. The decontamination process will take place on a freshly washed car after all the superficial dirt has been washed away first.

First, you have to pick a proper tool kit. And that’s not easy for a user who has little clue what’s going on. Some of them are cheap — low prices should raise red flags. Others are so expensive (three-figures or more) that they’re probably right up there with the cost of a decent professional repair (although, to be fair, if you buy the kit you can perform multiple repairs). Many of the high-end, expensive tools are intended to be used along the inside of the panel, much like a pro would do. (Gaining access to the inside of body panels can be a chore, though, and often involves careful removal of multiple interior trim pieces.) Alternatives (which tend to be the less expensive kits) flaunt the conventional wisdom that small dents should be massaged back out from behind the painted surface. These options instruct the user to glue a tool to the dented surface and then twist or pull on the tool to pop it out. True, you can go buy the same tools as a pro, but it takes a lot of skill and experience to use them properly. Discover even more information at Paint Protection Film Colorado Springs.

In order to protect new car paint, you have to invest some time and effort to clean the vehicle on a regular basis. There are several car waxes and polishes available on the market. Although some car product manufacturers claim their products produce long lasting results, you will have to re-apply any product every few months, so the exteriors look appealing. If you’ve purchased a new vehicle that has a shiny coat of factory paint, avoid using too many detailing products as they rob the car of its original luster and also damage the paint.

The first step to performing a dent repair without using paint involves assessing the dent itself and determining if a paintless dent repair is even possible. According to most experts, 80 to 90 percent of dents can be repaired using PDR techniques. However, there are a certain percentage of dents that are impossible to repair without following it up with a paint job. The following types of dents usually fall into this “non-PDR” category: Very deep dents – Even very large dents can be repaired using PDR if the dent is fairly shallow. However, if a dent of any size is pushed in too far, the metal can’t be bent back into place without damaging the paint and requiring repainting.

Top Sri Lanka tailor made tour packages

Sri Lanka safaris and vacation tours … a fabulous travel location that we will focus in this article. Created to protect the watershed of the enormous Udawalawe Reservoir, this park, just south of the central mountains, has extensive stretches of grassland as well as scrub jungle and riverine forest. It’s the best in the continent for observing Asian elephants in the wild; in fact elephant sightings are virtually guaranteed, even if you only go on one game drive. Otherwise, the park is poor for viewing mammals, but birdwatchers will enjoy the presence of fabulously named raptors such as the changeable hawk eagle, serpent eagle and grey-headed fish eagle.

Yala National Park is the most visited park in Sri Lanka and also one of the biggest in terms of size. It was the first national park created in Sri Lanka in 1938 along with Wilpattu. It covers an area of 979 square km (378 square miles) and is divided in 5 blocks. Only blocks 1 and 5 are open to tourists, with number 1 being the most popular for sightings (and the most crowded by jeeps). The other blocks cannot be accessed by the public because they are used for research and documentaries.

It is easy to get lost in the cobblestoned alleyways and streets within Galle Fort. Today the area is full of modern restaurants, hotels, clothing, and souvenir shops. Meanwhile, snake charmers and buskers line the seawall. However, the fort was not always such a cosmopolitan spot. A basic fort was constructed by the Portuguese when they made their first landing to the island in 1505. When the Dutch eventually seized control of Galle, they made a number of improvements; including the enormous sea wall that still lines the fort. Galle Fort is an excellent example of what the synthesis between European and Asian architecture looks like. Yala National Park is made up of spellbinding vistas and a true abundance of Sri Lankan wildlife. It has the highest density of leopards in the world, so chances of seeing them are very high. Although leopards are the main attraction here, they are followed closely by elephants, sloth bears and crocodiles. The park is divided into five blocks; some of which were zoned to hunters until Yala became a national park in 1938. Ensure you make time to visit the very informative visitor center at the entrance of the park for insightful displays about the area. Find more info Sri Lanka Tailor Made Tour Packages.

One of Sri Lanka’s seven World Heritage Sites, this rock-top fortress dates back to the 5th century AD. The atmosphere is more spiritual than militant: in its time it has acted as a royal palace and Buddhist monastery. The site is also regarded as one of the most important urban planning projects of the first millennium, and is home to some of the oldest landscaped gardens in the world. Look out too for the mirror wall, a masonry wall that was so well-polished that the king could see his reflection in it.

Joe Dent top service paintless dent repair Colorado Springs, CO

Searching for hail or dent repair done on your vehicle? : “Is car hail damage repairable?” Yes, most vehicle damage caused by hailstorms can be fixed, although the cost to fix your vehicle is dependent on the extent of the damage. In some cases, and especially if your vehicle is older, your best course of action is to accept the “car totaled by hail damage” label and buy a new one.

Paintless dent repair (PDR) is the process of removing dents from the body of an automobile. The most practical uses of PDR are for hail damage, door dings, minor creases, large dents and bodyline damage. An experienced PDR technician will use precise tapping with specialized tools to “massage out” dents from the inside of a car’s body. Success rates depend on the professional’s experience, the location of the dent, size of the dent, extent to which the metal has been stretched, and flexibility of the manufacturer’s paint job. This being said, PDR is a much faster method of repair than repainting, which involves hours of sanding, filling, and painting by a professional. A PDR technician can complete the average job in 1-3 hours, often traveling to you to complete the service. For most people with minor dents, leaving their vehicle at a traditional body shop for 4-6 days just simply isn’t realistic. Dent removal is also significantly cheaper than a conventional body repair, often by 60%.

Paintless dent repair: Paintless dent repair (PDR) is a repair technique that has grown in popularity throughout the years. This method entails using special dent removal tools to effectively push out the dent from underneath the body panel to make it look like new on the outside. An alternative technique is to use a dent puller tool to pull the dent outward to achieve a smooth appearance. How to use PDR to fix hail damage: Gain access to the underside of the dent by removing the necessary trims. Use a dent removal tool to gently push the dent outward. We offer hail damage removal tools in an assortment of sizes to safely remove dents small and large.

Best dent repair kits ? Cheaper than professional repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) kits can substitute a trip to the repair shop and help keep more money in your wallet. There are kits for tiny, medium-sized, and large dents, and the average price of the kits is generally a fraction of what you’d pay for repairs. Easy and convenient. With the right dent puller, it’s very easy to set up in your driveway or parking lot. The best PDR tools are shipped with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. You can rest easy knowing they will not damage your car’s paint. Push-from-behind PDR is completed by using specialized tools, including rods, to push the dent from the back of the vehicle’s panel. The deeper and wider the dent, the more time and manual effort it’ll take to fix. The more tools and rods you’ll have at your disposal, the more flexibility you’ll have to fix the particular dent. First and foremost, the dents must be identified and analyzed before making the repair. The PDR Technician will examine each dent, and how he or she will be able to reach behind the sheet metal. Once the Tech has an understanding of how the repair is done, he or she will choose an area to get started on. The Tech uses a suction-mounted LED to help see the intricacies of the dent, even in the day time. In order to better see the dent, technicians prefer to work in an area which is out of direct sunlight. See even more info at removing minor dents Colorado Springs, CO.

Have Hail Damage? No worries. Joe Dent LLC will work with your insurance company’s estimate, & repair and return your vehicle in 1/2 the time of a traditional body shop. We understand how stressful this may be for you. As our vehicle is one of our top expenses and when we get caught in the middle of a hail storm we feel helpless. Joe Dent is an auto hail repair specialist and is here to help. This is how our process works: first we perform a hail damage inspection, followed by a hail repair estimation to your insurance company.

Party wall services Whitstable UK

If your neighbour consents then that is the end of the matter as far as The Party Wall Act is concerned although to protect yourself you may wish to arrange for a schedule to be taken on their property to identify its existing condition. This will ensure that any existing defects are recorded and not wrongly attributed to your work later. If your neighbour chooses not to consent in writing then the next decision to be made is whether 1 or 2 surveyors are appointed. The Act allows for an ‘Agreed Surveyor’ and you are free to put forward the name of your surveyor for their your neighbours consideration although you should not put any pressure on them to concur in his appointment.

Party wall problems? Here are several tips: What is not covered by the Act? The Act relates only to certain specific types of work and is permissive in nature. It should not be seen as a method of objecting to or preventing works and it is not intended to be applied to minor jobs that do not affect the structural integrity or loading of a party wall. It is generally agreed that works such as fixing plug sockets, screwing in shelving or replastering walls are minor works and do not require a notice. Notices: The workings of the Act are always instigated by the of issuing notices. This is the first stage of the process and, without the issue of valid notices, no further action can be taken under the provision of the Act. Written notice must be served on adjoining owners at least two months before starting any party wall works (one month for works to the line of junction or excavations). All adjoining owners must be served a notice and there are likely to be instances where there is more than one adjoining property and more than one owner of each property (ie: if the adjoining property is split into flats and owned on a leasehold basis, notices will be required to both leaseholder and freeholder of all flats affected by the works). Works to a party wall, or those affecting a ceiling or floor, will also require a notice to adjoining owners living above or below.

It might seem obvious, but it’s important that you carry out a thorough clean and tidy of your entire home before the surveyor arrives. Tidying up also gives you the opportunity to rearrange your home so that the significant selling points are exposed for when your potential buyers arrive for the first time. Overall, tidying makes it easier for the surveyor to do their work.

More common aspects of the property that the Building Survey may cover can be woodworm, dry rot or damage to timbers, structural damage, results of tests for damp in the wall, information regarding the materials used in the property construction, the costs for possible repairs and possibly a recommendation for further investigations into the property.

The RICS Building Survey is well suited to unusual properties, older or non-standard construction properties were buildings which are away from the status quo. They are most typically commissioned for older properties whether listed or not and are valuable for understanding the common issued associated with their original methods of construction, as well as giving new owners advice on the best methods to preserve or maintain their condition and rectify problems before they become devastating to the property. Where our traditional building stock has been modernised, altered or extended a RICS Building Survey will be able to investigate if these modern methods of construction are affecting the traditionally built building such as PVC or Cement, which in modern houses designed to be kept dry function surprisingly well but in older traditional stock designed to have breathability there inclusion can lead to all sorts of moisture retention and this can lead to rot or beetle infestation. Read extra info on Party Wall Surveyor Whitstable.

Ok so I should never serve notices myself? Actually that is not what we are saying we are just saying weigh up what it could potentially cost you if you get it wrong and if you don’t really understand what your doing its probably cheaper and easier to get a Party Wall Surveyor to do it for you. We have provided DIY templates in the notices section at the top of the website for you to easily fill out if you know what you are doing these are based of Facility of Party Wall Surveyors documents and include our details for easy appointments should you need a party wall surveyor. Should you need an expert Party Wall Surveyor Kent or generally on party wall matters please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01843 808184 or email us at or use our contact form on the website.

The most frequent question we get asked is, but we’ve had a survey the bank arranged it while it true that you can have a Level 2 or 3 survey through your mortgage provider. It is more likely a valuation report that has been commissioned and these are there purely to make sure the bank has the ability to get back from the property in resale what you’ve asked it to lend you. It doesn’t report on lots of things and in most cases, you never get to see it. A property survey is a key stage during the the conveyancing process for any buyer. The results help you decide whether you should proceed with the purchase at the current asking price, negotiate with the seller due to defects or even pull out from the whole deal all together. As one of the most comprehensive surveys available, more often than not a building survey will be requested by potential buyers of your property. It is a wide range inspection of the entirety of a property done in more specific depth than a Homebuyers Report or a Mortgage Valuation. A Building Survey’s purpose is to give a detailed report of the condition of the property in question.

Home and building survey tips and tricks : Is your House a Well? OK, this may seem a weird question to ask, but it even happened to me! A ground floor flat I bought showed damp in the front room wall. The previous owners had built another wall outside and put a concrete ‘floor’ in between. The result: a fantastic well when it rained! It was easy to fix, the concrete came out and was replaced with gravel so water can drain away. Electrical and Gas Safety, I don’t know why, but every home I’ve ever bought has had a really useless boiler! As a result I’ve had to fork out between 1,000 to 2,000 to get a new one fitted. So, after having this happen twice, I now make sure I ask the surveyor to have a quick look and then I get a Gas Safety Registered plumber to check it out – albeit at an extra cost of up to 75. However, this has saved me over 10,000 due to the number of properties I’ve bought over the years! Find additional info on